Comfy facts

White people, it's time to face facts. Things are not looking good for you in the U.S. Not at all. It looks like you'll lose your majority status.
I'm pretty happy that you cavemen are being outbred and racemixed into irrelevance.
Question is when we put you "people" in chains, what do we make you do?

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lmao imagine being white and becoming a minority

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Overfilled actually

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Daily reminder you'll either off yourself before 2050, become a tranny, or become submissive like the left or executed for being a white male due to the media seeing us as angels while they see you as the devil.

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Or ill read siege.

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US grew up on 40 mn since 2000, it had 282 mn citizens back then

That's creepy.

>this guy exists
You will never win this war I suggest you give up now lmao.

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nigger meme thread?

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It's all immigration. They're killing the country.

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>Question is when we put you "people" in chains, what do we make you do?

All of the tasks that are essential for a functional society?

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>White people, it's time to face facts. Things are not looking good for you in the U.S. Not at all. It looks like you'll lose your majority status.
I'm pretty happy that you cavemen are being outbred and racemixed into irrelevance.
Jamal, this happened already in the 1950s, if not earlier. The Irish and Italians were not white by the standards of the old majority population: they were consumed and merged with it. We're already seeing it happen again with the White Hispanic ethnicity: by the fourth generation, only 50% of White Hispanics do not consider themselves white.
By the middle of the century, America will be back where it reset after the Italians and Irish became the dominant Caucasian ethnicity groups: 70% white.

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It is actually worse. We will be at 24% and a 100 million in total population and still going down.

>Ethiopia didn't exist
>What is nok culture
>What is the nok civilization
The list goes on and on
Africa may be a shithole but if civilizations like that can exist and has existed in the past it can happen again.
And no we weren't egyptians or "kangs" but to say the things I just listed didn't exist is absolutely retarded.
>b-but niggers still didn't accomplish anything
not an argument

And beavers build dams.

Masterful coping skills whitey

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You know theres pleanty of black churches and mosques where i live.

Or i could just go to the ghettos where you scared the police away and have my way for a week end.

>Question is when we put you "people" in chains, what do we make you do?
That won't be happening at all. Surnames like Martinez will be considered no less part of the newly integrated majority than Ricci or Gallagher.
In the meantime, you keep on aborting every chance you have to grow the African American population. Your proportion will be shrinking steadily while the the majority remains effectively static, and new groups like the Asians begin to edge you out.

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Your own race can't even stick together like a pack of ghetto blacks you have white guilt people existing that'll sell you out so easily. Not to mention white women are the biggest sell outs in general and will follow the majority/average so I honestly thank the jews for pushing this propaganda. The more ((they)) can wipe your stupid asses out the better.
You aren't needed when asians, mexicans, and actual intelligent blacks exist.
History has shown this as you continue to destroy your own countries with your submissive behavior.