When you Trumpsters eventually have to leave your homes to the violence that you are a responsible for you better pray...

When you Trumpsters eventually have to leave your homes to the violence that you are a responsible for you better pray that when you are trying to cross the border into California or New York or somewhere else that is nice and safe that we treat you better than you treated those immigrants.

Attached: trumpsters.png (1072x830, 762K)

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Except those who are fleeing aren't going to be joining gangs, and aren't going to be staying indefinitely because governments want to use them as slave labour.

Of course, they're not foreign citizens with sub 80 IQs and an absolute disregard for the rule of law. But awesome analogy, boomer fag.

Attached: 1532129809026.jpg (600x887, 91K)

They're already American citizens, though. That analogy is skullfucking retarded.

are they
>cant speak english
>in gangs
>are drug traffickers
>are human traffickers
>have an 85 IQ or lower
If so then we should lock all those people up too

>when your arguemnt is so weak you just say insane bullshit so no one knows how to reply

Stunning analogy that reveals why borders are a crime against humanity

>pay for a hotel in another state for a week or two


>illegally corssing anothet country's borders with the intent to stay indefinitely while stealing welfare and raping white women


Phew, good job those NC citizens aren't going to other fucking countries then.

that faggot probably lives in VA and commutes to NC

If white people from North Carolina took boats to South Africa and claimed to be refugees, do you think they'd get asylum?

>admitting that mexico is literally as bad as a state being ravaged by a natural disaster.

>That analogy is skullfucking retarded.
Liberals literally have brain damage.

Attached: news-science-archaeology_-news-disabling-parts-of-the-brain-with-35450089[1].png (500x532, 95K)

>Imagine a contrived scenario where my worldview is affirmed.
Too bad it still isn't.

>state borders in a republic is the same as national borders
these people would actually benefit from being dead because at least then, they themselves won't have to suffer and the rest of us won't have to suffer their stupidity.

If NC's border was controlled for whatever reason, NCers who crossed it at illegal points would indeed be illegal human beings.

I already live in NYC. No one gives me shit despite my far right beliefs because everyone here is passive agressive and won't say shit to your face

Good idea

They’re just leaving for a week or two and will return once the storm passes and electricity is restored.

Is this nonsense what passes for an intelligent analogy in Liberal circles? Jesus Christ, these people are retarded.

It’s a proven fact that a huge percentage of Obama’s poor helpless unaccompanied minors were in actuality gangbangers looking to set up shop here. It had nothing to do with fleeing violence.

It’s also a fact that liberals do not care.

nobody is moving to cali or jewyork. every one is leaving. you better pray that when you get carded for alcohol or cigs that the cashier doesnt call up the welcome wagon. im serious full scale lunch mob for faggots from cali

Die nigger


Also, with regard to your comment, what violence are you referring to that you say Trump supporters are responsible for? The left wing psychos and anarchists? The black gangs? The criminals that cross the border and are allowed to stay? Racial violence due to a race-baiting MSM and Democrat party that encourages 'kill whitey'?
That's all perpetrated and encouraged by your side, you fucking sicko.

I suppose it's a good thing that the US Constitution and the supreme court answered this question almost 200 years ago. Unfortunately for all the scientists and doctors swimming across the Rio Grande the ruling only applies to legal US citizens.


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can we detain all the californians swarming into texas fleeing from the failed policies they voted for?

A leftist argument is never:

>moving between states is the same as moving between countries

Holy fuck can we please just gas all the brainlets on the left

Attached: 1535102858087.png (645x729, 77K)

Most importantly, they'll be going home as soon as the storm is over.