Cuba: Proof that socialism is possible if there are no jews?

I made this thread a few days ago but due to lack of response I'll post it again

I want to start by saying that there's a big chance I'm 100% incorrect here and I welcome any information that disproves this.

It's my understanding that Castros Cuba was a bit different from other failed socialist states (ie all of them) in the sense that the country still hasn't totally imploded.

Some would even argue that Cuba is doing pretty good compared to before the revolution.

So is this correct?

Was/is Cuba an example of functional socialism? If so, could it be because there are basically no jews in Cuba and the population is fairly homogeneous?
And if not, please educate me so I'm better informed the next time Cuba comes up as a topic.

Please, share with me your thoughts on this.

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Any system probably would work without (((them))). You might not know just how much they hold us from evolving into beings that would sound impossible

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Cuba had its total implosion in the early 90s. It’s called the “special period” and it’s when Cubans were taking anything that floated and trying to get to America. I have friends who lived through that period and the stories are horrifying. People chopped up and stewed towels in weak broth to avoid starvation. Only reason they came back from this was because Raul wasn’t a complete idiot like his brother and convinced his brother to adopt some market policies/pander to foreign tourists.

So what your saying is that the only reason Cuba is still existing is because they opened the door for capitalist tourists to come there and spend money?

Proof? Cuba sucks ass. It looks like any crumbling east bloc alleyway of depression stuck in time, outside some maintained tourist attraction areas, far as I can tell.
Your tastes may vary. I myself am uninterested in convincing you one way or another. To me it's not impressive.

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Are you speaking from experience or are you, like me, just guessing? The reason I ask is because I've never been there myself, and even if I had been there id be very sceptical about what the locals say.

Have you ever been to Cuba?

Nope, if I had I'd probably have a clearer picture of how the country is actually doing

From the 70's to the 90's there was a huge explosion of Cubans comming over by boat trying to get away, we had a special name for them. "Wetbacks" Then the democrats felling all "emotional and sympathetic" made the wetfoot/dryfoot law which pretty much made it as long as one foot was on dry land, we couldn't send them back. Miami turned from a majority white to majority cuban in just a few years and uprooted the whole city, bringing in drugs, murder and human trafficing.

Fuck the Cubans and Fuck Gloria Estaban, An illegal CUBAN. (She tried to hide it but I know the truth)

That is something I'm aware of, but the socialists would just say that those where enemies of Castro who left simply because they wanted to continue their decadent lives under capitalism.
Not that I believe that excuse, but that's what they'd argue.

Anyone who left Cuba became enemies of Castro, even the United States. Castro had his "enemies" killed with a snap of a finger, litterally, he would snap his fingers and have someone shot if he didn't like them.

He always had "big brother" watching and had many people just "vanish". It is why many would try to flee the nation. But if you want to argue that they were enemies of Castro, then yes, to Castro, they are.

I'm not arguing anything. I'm simply asking questions as I'm searching for the truth.
Is there any way to confirm those stories? I'm having real trouble finding good sources regarding political killings in Cuba under Castro. And the socialists will argue almost anything is capitalist disinformation.

Ask any random 5 cubans above the age of 40

Most of the evidence indicates that Castro wasn't a prolific killer like many other dictators.

>Cuba: Proof that socialism is possible


Cuba was already doing bad when subsidized by soviet union...

but now, the country has gone to shit

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Unfortunately anecdotal evidence is not evidence. You'll find anecdotal evidence of the opposite claims as well by asking people loyal to the Castro regime.

inb4 b-but USA's blockade

USA always had commerce with Cuba... just not iphones or cars... but food and medicine

And Cuba can still commerce with the rest of the world, including motherfucking China, Russia, Venezuela, etc

Enough of that cancerous argument, socialism just failed for the 99th time

See this is my issue with this whole topic. Most people, like out memeflag friend, make claims about basically genocide carried out by Castro but nobody has any proper sources.
I have no issue believing a socialist regime will kill a fuck ton of people but I need some kind of proof...

Btw nothing from the USA is allowed to enter Cuba since the embargo. That includes any components of other things.

Yeah there are a lot of biased sources on the issue. It's known that he had firing squads but the IIRC there's no evidence of the number of executions exceeding a few thousand since the revolution occurred.

Yeah but America refusing to trade with Cuba (apart from food and medicine) could be argued was the reason for their economic collapse, not socialism.
And for the millionth time, I'm not pro socialism. I just want to understand the topic of Cuba better so calm your tits mate.

How much money did the Soviet Union pour into Cuba again?

>US Imposes an Economic Blockade since the 60's
>CIA tried to Kill Castro 600 times

"Socialism isn't working guise"

Same shit is going on in Venezuela

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You're a fucking retard that doesn't know how to ask questions.

Sweden should be removed from the planet. Fuck.

Please provide some source for this since it's exactly what I'm after; in what way is the country shit? I haven't been there myself and I'm having real trouble finding good sources, that's why I'm here.

>Btw nothing from the USA is allowed to enter Cuba since the embargo.

7% of Cuba's imports come from USA


>in what way is the country shit?

for example, many places have only have 2 hours of access to water a day

Only 5% of population have access to water 24/7

Cuba is a dump. It's an intelligence agency masquerading as a state that mostly exists through infiltrating governments in Latin America. Basically if you aren't Jewish socialism turns you into a Jew out of necessity.

Okay thanks for the input now go get shot by a nigger you fat burger faggot and let the adults carry on with the discussion

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"As of 2018, the embargo, which limits American businesses from conducting trade with Cuban interests, remains in effect and is the most enduring trade-embargo in modern history. Despite the existence of the embargo, the United States is the fifth-largest exporter to Cuba (6.6% of Cuba's imports come from the US).[12] Cuba must, however, pay cash for all imports, as credit is not allowed"

Now this is what I'm talking about, thank you

The only thing I can do is point you to history channel documentaries, everything else is pure anecdotal straight from the cuban mouths in little havanna. Really, with out a smoking gun or bodies, it is hard to prove anything, all we have are the stories and these stores have influenced great satire in the 80's and 90's in popculture, films and music.

>have cuban buddy
>tells me he used to be lawyer in cuba
>would help medicine get smuggled into cuba from communist shitholes in europe
>one day he gets phone call
>"you have 24 hours to leave cuba, or you and your entire family will be sent to prison for the rest of your life"
>he was taking some of the medicine for himself thats why he got into shit
>he hasnt seen cuba ever since, he loves castro, and is very heartbroken that they would send him and his entire family to life imprisonment over some fucking ibuprofen

Not all Cubans that went to America hate Castro. The country is just fucked up and they had to survive by fleeing. They should hate Castro, but they have lots of pride. Other Cubans have less pride and more common sense and would personally cut his head off if he wasn't already dead.

That's still probably not that much, and it's paid for.

>It's not communism you guys, America made me shit
Said increasingly nervous communist for the fiftieth state this century

It's not my fault you can't get information out of people properly you autistic fuck. I live in Louisville, the 2nd largest immigrant population besides Mexicans are Cubans and I've known dozens of them. If you know how to ask a fucking question anecdotal evidence becomes a first hand source. But you're too fucking stupid for that. Hope your sister gets raped by a wild pack of africans.

Now that's very interesting. I'd love to hear more about pro-castro people whom had to leave anyway.

>Anecdotal evidence becomes a first hand source
>Calling someone else retarded
Ooooooookay buddy boi.

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t. Someone that cannot ask a series of questions and get the knowledge you need without the other person having any clue of your intent

I really, seriously doubt you are mentally capable.

How about this you fucking moron; The holocaust is 100% based on anecdotal evidence, does that mean that it happened?

Cuban socialism rely on tourists dumping their loads in cuban teens for a couple dollars.
It’s worse than Thailand.

Stories from people can't be dismissed, what makes ancedotal a fallacy is the fact, "what happens to one, doesn't always happen to another." When you have hundred claiming one thing and hundreds claiming another, it isn't just a matter of a simple once being the exception not the rule, it becomes which side you want to believe.

Cuba has a history of burying evidence but it isn't like the US doesn't know.Look even earlier like the 60's or even further like with the Bay of Pigs. The whole revolution and what is documented well and the US response. Heck, you can even find several declassified documents on the CIA website.

Jesus fuck. Anecdotal evidence is not evidence. It just isn't. Holy shit. Wow. Fucking off yourself...

I can't believe I have to actually explain why it isn't.

Here we go. Imagine this. I go to Cuba and ask someone "hey, is Cuba fucked up?" they say "no, socialism works great because things where worse before."
That's what's called anecdotal evidence. Any by your fucking standard that's proof that socialism works.

>100% based on adecdotal evidence
No. The holohoax is based on falsified physical evidence and documents. Ask any jew a proper series of questions and they falter quickly. I really do hate you.

Your idea of a question is "is Cuba fucked up?"

Thanks for proving my point, you actual fucking retard.

Of course you hate me. The lesser humans have always hated the better ones.
Okay how about alien abductions? Usually those are based completely on anecdotal evidence. According to you that means they are real right? And every ghost sighting.

Ugh fine, let's play your game.
"How would you say Cuba is doing in terms of education, economic prosperity, and healthcare compared to other countries of similar geographical and cultural positions?" better you niggerspawn?

>b-b-but what about
Jumping from cuban to paranormal is a pretty hilarious sign of distress, you ape.

We're not talking about Cuba anymore. I understand it's hard for you to keep up..
Now we're discussing if anecdotal evidence is evidence. And it isn't. Or are you saying ghosts and aliens are real? Pick one now or get the fuck out of my thread you fag

No that's a fucking god awful fucking question too! You ask them where the pharmacy is because you have a cold that needs fixing inmediately. Watch them shutter. "Oh no you cant do that". They have no idea you are learning about their healthcare system, they're just trying to keep you from causing a shitstorm. Do I have to continue to spoon feed you? Please never fucking breed.

Their life expectancy and other such indicators are pretty high considering that.

Mental illness, drug use, and tricks of the eyes =/= a lifetime under a communist regime

You are just pathetic.

Yes. Living in cuba, as in, the island itself has health certain health benefits. Outside of that, you will live with an illness for a long time before you get a low tier medicine for the illness. Dental is good, but again, the wait is extremely long, you could get sepsis from the prolonged infection etc etc etc.

Stop running away from the question.
If someone gives you an anecdote as evidence of something happening; would you count it as reliable evidence? Yes or no.

No. Their answers to my questions would provide that.

>Hasn't totally imploded

The only reason it's under Communism still is because it's an island country and pretty much all of NATO refuses to do trade with them leaving them in the dust. In fact many people still use cars from the 60's from before they were embargoed by the US, which almost collapsed the country. They were saved by the USSR and China but the USSR is gone and China doesn't seem to interested in real communism and instead is taking a more pragmatic solution for an authoritarian somewhat Imperialist stance in international affairs. given China's stance on Vietnam and best Korea it seems like they care more about China than the ideology that it follows.

>no Jews in Cuba

Great, then we agree. So when you said anecdotal evidence can be a first hand source you were.... Wrong?

No. You are an absolute imbecile. Their answers to my questions are also anecdotal. They are just unprepared anecdotes, and this is when they enter into the realm of first hand sources. I'm getting on a plane and flying to Sweden. I'm going to kill your entire blood line. Goodbye Sven, what I've taught you today will have meant nothing because you will be dead.

>Their answers to my questions are also anecdotal

Please step on that plane cause I would love to remove such a severely retarded person as yourself from this earth...

And don't worry, What you've rambled incoherently at me today will be useless anyway because you are a complete brainlett lol

Do you see the framing of this question? "As evidence something happened", as in, a totally stand on its own statement. Not bits and pieces of information unknowingly gathered through simple questions. I answered your question within the reasonable boundaries of how you asked it. Unfortunately you are literally so bad at asking questions you thought this regarded more than stand alone statements.

As I've said from the start, you are just flat out too fucking stupid to ask a proper question.

There is no way your IQ exceeds 90.

Listen you fuck. The reason why we're arguing is because you said I should ask any Cuban over the age of 40 to which my response was "anecdotal evidence isn't evidence". Which it isn't. And then you freaked the fuck out.

I think we agree that if you ask 1000 people things then you can use their combined answers to form a (probably) reasonably accurate idea of the issues. But that is not the same as EVIDENCE. Which is what I'm asking for. Not anecdotes.
I want proper sources. Not people's stories. Because guess what. If you use anecdotal evidence as your primary source, then you're retarded.

But now you've pissed me off enough that I'm getting angry IRL so im going to shut up now and not waste any more time on your retarded ass...

You simply lack proper interrogation training. It's okay. Little guy.