NPCs, soulless bugmen

As a lifelong atheist, this idea intrigues me and makes a lot of sense. It would explain a lot. Is there a set amount of souls on our plain, and as our population grows the soulless also grow because of incarnation?

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What happens when, in our future space society, the number of real people is completely outnumbered by npc's? Real people would have to desperately search for other real people online, and form secret chat groups.

npc meme is bait to get you to accept that you are useless goyim. prove me wrong.
oh, and vote republican this november.

ok what the fuck is up with the boards? my post came before yours, no?

and no reply tag? any of you faggot npcs seeing this?

Yes, sir. I understand what you are saying. We. Must. Find. The. NPC. *beep* Can you spare some shekels, goy?

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I personally view that soul isn't something you are born with, but rather something you develope later on in life with some never developing them at all.

Don't you know user? We are already outnumbered.

>As a lifelong atheist, this idea intrigues me and makes a lot of sense. It would explain a lot. Is there a set amount of souls on our plain, and as our population grows the soulless also grow because of incarnation?
You're not an atheist, you're an NPC.

Devil = NPC not knowing their own thoughts

God = NPC not knowing their own thoughts

Holy Spirit = NPC not knowing their own thoughts

Find your innner-Logos you human shells!

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The ancient gnostics had a serious NPC idea. They put people into three groups: pneumatics, psychics, and hylics.

The hylics were said to be empty matter obsessed vessels with no spirit or spiritual receiver.

Pretty much the most damning NPC definition of all.

Unsurprisingly, mainstream Christians and others considered these views extremely dangerous to society and shut them down at every turn with extreme fire and heresy charges.

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lol ur stupid. stfu

More likely just inexperienced souls who have little control over their primitive human hosts. They're just along for the ride for the first few lives. Their is so many of them because Earth is a shithole and most move on to better worlds.

NPCs are only those people who are more suspect to mindcontrol.

had a friend with no minds eye that used to read a lot, not sure how he did it desu

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Jow Forums is for adults, you are breaking the rules.

that would only b8 the NPC's, the rest of us are are making fun of NPC's in our heads.

It's always been this way.

Who do you think the serfs were? Who do you think the nobles were?

It's always been PCs vs NPCs, all the way back in history. But the natural inferiority of the NPC makes them slaves in all but the most degenerate societies.

STFU tard

gnosticism is heresy

>why do they persecute me so much
because you're a lot of degenerates like the Carpocratians, the Cainites and the Adamites sects

That is quite interesting. I've never thought about it like that before. I don't have all day to ponder the realities of consciousness though. Someone has been stealing pies off my windowsill when I set them there to cool off. Can you help me find the culprit?

grammar fixation in lieu of argument is an official sign of psychosis. do u know where u are faggot? stfu niggar bitch lick mah cock n balls

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stop drawing souls into your trap.

NPCs are just brainlets who have consumed so much mindless media and haven't exercised the introspection part of the brains in years

Most people can awake from NPCism but won't because it's uncomfortable

that describes perfectly your situation.

>As a lifelong atheist,
oh shit nigga, you are NPC


Only repsondes

t. NPC programming

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>stop drawing souls into your trap.

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Ask yourself this question. If people on the Left get paid to shitpost here, where's the job that fills that for the Right?

If you are interested in finding out why that's not a thing for entertainment or business purposes; you're probably not an NPC.

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that and munching juden petersteinpills

>The ancient gnostics
You mean the Christfags who wanted to shill on NeoPlatonism so they inverted it?

Why dont you try some grown up non-NPC philosophy?

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some red pill microdoses for npcs

within you, the fact is actually that you are the scared one.

It isn't that they aren't capable of thinking, introspection or an internal monologue, it is that they don't. They rarely or never need to be introspective so they don't.

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You sound like a protestant or agnostic. Not much different

You don't know what you're talking about.

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>within you, the fact is actually that you are the scared one.

how do you figure that works?

Nice schizo thread, go take your meds mouth breathers.

>why were gnostics considered heretics?
probably because their teaching run counter to Christianity and the obsession with secrets, mortal ascension to godhood and denial of the divinity of Jesus.

Compare the Talmud and the Torah. The Torah is relatively peaceful and honorable except all those times the Jews use treachery and genocided entire kingdoms. Then you've got the Talmud which is encouragment to do evil all the time.

My favorite story in the old testament is where the Jews make peace with and convert an entire city, so they circumcise all the men, and then that night they kill them all.
>make peace with jews
>convert to judiasm
>get murdered by jews anyways because they don't accept converts

It's not solipsism dumb fucking NPCs detected. See

National socialists are the worst type of NPCs. Virtue signaling to the max.

also hehesilly is art

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Yeah, yes. Interesting hypothesis, OP. However, I think you know where to go.

I know exactly what it is you dumb cuck, I'm referring to word salad posts like

NPC is as forced as the Millennial boomer meme. The NPC theory has been around for awhile, but all of a sudden threads about it have been shitted out day after day. Idiots eat it up to feel better about being failures in society. It's entertaining to watch the users on here try to validate it so they can feel better about their mundane lives and being incapable of functioning in society.

Thank you for the compliment?

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Pro tip if you don't have an inner voice, inner mind, inner soul, inner projection, inner visualization/imagination, and multifacets of each intertangling with eachother at varying levels and speeds with complete autonomy over the capacities and purposes and potential of all innermediums where they produce results for you on the outside world incomparable in results due to the magnitude of the complexity of inner-outer melding of illusions then you are in fact an NPC.
t. fast and slow big and small long and tall great and good

According to general semantics, language, natural or otherwise (including the language called 'mathematics') can be used to describe the taste of an orange, but one cannot give the taste of the orange using language alone. According to general semantics, the content of all knowledge is structure, so that language (in general) and science and mathematics (in particular) can provide people with a structural 'map' of empirical facts, but there can be no 'identity', only structural similarity, between the language (map) and the empirical facts as lived through and observed by people as humans-in-environments (including doctrinal and linguistic environments).

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Remember the taste of an orange?

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