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Dont need proof
Demons exist so then God must
demons will trick you into thinking they are evolved extra-terrestrials
they won't be lying entirely
everything you can observe proves God, you've just been brainwashed to think we live on fantasy space monkey ball in lol random space we aren't special at all world
(You) are the proof
The book told me so!
You can feel Christ through the Holy Spirit. That Holy Spirit is all around you in every breath you take. Putting forth renewed faith deepens your connection to the Holy Spirit and you almost instantly have an improved life in many different ways. Going to church could help you put your beliefs into simple terms more easily than just doing it on your own, though you should choose wisely.
>Evolution (small changes over time) can't cause successful patterns in design!
>Science is the devil!
>Fuck white people!
>Worship a Jew!
>Dont need proof
t. habitual liar.
>You can feel Christ through the Holy Spirit.
t. NPC who doesn't know his own thoughts.
that is a shitty argument. it wont get through to anyone.
you need to define intelligence at it's root functions. show how nature and nurture are one in the same, but we in our infinite ignorance separated them by worship of the words rather than the idea behind them and all things.
If you know you know
>Going to church could help you put your beliefs into simple terms more easily than just doing it on your own
t. NPC confessions
>synagogue of satan
are you even trying?
>If you know you know
t. habitual liar
I used to be Agnostic so I can understand where you're coming from but I genuinely feel like a better person ever since I made the decision to let Christ into my life. If you don't wish to do so that is your right but don't admonish others for their own faith, that is simply childish.
God is an understanding.
You have come to the conclusion that the totality of existence is more important than you. How that came to be is something we may never know; or stop giving a shit about at some point. Either is acceptable, therefore gods exist. Hopefully that helps.
Fide et Ratio
>are you even trying?
Implying Jesus didn't preach in synagogues
Implying "Satan" wasn't a Vatican creation to dumb down and demonize the old gods of their ancestors.
Implying synagogue of satan doesn't directly translate to "church of the adversary" meaning the Pharasees who sided with Rome because Jewsus was a Zealot (Zionist) who bitched out of the war against Rome by dying like a HUMAN SACRIFICE TO "ELI!", El.
NPCs worship a human sacrifice. They drink his blood and eat his flesh. It's essentially SPIRIT COOKING -- because you are sacrificed sheep to the elite pedo fag cult called the CHURCH.
Stop shilling god threads like 20 tonight revoking ur bamp
Why are you talking about "Christ" so much?
Isn't God more important? I'm pretty sure there is a Bible quote where Jesus says God is more important than he is, and he's just a messenger of God.
Yet you're all "MUH JESUS THIS, MUH CHRIST THAT" .......why?
"There is no doubt that those which represent to me substances are something more, and contain so to speak more objective reality within them [that is to say, by representation participate in a higher degree of being or perfection] than those that simply represent modes or accidents; and that idea again by which I understand a supreme God, eternal, infinite, [immutable], omniscient, omnipotent, and Creator of all things which are outside of Himself, has certainly more objective reality in itself than those ideas by which finite substances are represented.
Now it is manifest by the natural light that there must at least be as much reality in the efficient and total cause as in its effect. For, pray, whence can the effect derive its reality, if not from its cause? And in what way can this cause communicate this reality to it, unless it possessed it in itself? And from this it follows, not only that something cannot proceed from nothing, but likewise that what is more perfect— that is to say, which has more reality within itself—cannot proceed from the less perfect. And this is not only evidently true of those effects which possess actual or formal reality, but also of the ideas in which we consider merely what is termed objective reality."
At least Satan is a properly defined threat. The threat of the patriarchy is a pathological response that happens when you lose archetypally balanced religion.
>I genuinely feel like a better person ever since I made the decision to let Christ into my life.
t. habitural liar who can't take responsiblity for himself.
You worship a fucking Rabbi as the CREATOR OF EXISTENCE.
NPCs worship a human sacrifice. They drink his blood and eat his flesh. It's essentially SPIRIT COOKING -- because you are sacrificed sheep to the elite pedo fag cult called the CHURCH.
If demons exist there is no god
Think for yourself and express yourself. Dont shovel it off to some fucking Pope in your comments, you lazy pathetic NPC
>You have come to the conclusion that the totality of existence is more important than you.
And yet it's gone when I die. POOF -- GONE.
>At least Satan is a properly defined threat. The threat of the patriarchy is a pathological response that happens when you lose archetypally balanced religion
No, feminism is a victim meme that came out of Christianity being a victim cult.
You're always being victimized by le' satan. Jews knew this and played on that narrative.
As someone who has experienced “demons” through sleep paralysis throughout my lifetime, I’d say that’s quite the leap mentally. Who knows what the fuck they are, one doesn’t prove the other.
Decartes never proved that God exsist, he merely his own exsistence and decided that he came from somewhere
Jesus is worthy
>messenger of God
This is actually what Muslims believe him to be, a messenger of God. Christians view him as the son of God.
>Isn't God more important?
They are, essentially two branches of the same tree. Google "The Holy Trinity" to gather more information about that concept.
The Jews killed Jesus, they did not accept him and they never will. That is the key difference between Christianity and Judaism, same Old Testament, different views on Jesus. In short, fuck kikes.
Wrong. He defined a hierarchy of reality, and that we are capable of seeing perfect things because it was imprinted onto us by a greater, perfect being. God left the mark of the craftsman. He is the only perfect being, the only pure, infinite, and perfect cause in which everything comes into existence as properities of.
I'm pretty sure there is a Bible quote where Jesus says God is more important than he is.
You should be saying, "MUH GOD THIS, MUH YAHWEH THAT."
But you don't even know what you're talking about and you're an idiot like the majority of Christ-stains.
Fuck you and your lies about stinky Middle Eastern people thousands of years ago.
-- Atheist Challenge --
Want to prove to those goddamn moronic religious freak how stupid and full of shit their religions really are? Take the Atheist Challenge!!!
>Steps to take the Atheist Challenge
1. Commit suicide.
2. If you do not see "god" come back to life.
3. Rub it in the faces of those stupid goddamn idiotic religious morons that "god" they worship does not exist.
Are you ready to prove that "god" is a lie? Take the Atheist Challenge today!!!
Ooh, edgy pic. Alright then, how about Pascal's wager?
suicide is a sin though
the real meme would be to let yourself get killed
>Energy is neither created nor destroyed
Energy is created. where it comes from originally is unknown. It's all hippie fractal nonsense for the moment; the math is still sloppy.
If you take Energy, and give it Life, Choice, context, depth, and gravity; you get consciousness. Once this is created; it cannot be destroyed; Golden rule applies. A being creates a being, and is now responsible for that for eternity. What happens to you is based on your experience; but the particle itself never goes away.
>Posting a picture of your MUH JESUS next to Adolf Hitler
You guys are some mentally ill fucks on here.
Jesus was a Jewish man, both in terms of religion and ethnicity.
Pascal's wager is bullshit.
Still doesnt prove that god has to be an external being, he is begging the question of God exsistance by coming from the assumption that God exsist. As Shpinoza said, that God is too much for a person to percieve becouse he is everything.
how you know
>suicide is a sin though
Atheist do not believe in religious sins. Atheist can kill themselves without any worries of commit a sin.
Here's your (You)
>A liberal Muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist.
“Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!”
At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decisions made by the United States stood up and held up a rock.
“How old is this rock, pinhead?”
The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied “4.6 billion years, you stupid Christian”
“Wrong. It’s been 5,000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is real… then it should be an animal now”
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears.
The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named “Small Government” flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all eternity.
Semper Fi
The source of an idea must be at least as formal a reality as the idea itself.
I have an idea of a perfect, infinite being.
Therefore it must have been placed in me by an perfect, infinite being.
We call that being God. Therefore God exists.
>Q.E.D., t. Descartes
Have at least as formal of a reality*
Grug make water hard in cold. It hard now. Rock don't melt. It never go back.
That was a nice read
>More mentally ill bullshit
Whatever. If you're crazy I guess it's good that you believe in Christianity, which is a socially-accepted crazy belief.
Later, schizophrenic weirdo.
what god/religion is the eye in the sky and the pink furry in the middle?
His logic is that, because everything has causal nature, then everything itself must have a causal form that is of a higher form: a god. He doesn't need to assume god exists to reach his conclusion, only that he exists along with the hierarchy of reality.
There is literally no proof, except for
>something something you have to feel it
>just have faith bro lmao
wait until this newfag finds out that hitler was the second coming of christ
show your flag coward
also i would add why do you space your comment like this , you need to put a extra space you know
if you believe in comunism , you are much more crazy than him
The tale of Noah's Ark goes back thousands of years before Christianity was even a concept. Not that you should take everything written by some men in the desert thousands of years ago as the final, literal word on anything anyway. The bible even talks about Unicorns existing on Earth.
>Not a Christian
Are you a part of the 5% that are atheist?
>foxnews b8 proves demons are real
You must be a boomer to be that gullible