Why do Koreans despise this country?

Why do Koreans despise this country?

Attached: 1200px-Flag_of_Italy.svg.png (1200x800, 1K)

Spaghetti is to Koreans what holy water is to vampires.

Your Romanian flag is showing again

I'd say because the italians have such warm culture that the kids stay with their parents very long time, they might move out at the age 25+. In korea I assume is this culture to ((succeed)) in life. To become CEO or something, so they scorn at italians for their more laidback lifestyle.

My first girlfriend when I was 17 was Korean, AMA

I didn't know we were suppose to hate mexico

worse korea is just that, worst


Either way, both koreas are better at everything than your shit hole country

a nation of bugmen propped up by foreign investors when the japanese just used you as their cannon fodder like anyone rightfully should do, your country wont be around in the next 100 years once fatman decides to nuke your shithole lol :^)