Be me in history class

>be me in history class
>it's about the war crimes and atrocities the nazis commited
>mention that the soviets killed more
>hint that da holocaust could've been fabricated, too much cost to maintain
>get suspended for 3 weeks and 2 days
>appoitement with the commissariat in 3 days
fuck you paul you ruined my month, how do i blue pill myself

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You can't blue pill yourself. An expanded mind can never return to its original size.

>committing wrongthink
that's totally haram in ther current year

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>then they tell you you are fre

well considering the circumstance this is actually a good advice thank you


boy if i showed them this, it would've been game over for me

Double down in the meeting with the commie-ssariat. Redpill him. If he gets angry, call him a no-good jewboy.
I wish I was as redpilled at your age. I was a stupid little bitch. You have my respect.

its funny the police station is called commie sariat in a democratic republic

>showing off your power level
You had it coming, frog.

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Don't back down, get your sources straight and cite them

>Showing your power level to a bunch of NPCs

Do not do this, you cannot redpill an NPC in one sitting, it needs to be eased in. Did not do it frenchbro, or else they'd send you to the gulag.

Yeah I made this mistake once. Now people spread rumors about me behind my back. Faggots can't argue infront of your face but behind your back they call you every name under the sun. Total cowards.

He's under 16, he can say or do whatever the fuck he likes. If I was 14 years old I would be telling everybody I know about everything I know.

Underage nigger fuck off

I've slowly been redpilling people over the years, NEVER start with them, I will not name them, but do not start with them. I always start with some (let's say they're a Texan nationalist), "y'know. Ain't it a shame that all those men in Alamo died, and now the Tejanos are now a majority in Texas." Or if they are a devout Catholic "isn't it strange how sudden John Paul I's death was?" Start with something like that, like a well regurgitated conspiracy theory that everyone kind of believes, or a nationalist cause celebre being useless. Then, slowly ease it in.

will u say the same to the hitler youth?

You are fucked mon amie


I NEVER did that, what the fuck? When I was 14 I unironically thought Europe should be left to the commies, I never said that, because I knew that I would get butthurt from various people.

I would.

>implying Texas hasn't always been majority Hispanic

John Paul I death?

Hey it's not our fault you spoke the truth in a no-truth zone. Obey the law dumbass

Jow Forums memes are not the truth mate

Dude was Pope for barely a month, then suddenly died, there is various conspiracy theories why.

I was le 54% in 2010, f off.

Then why are they illegal?

I remember being taught bullshit like Jew lampshades and soap was real in School history classes

He was killed because he wanted to return to pre-Vatican II heretic church

You say that but I've seen plenty of spineless creatures who despite being resdpilled pretend they are completely bluepilled just for their convenience. Their personal wellbeing is far more important to them than their country, their continent or their race.

well theres your problem

Why care if they call you an anti-semite

if they were you could not post them and "holocasut denail" is allowed in most countries on this planet

At my school they kept putting up (((diversity alliance))) posters and lgbt posters. I kept tearing them down and they had to put them behind a glass wall cabinet.

By the way, I was in your shoes many years ago, but all they did is make me write an essay on holohoax victims in my city and had a talk with my dad who didn't give a fuck.

Good job you let Jow Forums memes ruin your school career. Get fucked fascist scum.

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>post it on any social media platform
>gets deleted by moderation

>go deny it publicly
>get taken to court even if you live in the US which values free speech

t.b.h i've got nothing against jews but you gotta admit it's fishy

Is that Hanz?

You won't get taken to court for spewing garbage in the US, not how it works here my Macedonian friend.

Débile, tu ne te rendes pas compte que ce genre de discussion est publiquement tabou !? Mieux de mentionner avec nonchalance le site Jow Forums aux amis (par conséquent ils deviendront “red-pilled” en découvrant Jow Forums), que d’être exclu au lycée pour rien. Fais ce qu’il faut pour diminuer ton exclusion, peut-être tu peux dire que tu as été “mal informé” à cause des “forums d’Internet”, des “sites de propagande”, ou j’sais pas, et que tu ne nies point la Shoah. Si tu ne peux rien faire, tant pis. Je sais que ça fait chier mais il faut être plus intelligent que ça pour vaincre son ennemi
>Double down in the meeting with the commie-ssariat
Si je ne me trompe pas, nier la Shoah est défendu en France (un mois jusqu’à un an en prison !) Même si tu ne fais pas ça, il n’y aura pas de bon résultat pour toi - “ne pas avoir honte” pour quel objectif !? Mieux de faire semblant que tu as été “mal informé” et continuer ta vie en faisant “red-pilling” sur Internet.

>denying joos
What you needed to do is cast the story of the Holocaust negatively in light of the deeds of what Israel does today and claim that Israel is the perpetrator of the new Holocaust.

Bound to rustle feathers and earn you goyim points as a Leftist liberal

merci mon gars, franchement c'est juste le RDV avec le comico qui me fait stressé, je ne sais pas quoi dire exactement.

Yes do what this user says, I totally forgot about the actual legal repercussions. Don't double down it will not lead to anything constructive

>kikes take over vatican bank
>pope questions it
>dead the next week
Christianity has been infiltrated by the jews. Where i live, they hang the gay flag outside the churches, in a complete mockery of the religion. Fucking shame.

Fais comme il a dit, profil bas et amende honorable
Notre temps viendra, je te l'assure, mais pour l'instant ne t'attaque pas au boss final

>starve millions to advance your country 100 years in 10
>organise extermination of Jews because muh master race

It's a lot of people dying either way, but gee I wonder why your history teacher was angry

Au commissariat, je crois que tu seras interrogé sous le soupçon d’être quelqu’un qui a, et je cite, “contesté … l’existence d'un ou plusieurs crimes contre l'humanité tels qu'ils sont définis par ... l'accord de Londres du 8 août 1945” (Loi Gayssot). Par conséquent il faut prouver que tu n’as pas enfreint ladite loi. Autrement dit, oublie ce que j’ai dit à propos de faire semblant d’être mal informé. Il faut prouver que tu n’as pas contesté l’existence de la Shoah. Il faut que tu construises un alibi, et peut-être ils vont interroger le prof et les élèves pour voire si tu dis la vérité. C’est tout.
Si tu as dit clairement que la Shoah aurait pu être inventé, je suis désolé mais c’est pratiquement fini pour toi. Mais si tu as dit cela d’une façon trop vague, tu as une chance. Good luck user.

Probably because he's an indoctrinated leftist.

>starve millions to advance your country 100 years in 10

Kind of like you, come to think of it.