

Attached: soi.png (718x956, 433K)

Did someone say insect?

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I recommend reading through the entire thing. There are some gems in there and the writing style reaches a level of pretense I didn't think possible.

Neggula what is that introduction?

>Captures the damaged american male
are they trying to tell us something?

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At least he lets you know up front it's a waste of time.

That's exactly what went wrong with the show when it got popular. Season 1 was truly genuinely funny. But the writers were writing as if Rick was simply a character and Morty was the protagonist -- who you were supposed to relate to.

But then Reddit got ahold of this show. Reddit being Reddit imediately thought that they were Rick because redditors love nothing more than to think they're actually done sort of Nietzschian genius that just doesn't fit with the rules while actually being the deffinition of sheeple.
Case in point I had a gay room mate that invited some friends over including an effeminate gay fat guy. Rick and Morty was streamed, and like clockwork "I think Morty really resents me" from big gay Al.
Cue season two, where by this point the writers realized they should tap into this. Justin roiland stepped back leaving Dan Harmon (progressive basedboy fag) to take over more and more of the show, and the direction of the show led it to start huffing it's intellectual farts and trying to add depth to a show that was just supposed to be goofy

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not resents.fucking phone

I actually rather like the show, and I couldn’t make it more than 1/3 through this article.

How the fuck does this guy have a job?

I don’t think you were really supposed to identify with any of the characters, user.

Morty was at least supposed to be an Everyman that is played off against Rick but that's not what happened when Reddit looked at Rick and said "that's me!"

If morty was an Everyman then I hope we all die.

Again, I’m pretty sure everyone was designed to be uninsertable, but you are correct that faggots inserted themselves in the least realistic character.

>"like the Russians did with Facebook"

Must lefties always ruin their articles with their ideological bullshit rhetoric about muh Russian collusion?

Rick is old Morty
Morty is young Rick


Except time travel is apparently monitored heavily and infinite ricks all have their own morty.

Also, brainwaves or something. Your theory sucks ass.

masculinity unmoored.

masculinity isn't supposed to be moored in the first place idiots.


I'm so fucking E D G Y

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The entire article is the writer feeling smugly superior when they have average intelligence at best. They use late-capitalist as a descriptor at one point

So close to NPC in terms of original thought level

>Hacked like russia did with facebook
They are still assblasted over this.

>Posting from my phone
You know what you have to do, user

My mind is turning to mush just reading that brain dead drivel.

I work the third shift

>Jealous you can't afford a smartphone

>the stereotypes about smug Rick and Morty fans was real
What a shocker

> like the Russians did with Facebook

what the fuck is that drivel of a paragraph?
how does a person like this get paid to write that shit?

Reddit and memey is gay, journalis/writers are faggots


I fucking hate that word.

Think of TDS liberals as the equivalent of the stereotypical conservative aunt/uncle sending you some cringy ass RE:RE:RE:RE:FW copypasta Qanon type nonsense. I wish I could shake and choke the TDS liberals I know who are like this and let them know they are exactly as insufferable as that hackneyed facebook outraged out of touch uncle/aunt.

Someone who never got sat down and told to fucking write like an adult. I know because if I didn't get sat down and shown how to write like one should for a government/security job (short, sharp, to the point) I would write in overly floral faggotry like OP's pic did.

When they say graduates are writing at pre-college level it's not necessarily that it's grammatically horrible (though it often can be) but equally that they write in an immature fashion. You don't get a sense of what the article is about for the entire first paragraph. The entire first paragraph is a meandering 2 sentences (if you omit the semi-colon and colon). I'm left waiting for godot to figure out what the fuck the thesis of the article is with only the title to get a sense of it.

"If the universe is run by aliens, I am sure the our insect overlords are busy writing the 4th season to rick and morty. No other show blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah i suck dicks" boom you just concentrated all that garbage into 1-2 lines.

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you seem to know your shit
if I wanted to learn to write the same way as Abraham Lincoln did, where should I start?

and to write thesis like the unabomber

nevermind, i didn't particularly pay attention to where you said you were forced to learn how to write well
i tried asking this several times on /lit/ but never got a thorough answer, abraham lincoln just has this thing that's hard to put your finger on in his letters that's not easy to replicate

lmao this is how they're going to try and market the next season? do they think we have no memory?

>genuinely funny
Wasn’t there a LiTERAL cuck episode the first season? Show was fucked from the start.

One big run on sentence followed by a shorter sentence.

Is this the power of blog-journalism?

Yeah there was because it was making fun of cuckolds as being iredeemably spineless losers -- same as we do here

This is true but it also has to do with the authors dunning Kruger "I did indeed graduate college" level of writing. Big and complicated words do not make your writing better it more adult. It's pretension

Don’t write like Abraham Lincoln. Write like Trump. Short, condensed and to the point. The only time you should write effusively is if you’re trying to lead your reader to a complex concept.

Americans don’t give a fuck about how big your vocabulary is anymore. They don’t have time for it, or more accurately, they don’t have the patience for it.

>like the Russians did with Facebook

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>How the fuck does this guy have a job?
He says what (((they))) want him to say. That's all that matters these days.

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I understand what you mean but I think this is really just due to your utilitarian upbringing, I wouldn't have anything against writing in a conscise manner but reading these letters make me feel like there's another good way to express yourself without detracting too much from your point (like the image in the OP)

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Holy shit, someone make a pasta of this. With extra memeballs!

>I watch rick and morty

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so NPCs fear the high iq redditors? I thought they were in cahoots.. can someone explain to a brainlet...

>tfw too retarded to figure out how to use reddit

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What's pasta about this?

You need to read books written by people that understand the flexibility of the English language.

Try reading Tom Sharpe - Ancestral Vices.

I almost fucking offed myself reading that I swear to fuck

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How does he know about the interdimensional locusts?

It's a show produced by two kike writers from (((adult swim))) to glorify nihilism and degeneracy.

It's a show tailor made to influence the opinions of slimey, effeminate bug-men and drug addicted stoner sub-humans.

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Shittty meme for spergy, stupid underage fags.

I don't watch shows created by pedophiles.

Requesting the Roiland Harmon pedo compilation video

This article is so fucking cancerous. Why do almost all of these Firefaux promoted articles sound like noxious, chirpy little ego-trips written by a smug, effeminate faggot trying to sound cool?

I'm also sick of kikes referencing the media produced by other kikes and trying to act like the popularity of their bullshit is organic and grassroots.

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Who the fuck would write something like that?

Is this peak bugman? Have we finally achieved it?

They're fucking eating their own