His shirt lol
His shirt lol
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Fuck off
people still watch mister 10.2? i unsubbed from him a few months ago. same with molymeme. after hundreds of videos you can know exactly what they will say on any given topic.
Hey styx
you look like a fag
you're the fag. you even have "bi" in your id. fag.
Has anyone else noticed he seems to be talking about sex a lot more lately? Often in a scornful way, with a bitter undertone.
I unironically think Styx is an incel.
inb4 styx starts talking about satanic panic
There’s something seriously off about this guy
I guess it depends on your definition of "incel". He's definitely not a virgin. If you mean people who aren't having sex but would like to be, but can't be bothered right now to get some, that category includes most people who have ever lived.
>Leaf having this much of a low IQ
Shut the fuck up, America's hat.
I mean, who'd wanna fuck this goblin?
He is a cutie
Such is the fate of all who ascend to the heights of memetic wizardry. It is a lonely existence, akin to being the one-eyed man in a world full of blind, deaf and dumb NPCs. Many will instinctually grasp the truth of your visions, but few will ever truly understand in a way that provides comradery or peerage. The worst part is that you can never turn back and find renewed kinship within the ignorant flock. What has been seen cannot be unseen. It is your doom until the day you die.
Some of us did enough fucking between 15 and 25 to tide us over through periods where focus is put on sorting ones self out..
t. virgin
God damn spoon farmer.
Whats wrong with his shirt?
t. NPC
Haven't watched him since the election. Dude seriously needs a gf/stylist.
wonder what he thinks of karl the kuck of inrange fame being outed as a cum drinking satanist
Drug addicts can't be choosy when they visit Goodwill.
>Using latest shit meme from 4ch unironically
kill yourself
He won't appear outside his bedroom.
That is an absinthe glass, which implies he is drinking absinthe with sugar water which makes it couldy herbal wine/licour.
Also he is probably with that dweeby tech guy that shows off his dominatrix, signals perversion enthusiam, or pretends to be a pervert.
maybe your right but it does look like watery cum, and satanist are known for drinking cum and blood
I like how he's repping the BitChute now
>He's definitely not a virgin.
The shirt looks damned fine and you know it. I trust someone who looks more like a beach party John Lennon warlock than some 7 figure salary fuck with capped teeth working for a globalist empire like CNN.
If you don't like his ideas, come up with an argument against them. Character assassination is just stupid and no one with a brain pays attention to it anymore. I trust people like this over the big corporations, but I still verify their facts.
Styx has no time for undershirts, he's the original youtube freeballer.
>t. Bisexual npc
An edgy tumblr thot who's into occult imagery and big dicks?
Why does Tim Pool always look like he's about to rob a house?
he had a gf
not really. hes a bit of a goober and hes just kinda ugly looking, but he toned down a lot of the 2edgy4u satanist shit and its done wonders for his image
Wow a reverse chad
Maybe you evolved a bit if you can now predict their opinions and how they arrived at them. Perhaps it's made you into a deeper thinker.
Depending on the absinthe it can look like brownish cum or minty cum, it can look pretty if served right. But dressing up in larpy outfits and drinking expensive anacronistic hard alcohol seems satany; IIRC spirit cooking wasn't even real satanism, just disgusting transgressive larping of fictional satanism rather then obese black clad atheist degenerates.
>checking a dude's shirt
op is literally a faggot
he was married to that spic in texas that had a some video go viral about her abusing a trump supporter or something like that. he gave a disclaimer commenting on her b/c of a previous relationship.
>*the spic in the viral video was his ex-wife
that would've been the better way to state that
To keep posting needlessly: karl has a very popular absinthe purpose style glass, you fill the bead with absinthe and you pour over it to a line or your preference through a sugar cube on a over specific piece of silverware that you break out once a year, to do faggy parties where you dress up in black suits.
>dat cabana wear
Buttoning up is theocracy?
Link to vid?
OK, job's done. Go home now.
can't figure out the search term to find it in styx's videos. it was him commenting on the following vid: youtube.com
he made some comment that he was almost certain it was his ex
spirit cooking was about performing ritual acts designed to alter your consciousness / awareness / """spirit""" under the guise of participatory performance art
He always struck me as the kinda guy that has a big fat wife.
I've actually been watching his stuff again after almost a year of not. Some of it's decent, like I remember. After the first 5 minutes, he just rambles, so you can just close out the video at that point.
I wear shirts like that. whats wrong with them?
Maybe i should do the same
This, desu.
he is bold and keeps the hat on
Are you new?
One of the funny things is that he treats his hat like superman's glasses. He takes it off when he wants no one to notice him.
>Alot of Political youtuber threads this year
Its almost looks like an attack from the mainstream media again
What’s wrong with it?
can Karl get any more faggoty?
don't think it was actually her, just looked/sounded a lot like her
Is this the daily character assassination/disinfo thread?
It's a 30yo boomer shirt.
I wish i had a shirt like that desu.
unironically the best there is. Shame hes a bit or a civnat cuck, but other than that hes better than 99% of the fucks out there
Asf as I know he has a long distance thing with someone just barely over the AoC, so he keeps it quiet
My boy Styx lookin fly af