Why can't right wingers admit that climate change is real?

You can still be racist and nationalist and all that shit. I don't see why that means you have to deny climate change. Is admitting that human beings have a negative impact on the environment, really so damaging to your political views and psyche? What's the big deal?

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Because the solution to climate change is giving money to third world countries in the form of "
"carbon credits".

>he's still under (((their))) influence

Because it's not.

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Funny how fighting "climate change" just so happens to be crippling 1st world countries and letting 3rd world countries increase emissions as much as they want.
But I'm sure that's just a coincidence.

>years before present
This is a special form of retarded

The climate always changes that is just physics. Now your turn, admit gun control only affect law abiding citizens and has never saved a single life.

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Climate change is real, insofar as the climate does change. Anthropogenic climate change is a lie.

I not only acknowledge climate change is real, I do what I can to accelerate it.

>Bought 80 acres in Michigan.
>Cut all the trees down
>Drive a 10 MPG Chevey
>Burn the trees
>"I could walk there but I'll just drive."
>Leave vehicle running while I am not in it.
>Eat lots of gassy foods so I release methane
>Burn styrofoam and shit.

You can't still be nationalist if you submit to global governance which is the goal of the global warming agenda.

when you admit we need a wall


why can't you admit you can't prove it either

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Because its just zionist nigger iq propaganda

Climate change is real user, thats why we all have to pay extra taxes to stop it

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Can't you come up with some better bait?

Why can't atheists admit humans are sinners and deserving of eternal punishment, but instead Almighty God, in His Perfect Love, sent Jesus Christ His Son to die for and absolve us of our sins?

Part of being a nationalist, imo, is preserving the natural landscape. I don't know if climate change is real, but I'm in favor of environmental protections.

There's a difference between climate change and anthropogenic climate change. one is real, the other is a joke. The fact that nearly every single solution to anthropogenic climate change involves curbing the economies of first world, white countries, while doing nothing to third worlders and instead encouraging heavy polluting industry there should tell you absolutely everything.

Because actual climate change and the climate change politicians talk about is not the same thing.

Thank the liberals for highjacking it and sullying the topic.

Start calling it a term that doesn't allow for wordplay bullshit. "Climate change" can mean anything.

Why can't lefties stop strawmanning this talking point. Climate change is real, there's just no compelling evidence that it's man made.

The solution is stopping foreign oil imports and using national solar/wind/geothermal/etc. power sources.

cause every single prediction they have put forward has bombed.

If "man made climate change" was real science they would have to abandon their models and predictions.

i am a right winger that accepts climate change is being accelerated by man. i also accept the earth is not flat and evolution occurs. not all conservatives are retarded boomers

You forgot the part about supporting Israel.

I think it should affect both, albeit in different ways. First world countries should cut down on emissions, be more conservative in regards to how natural resources are used (ie stop clear cutting, stop depleting the nutrients in soil via industrial farming, etc), and third world countries need to stop dumping literal shit into their rivers and destroying local and oceanic ecosystems.

It should, however, the proposed solutions by the left are never that way. It's why shit like the Kyoto Protocol didn't affect the two largest polluters - India and China.

I see.
Stopping semitic imports supports Israel.
And only using their (((oil))) to escape the deathtrap of Earth that they've spun is also pro-Jewish.
Of course.

Agreed. I think a right-wing party that focused on actual conservation efforts would do fairly well in the US.

I think it might have something to do with faux skepticism. Or maybe fear of giving any sort of legitimacy to really stupid plans to "control" climate change. I personally accept that it's happening, but that nothing we can do now will help without significantly screwing us.

We do care. You only care about using it as a political vehicle. We want thorium reactors that cannot melt down. You stop this and allow coal plants, in which one tone of their fly ash waste produces more radioactivity from antimony than every nuclear plant does in a decade, to keep operating. You are the problem.

if governments were actually concerned they would give tax credits to businesses and residences for planting and maintaining trees.
if this was done 25 years ago we wouldn't even be discussing CO2 increases
We could start this now. European and American households and businesses could plant enough trees over the next 100 years to completely offset by planting a few every year.
A 25 to 30 year old tree of the right species can sequester a metric ton of carbon from the atmosphere, roughly 3.67 metric tons of CO2
if tax credits were issued globally we could be at preindustrial levels in 30 years. Assuming you could get africa, south america, and china to stop fucking the planet.
FYI, of all the global engineering solutions this one is ready to go now and requires the least amount of effort.
>any retard with a plastic bag can get a cutting to root and plant it the following season.

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Stop calling it climate change and call it pollution instead.

The use of the words 'climate change' and 'global warming' are partisan poison.

Just ask "Do you believe in pollution?"

>Why can't right wingers admit that climate change is real?

Short term profits are what made America great. Long term plans are for commies and worse.

>solar/wind/geothermal/etc. power sources.
these are vastly more destructive than oil and coal

Even Hitler was an environmentalist. To preserve the homeland is the same as preserving your face or your culture. It's your goddamn home so take care of it. If some asshole you were sharing your home with just dumped trash everywhere, you would tell that faggot to cut it out, right? It's basic responsibility and moral decency to make sure your environment is not only sustainable for humans but other living creatures which we eat and sustain us. Stop being edgey and realize you need the planet to survive you egotistical dicks.

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*preserving Your race

Good Evening. Right Winger. Climate Change is real.

What the fuck else do you want?

The white bastards are to busy grazing fast food, committing beastality, shooting up schools, fucking with underage girls.

Cuz we have cold winters now and the summer is cooler too and it rains more than before.

it's not real... it's a lie perpetrated by the IMF and world bank to establish a global tax, to bring about global governance.

I don't deny it exists. I deny that it matters, because there's no great brotherhood of nations, no international cooperation, and no matter what we do, China and India are not going to stop. So build storm walls.

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Why would I care about it if my grandkids are going to be brown?

The environment has actually been adapting. Almost exactly half of all C02 is recycle by trees. More c02 more plants grow. The world is a whole US amount of land greener in just the past 30 years. Imo the real problem beginning when we start to stop c02 production abruptly, and you know when it happens it will happen fast. The world will be so green and c02 levels will plummet. We need consistent output to be stable

Climates always changing. I have no interest in a gas that comprises 0.03% of our atmosphere. You would do well to recognize the difference between climate and weather.