Injun stories

Anyone got some stories about living on or near an Indian Reservation in America? Poverty? Drugs? Wholesome family values not corrupted by the white eye?

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Just encountered some near the Grand Canyon in Page Arizona. They seem like calmer niggers. Like, they act niggardly but dont have that underlying threat of spontaneous violence.

No other stories? I encountered some Redskins in Utah and they seem to be pretty entitled after being fed the liberal narrative, forgetting that they were violent stone age hunter gatherers, not "noble environmentalists" or some shit.

in my experience they are indistinguishable from white trash / rednecks. the ones i know are mutted though.

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Reservations in rural areas lock themselves up at night because they fear the bipedal canines that lurk around the woods

only under the influence of alcohol will they attack, serious

Yay genocide apologetics.

modern indians are just mutts, more similar to mexicans than any past tribes. Their past tribes were subhuman savages though, so it's possibly an improvement.

mixed breed mudblood here.
everyone on my native side of the family is filled with self-loathing and try to act as white as possible.
native americans are hands down, the MOST cucked race on the planet.

>dem thighs

She's got a nice ass.

They pretty much are. But then they take alcohol and become very violent.

They're a conquered people who've had their culture destroyed.

In Brazil the ones that kept their traditional way of life are based.
The ones that eat refined sugar look like the North American natives in reservations....they are fat and have beatus.

a lot of dogs running around.

Id cum inside her

one time I gently touched one of their AUTHENTIC ritual head dresses at a fair and a group of them started fucking scolding me like I had just slaughtered their last buffalo.

fucking assholes.

How can ace be 1 and 11?

I've lived near a few reservations. They get absolutely deranged and ridiculous when they drink. We had a couple of them just walk right through the front door of my friends house at around midnight once. They were stumbling drunk and insisted that it was their house, they lived there, and we were trespassing. This wasn't an apartment complex where every front door looks the same. This was the outskirts of town on a gravel road where neighbors are about half mile apart from each other.
I worked a seasonal job in a resort town up in the mountains. Natives get national park service jobs every year with no questions asked. They just show up hungover and hide someplace all day to take naps. I remember them showing up to the bunkhouse once. They bought a few porno DVDs and watched them together in the living room while drinking malt liquor and eating digiorno pizzas. It wasn't uncommon for one of them to walk through the front door, fall over face first, and just sleep all night right where they fell

Redclif rez WI 2 years.

Saw them buy several lysol cans and punch a hole in them. Drink the alcohol at the bottom a nod passed out.

I urinate on ones face too. Drunk at church parking lot.

Uncle Sam painted all the homes on the rez three colors and ran out of two. Literally every house was yellow.

Hate these timber niggers.

I have a few from snowmobiling in northern quebec. First time fueling up in indian town. Few dogs just roaming around. Gas pumps have steel wire cages built around them. And store clerk behind bulletproof glass. Kinda felt distopian. Get to hotel in “big “ city of chibigamu. 2pm so we head to hotel bar to grab a beer and ask bar tender where to eat. 2indian chicks sitting at table 3-4 kids playing arcade games. A drunk indian guy comes in and sits with them. As soon as the bar tender see him he starts yelling. “You need to leave if my boss sees you she will call the cops” indian gives a couple wtf come on mans and leaves. Ask the bar tender and he says the guy was there 2 hours ago and ran behind the bar and stole a bottle of booze.

Property ownership issues

It's not about who has what but who does what's right at the end.

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>I urinate on ones faces too
pretty sure that’s how you get a curse put on you, user

Not sure if it means anything but when the race war comes I'm standing by the whites because i'm smart enough to know the blacks and the spics won't give me a better deal or better treatment than the white man. We may have our bad blood in the past but you'd have to be crazy to side with apes and taco vending beaners.

Diffrent year we are riding with some friends that own an outfitter. We get to town poulation 50. Go to hotel check in drop bags head down for dinner. As we eat dinner drunk indian comes in sits at bar with a lever action rifle in his hand. Out fitter friend knows this is a problem goes up to bar and snags the gun dumps out bullets and gives it to the bartender. Indian barly flinches must happen to him all the time i guess. Rest of the night was normal drink a few beers and head to bed. Wake up to yelling in hotel room other guy is at window screaming then runs outside wakes up outfitter friend. I walk over to window and see drunk indian riding away on his sled as hotel owner outfitter friend and other guy all burst out front door in pajamas in -20 weather. Turns out drunk indian left and stole a helmet from coat room. Then a few hours later when the place calmed down he came back woke up other guy with sled exhaust and he was tying another sled to his own to tow it away.

Those are real and are the native's fault.

South Dakota reporting in.
Sioux are practically niggers without constant chimping out.
Live a mile away from a 24 hour convenience store that marks the ghetto border.
Walk down there for a cigar 2-3 nights a week for exercise.
Literal porch monkeys.
>Sit on porch
>Drink cheap booze
That's the adults anyways. I run into the kids more than anything.
Usually they just walk up and try to bum a smoke or something.
Fucked 3 different Sioux girls. They're standoffish at first but love the white mans rain stick.
On a side note the females aren't hard to impress. Prairie nigger males adults are akin to 15yo boys. No resources or ambitions.

lol I thought he was some kind of indian mennonite until you said "sled exhaust" and realized it was a snowmobile.

Yeah figured as much

Well, Canada. Quite similar situation if I understand. I've lived near a few Saulteaux reserves multiple times. On the reserves, the houses are very far spread apart, and all from the same era, and built in the same style. Small, 1970s-ish bi-level houses with the door right in the middle. All in states of incredible disrepair. Lots of dogs wandering around. Every house has 3 wrecked cars scattered around it. Nice band office somewhere n in the middle.

The ones that do well, just seem out of place. Like, if they get a decent job, don't drink, and take care of themselves, their fellow Indians won't like them, because they've embraced the white man's ways. And white people won't like them either, because they are outsiders.

All in all, Euros should have wiped them out to spare everybody a lot of misery. 7/10 on the race scale. Def. better than niggers.

Wendigo is real. He'll cut off your head. Better not ride the bus.

> because they've embraced the white man's ways
lol it's not 1880 anymore , and drinking alcohol is literally the Europeans " way "

It's late. My intended gist was that the ones that aren't fuckups, have a hard time fitting in anywhere.

Every native I know is extremely educated and doing well

If they are liberal they can fit in very easily, as is the case with anyone else.

Yeah, got a cabin near a reservation. They are ALWAYS drunk, it's seriously a genetic thing from them.

They broke into our cabin and stole guns, booze, and random shit. WE literally have visable cameras. The woodsniggers were bagged and tagged within the same week.

No, much more like the spicciest of spics you'll encounter, but theyre more of a barbarian version of them. They are WAY more violent, genetically addicted to booze, and actually don't seem to mind snow/cold weather at all. The Obijwe really are savages.

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