The Weimar Republic

Exactly how degenerate was it? Please provide specific examples; I'm trying to redpill a friend.

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Nothing really out of the ordinary for Europe at the time, even the political gang fights on the streets were rather common. The whole Exoticism trench had been in the works since the late 19th century, and was actually much more popular in France. Faggotry, and other assorted forms of debauchery were widespread well before the 20s as well, just not much attention paid to them. It's all a matter of perspective, the world war did much to shake up stigmas and bring things more into the open.

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If you want a redpill, watch this and note how glowingly all the academics speak of the period:


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The degeneracy was just a symptom though. Not the cause of the collapse. Instead, the economy was. We have to keep this in mind if we want such a scenario to happen again.

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The Weimar Republic was far beyond that. They were selling single kids for sex with mother daughter pairs for sex, selling animals for sex, necrophilia, all kinds of horrors.

nice, took me a min. i like the subtle ones.

>trying to "redpill" a friend about a topic
>actually knows shit about said topic
The absolute state of /pol

Consult the book "Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar Berlin" for answers to your question.

Literally this, you could ring up 12 year olds for dilevery via taxi and no one batted an eye. Shit was fucked.

Weimar degeneracy was more specified to Academia and Berlin bourgeoisie. (Transsexuals, homosexuals, etc.) but it was a snip compared to say London or Paris.

The truth is the Republic was just a falsity occupation state and was always something unnatural to Germany.

This fellow gets it.

This is the ultimate redpill on why the Nazis came to power.

The first sex change happened during Weimar republic. That should explain how degenerate is was and why America is considered Weimar 2.0

wheres that article from darkmoon . com or something

> It’s the economy, stupid

Why wasn't the United States plunged into similar throes of sexual debauchery during its Great Depression of the 1930s?

>tfw was born too late for 24/7 çunny delivery

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That sounds awesome.

very nice

This is all you need.

America today is far far worse

The books they burn in all those pictures? They're all about trannies and abuse towards vulnerable people.

>t. kike.

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Well Henry Kissinger was born and raised during this time period by his Rabbi father.

Because the US had been influenced more by the anti sex Victorian culture to the point where even the left was anti alcohol. The Victorian culture never took hold in Germany.

This is fucking awful. They are all so happy to talk about how bad these people had it. There was upbeat happy music on the part describing the street of pregnant hookers. I wonder how many of these authors get the triple echo.

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Fuck you Pajeet, don't you have to be shitting in the streets right about now.

The first gender reassignment surgery was performed there.

Overemphasis. That where things at the edges. That wasn't really the real point back then.
It was system that freed itself from class and did new things, that wheren't possible before. Some debauchery is a normal thing when those changes happen, but lots of free thinking was happening. Lots of new artstyles and ways of thinking were born. Some of it survived until today.

The problems began, when balkanised politics hit an economic downturn and idiots decided, that you can starve yourself out of any crisis.
With hyperbalkanisation of the popolous and political insanity, 1933 had to happen.

It will not happen again. The base IQ in the west raised by at least 10 points. This means, that by our todays standard, people in the weimarer republic had an base IQ around idiocy levels.
There you could get to the logical conclusions to waste millions of humans on the fields of war for political gains.
In todays politics, we would rather try to get the head honchos first and then see if the successor still wants to fight.

Fuck! That is the most semitic post I have read today.

This is nothing more than an ancap paradise. It's perfectly healthy. If you don't like a particular service on offer, you don't have to buy it.

>The base IQ in the west raised by at least 10 points
Pretty sure that means we're quicker at solving logic puzzles because we're exposed to that sort of abstract stuff from childhood. Doesn't mean judgements are any better.
