Why is everyone around Trump a criminal/rapist?

Why is everyone around Trump a criminal/rapist?

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Everyone's a rapist nowdays

You have no proof. Just an accusation.

because we've done away with silly things like due process and evidence

The victim is going to testify

>one accuser with no proof who waited 35+ years to mention it
wew lad

rape is a shitty term, people apply it to just about everything, its not consistent

we have a word for every form of assault and battery

if i threaten you its harrasment

if i threaten you in a physical way its assault

if i grab you by the neck and say some mean shit its battery/assault

if i hit you its battery

if i say something mean while hitting you its aggrevated battery

if i stab you its battery with a deadly weapon

if i say some mean shit while stabbing you its aghrevated battery with a deadly weapon

if you nearly die its also attempted murder

if you die its murder

if i accidently stabbed you its manslaughter

yet everything is rape. getting forced down in some back ally and regretting sex because you were drunk are called the same thing. this is the biggest issue, because we dont have a define to what rape actually is, different people call it different things. this is on purpose so it can be used as a political qeapon against men.

if its not rape dont call it rape, you are just hurting men

Diane Feinstien raped me when I was 6.

How many times does Feinstein get to cry wolf? Its literally like her only purpose as a politician, to trot out lying whores on command for the Democrats.

Its frankly disgusting and a huge slap in the face to REAL WOMEN WHO REALLY SUFFER ABUSE. But hey, no one ever said third wave feminism was about women I guess.

Because the (((media))) says so, stupid goy

he is finished, democrats finally fightin’ dirty

love washington politics

Still just a accusation. No proof.

Add rapist to the list of words that are now meaningless.

terrorist, nazi, racist, sexist, etc....

Because he's a criminal and probably a rapist.

The Democratic Party of the United States is a threat to the liberty and freedom of the citizens of this country and should be shuttered and have all its assets frozen and all sitting party members ejected from any position of authority by military edict if necessary.

They aren't Democrats, the party has been hijacked by marxists and it must be abolished and replaced with a party that represents the people of this country.

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this a million times

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Why is rapist such a common accusation nowadays? Is it because the accused can't actually prove his innocence 30 years after the fact?


because thats all the left can do these days to win.

>Its frankly disgusting and a huge slap in the face to REAL WOMEN WHO REALLY SUFFER ABUSE.
I won't deny a tiny percentage of women lie, but a few falsely accused men is more than worth justice for rape victims.

Don't worry user....you will still be able to get
your second term abortion when he is appointed on the 20th.

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Please kindly kill yourself

>I won't deny a tiny percentage of women lie
uhhh we're talking about the side of the species that uses face slimming filters on Instagram here.

The lefts arsenal
>call them racist
>call them rapist
The left is cheapening the meaning of both words. A big FUCK you to any victim of either. SAD!

because he's from New York City
everyone there is fucked up in some way, they're either greedy, sadistic, perverted or worse, jewish



>according to a california psychology professor
just kek

has she beaten any children with bike locks lately?

Because that's the narrative that MSM wants to push

Because they failed to stop Justice Thomas with the same made up lies




>be in your late 50s
>some broad you danced with once in high school claims you raped her because you tried to grab her ass during a slow dance
>she makes this claim more than 30 years later

Gas the normies, IQ war now.

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Everyone does it...it's about who can bust who first for shit you do yourself.

I seriously hope there isnt anyone here that thinks the dems arent racist pedophiles who only want your vote.

Bullshit. Only one "side" is ever held accountable. This has been the case for more than 60 years.

Why has it been true so far thought?

Because I said so.

I think it makes him more manly. I had Kavanaugh pegged as a closet case.

Yeah only one side is held accountable, but both sides are guilty.

I know right? I raped the floor this morning on the way to rape the toilet before taking a nice hot rape shower.

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Sort of agree. Both sides have shitlords. But one side has more of them, and they're immune. The other side gets character assassinated whether they are shit or not. In most cases the people getting assassinated are actually clean because the actual dirty people get that shit held over their head instead of having it come out. REEEE

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Because the MSM must search back 30 years on all his associates for any wrongdoing.

Because they have nothing on trump, so theyre going for impeachment on the grounds of guilt by association. Its quite entertaining

Begone shill!

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He will be confirmed this week. Sorry Libtards

>Why is everyone around Trump a criminal/rapist?
Prove he's a rapist.

>The victim is going to testify
Prove her testimony.

You were born, so obviously your father raped your mother.

Conservatives are just bad people.

Malia was handed over to Harvey for a year.

A year as Harvey's "intern."

The tapes are out there.

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