I'm in a moral dilemma

I just found a black guy's wallet on my commute to work. It has his ID and $82 bucks cash in it. I'm a white nationalist. What should I do? Returning it is the white thing to do, but I know that a black guy would never return my wallet. I'm so conflicted on what to do.

Attached: 1kvs1p.jpg (460x397, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/WeThoughtTheyWereWhiteDontellJackson/We Thought They Were White, Dontell Jackson _djvu.txt

Be the bigger person anyway. Return it.


Return it faggot.

Return it obviously. If you keep it you're not better than the people you detest for being different from you

Return it, dont be a nigger

>file name

Return it, it's probably his life savings.

>be upstanding white
return wallet
>be feral nigger
steal money

Well, you should return it but then you should be aware you can be robbed. Can you give it to the police or something so you don't need to get in contact with that filth?