If someone is a useless neet due too anxiety/depression can SSRI drugs make them a more functional member of society?

If someone is a useless neet due too anxiety/depression can SSRI drugs make them a more functional member of society?

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google codependency

ask your boy Juden Peterson

I have a relative who is a useless neet. He's always depressed, he's a quitter, and his mother enables him. She lets him give up. He's never held a normal job in his life. The one time I helped him get a job, he quit the first day and rubbed it in that he didn't give a fuck. He tends to blame his problems on everyone else.

I've tried to help him, but to no avail. His mother doesn't care. Never mind that he doesn't even do any chores around her house either, she just lets him be a shut-in with no prospects.

Sorry Jow Forums, but this thread reminds of that person...

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stay away from SSRI/SNRI's if possible.
try lithium and a low dose benzodiazepine.

No only exercise and God can help you user

No. The reason people are NEET is having no motivation. Amphetamines are better.

SSRIs are evil don't do it
they fucked me up for a good year because of withdrawal

this is a thread about people who want to work but are genuinely too scared to do anything

Artist? Haunting

dont take the pharmajew

just smoke weed, from your local white dealer

Amphetamines aren't thrown around like candy in most the world, most of Europe has a 6 month waiting period to even get tested for adhd

Sorry user. I wish a certain relative of mine would get off his fat ass and get his head checked. He could also try following through on his purported goal to join the Air Force. He just keeps getting fatter and more useless everyday though.

I don't know anymore.

Richard Oelze

Yea user, they will make you better or want to kill yourself even more dead. Take the NPC pill user, big pharma would love that.

I hope so. Working out and eating right didnt help.

Co-dependency is a terrible way to live and "fit in" with society. Let alone the side-effects that render it basically just a chemical-lobotomy that just suppresses lesser signs of depression and leaves the "extreme" signs of depression "available".

>Working out and eating right didnt help.
it's a life long commintment dude. also, try yoga, also a life long commitment.

Society isn’t functional so the question is flawed. Yes anti-depressants can make someone a better Amazon warehouse worker or whatever. However it’s not a good thing that we are numbing so many people to the depressing environment around them because it makes them complacent and retards meaningful change.

Neets cant afford to eat right theyre usually broke living with parents eating noodles and are too scared to change

well, i can't argue you on that. in that case, you could blame the parents for enabeling that behavior. they could kick his ass out of the house to look for a job.

They can make them suicide and that's even better.

that would result in homelessness, neets are too scared of people to looks for a job

Try ashwagandha first. Thank me later.

user. Go buy some magnesium gel. When the depression strikes, apply a nickel sized amount of gel to the back of your neck. In a few minutes the depression will lift. Magnesium relieves depression. It sounds you may be magnesium deficient. Give it a try, you've nothing to lose.

t. use to have depression. It's gone

does it help social anxiety

>If someone is a more functional member of society can SSRI drugs make them a useless neet due too anxiety/depression?
yes and yes

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Gabapentin sure AF does. Just don't take as often as they tell you and swallow whatever dose the night before a social day. You'll ALL thank me later

i'm not advocating permanantly kicking out of the house, just out between hours 8am to dinnertime, until you find a job. but, from my point of view, i would probably kick out of house permanantly. but that's because lazy useless people trigger me pretty hard.

i also have severe adhd but my country doesnt believe it exists any non pharma ways to treat that

They help me. Ive had panic attacks and high anxiety for months on end. Prozac calmed me down.

>inb4 pharmajew

SSRI's have been shit for a lot of people, I get that, but they helped me.

Valerian in weak doses but it stinks like hell

i take an SSRI, and it's helped a lot.

Also chamomile tea

You're a Boomer. Nobody finds jobs outside anymore. It's all impersonal online applications.

No. Magic pills like (((anti-depressants))) are a scam for suckers and cucks as has been proven time and time again.

ssri makes you want to kys, thats its only purpose

look up ssre, exact opposite drug that actually treats depression, but a lot of misinfo bs too so good luck

Gabapentin doesnt do shit for me except help me sleep. It can increase my depression

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Cry me a river, and jump into it.

Ok so what is the solution. I've tried going natural but it hasn't helped me. I'm back into a pit of hopelessness and despair. This weekend I just laid in my bed catatonic. I don't even have a drive to go to the bathroom, eat, or drink. I'm starving myself to death because it feels good and unconsciously I want to stop existing. I have random urges to cry. What is your magical solution

If you don't do anything to fix the situation that is causing you distress, a pill will only be a temporary fix. Sure you can just keep taking them, and hope that things change, but if you don't act to change your situation, no one else will.

There is no quick fix to feeling well, and pills are a symptom that needs to be fixed.

Does opposite for me but I'm on 350 mgs and take it once a week, you may be on less or more

then they should try the restaurant industry. they still take aps, and, you can work your way up to making some good money. helps with your social skills for sure, especially if your front of the house. also, i might stress, a great place to meet chicks.

ive been miserable my whole life, I feel oppositional and angry all the time

unless you have adhd right, then youre fucked if you dont take the pill or at least thats what i read online

>ive been miserable my whole life, I feel oppositional and angry all the time
yoga, bro, start doing it.

SSRI's fucked me up, my DR didnt heed the side affects I was having and kept me on them.

Immediate system purge by drinking water with very small amounts of borax (not boric acid!) and baking soda every morning and evening, cut all processed foods and alcohol, begin chelating and use magnesium gel daily, applied to back of neck daily. Increase sunlight exposure immediately. Walk 30 min in bright sunlight and nature daily then increase to 60. 7 days a week then reduce to 5 when you feel better.

In my personal experience SSRIs can plunge you deeper into neetdom because they eliminate your focus and ambition - you just stop caring about people and life. What you really need is work and regular exercise to break you out of your bubble.

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>processed foods
cutting this first will have an immediate effect.

only thing that's ever made me feel good is booze, I spent my childhood miserable because i couldnt get drunk

i worked before for a year and i was so bored and miserable

Staying in bed in a dark room feels like the only solution but when coupled with depression both become a heterodyne. The anodyne is sunlight and nature and oxygen exposure. It will break the heterodyne but depression will lie to you and warn it won't work or what's the use. Those are symptoms. Fight them. Take care fren.

>I spent my childhood miserable because i couldnt get drunk
dude, i was in rome and i saw a little girl walk into the strore and buy a bottle of wine. i thought all yuro's could get drunk when they was little.

The fact I was suicidal and I did.

i keep reading about adhd and it says nothing will work for depression if you have adhd, if you dont take the amphetamines youre fucked for life, this makes me not want to try anything

Based recovered user

I have adhd, and was diagnosed in my 20s. I refuse to medicate. I tried it for a period of 2 weeks, and I did not like it. My doctors urged me to continue treatment, but my question was that if the pills change my personality, what else do they change? I prefer the real me over any drug induced state.

I know quite a bit about drug abuse and depression. They go hand in hand at times. I know for a fact that if you don't change the situation that is causing you distress, things will never change. At times you have the choice. Do you continue to be miserable? Do you just take a pill and ignore the problem? Do you take a pill and tackle the problem? Do you ignore the pills and fix the issue?

I ignored pills and fixed my issues. A doctor will never tell you to make right on your past, or to continue to be glad to be alive. If you are down, they will pop you full of pills and send you out into the world you hate....with a new set of SSRI blinders on.....If you don't fix the issue, the issue will be there waiting for you when you get back.

>If someone is a useless neet due too anxiety/depression can SSRI drugs make them a more functional member of society?
Every school shooter has bene on SSRIs or similar.
>question answered

I guarantee you do 30 minutes in nature one time your body will ask you to do it again. Its resilience and desire to survive will put tears in your eyes. Sundown is when mine wants to go walking. It becomes muscle memory and habit within three days. Try it. It may save your life.

Fuck those sites. Listen to your body. It wants to be worked and to live. You can do this user.

Yes--it worked for me--but Paxil is poison.

Thanks. I did recover. Thank God for Nature.

>I guarantee you do 30 minutes in nature one time your body will ask you to do it again. Its resilience and desire to survive will put tears in your eyes. Sundown is when mine wants to go walking. It becomes muscle memory and habit within three days. Try it. It may save your life.
this man's got it.

Hopefully user will too. It is waiting for him

yah, it's a lesson i learned at the age of 5, and it did save my life.

Stop caring. You can't help someone like that.

I live in a busy area there are no nice places to walk its just cars and people screaming at me or staring

quintessential oedipus complex
can't be saved

I feel bad for you

I live in Los Angeles. Make it a hunt. Track some nature like you're hungry and it's an animal. Unless you're in Beijing or Manila, there is nature nearby. Stop excusing, soldier. Gtf out there and start Walk One this evening. Report back.

I'm trying to convince one of my coworkers to do that. His kids graduated high school and just sit around the house doing nothing. He comes into work bitching about what a drag they are, but he won't kick them out. I'm fucking sick of hearing about it, but he's a clinical psychologist, so the whole family is fucked and he thinks it's therapeutic to share.

i was put on ritalin in first grade, wouldnt recommend the shit, at least not so young.

did a few ssri in 2012-2013, fuck that too.

smoked weed pretty much every day since i turned 16, but since the ssri failed ive smoked all day every day while being a shut in worthless loser living with my mother.

found out i have prediabetes the other day even though im 6'1'' and 165. used to be 180-200 but ive lost a lot of muscle mass being neet for 5 years.

would have killed myself years ago but im a coward. i even bought the gun and cant do it. but ill have nothing after my mom passes, so i imagine that once things get bad it wont be so hard.

now my body is literally falling apart from underuse. its a trade off, do i lay down and have my neck hurt, or sit up and have my back hurt. no matter what i do i hurt and am exhausted whenever im awake.

dont be me

my country doesn't believe adhd exists, so you're saying if i had adhd im fucked and nothing i try would be of any good

you gotta bike? you can cover a lot of ground on a bike. it's also great exercise.

ssris are luck of the draw trial and error based on the psychiatrists knowledge and your emotional intelligence and ability to express yourself clearly, with the added negative of side effects (that differ themselves, both in frequency and who they effect)

The worst part is that he's 28. He's not getting any younger.

I already feel bad about not being able to help him.

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>You see, statistically this drug leads people to commit acts of violence. Eric Harris proves it.
>*sips alcohol*

>I'm fucking sick of hearing about it, but he's a clinical psychologist, so the whole family is fucked and he thinks it's therapeutic to share.
lol, i feel you on that. had a coworker go through a divorce and thought it was a great idea to share that with me for about 3 years.

>found out i have prediabetes
Milk thistle. Immediately. Get on it. PreD can be fixed. Look up what MT can do against it if you don't believe me.

t. Dr. Pepe

Suck it up, fagnut.

>my country doesn't believe adhd exists
do all countries in the EU have that policy?

They really helped a friend of mine break out of his shell. I had a roommate years back that also said they allowed him to talk to people and live a normal life. Not for me though, I don’t want to risk the atrocious side effects.

Yep. 3 PM is walk and snack time for me. Does wonders.

no just mine

Back in my early to mid-20s, I cut ties with everyone like that. I'm much happier for it.

Isn't it funny af how after a couple of walks your body will actually NAG at you to get up and go outdoors? I was a lazy fuck and encountering this shocked me. I am grateful now.

doobs confirms
this is not spam retards

psyfag here. The BEST use of SSRIs is if you're so emotionally unstable that you're unable to function at all, for short term use. You still need to work on whatever emotional issues you have in the first place.

They're not a magical fix, and frequently they're used just as a wild guess at what's wrong.

There's never a good way to predict how a treatment plan will work. Frequently, it's literally, try shit, and if it works, you keep doing it. There's also a real chance that there's more than one thing fucked up to work on.

>if i had adhd im fucked and nothing i try would be of any good
No. ADHD is actually more frequently treated WITHOUT drugs. As a simple example, you can directly affect your metabolism and hormones by diet and exercise, which is something a number of other anons have mentioned. These hormone levels directly affect hyperactivity and perceived energy levels.

Do you HAVE a current plan OP?

benzos are the worst, harder to get off than opioids

Ol Dr. Pepe has to close shop now. Good health to you all and remember, nature, natural foods and clean water will fix almost everything.

Before trying anything from a bottle or box, be it liquid or pill, give nature a try first.

(Closes the Hospital of Kek for the night, fucks the nurse)

I've been listening to this shit for years. The older daughter is a fucking fat tranny who constantly begs to have her tits cut off, and the younger son used to be cool but is now a lazy faggot who smokes weed and plays bass all day. He and his fat moose of a wife were always going on about how progressive they were as parents, and some days it takes all I have not to go, "So how the fuck did that go for you, dipshits?"

That's what they did for me. They let me learn to have regular conversations with people, which allowed me to live. I'm still not 100% normal but I can actually support myself.

i like walking in the peace of night but quite frankly its dangerous where i live

He's family though, user. Does it make me a bad person to disown him if he doesn't get his shit together?

the ssri drugs helped you become normal?, did that horrible tense feeling go away?

Yeah. Sometimes I forget and try to keep on working, and then suddenly I realize that I'm not getting anything done. I just close the door behind me, say "back in a bit" to my admin, and head out.

(Writes Rx, tears it off, hands it to you. You read it. It says)
Early morning or late day then until you move
Choose one

Dare you disobey Dr. Pepe??????