This is the thing which is currently ruining technology:

It is a code of conduct written by a mentally ill (even more than usually) tranny, who's goal is to address the "lack of diversity" in open source projects.

How do we fix this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

So yet again the evidence is clear. Women and all non merit based inclusion in anything leads to that things immediate destruction.

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>We believe that interpersonal skills are at least as important as technical skills.

An absolute coding genius will be considered the same as a fucking tranny with a gender study degree that makes coffee for everyone.

Fuck this shit.

Also, Linus Torvald left. Wonder why.

Linus signed on to this?
Linus left? What

What the fuck is going on. I must have missed a lot of shit.

Only a matter of time before Linux becomes a bug infested rotting corpse and the only OSs you will be able to use are either pure bloated spyware or a dumbed down one that only works on a $2000 overpriced mac

Linus was somehow forced out. They got something on him.
Also yes, that tranny is a fucking retard that wants to completely destroy open source software by removing anyone remotely capable

Isn't there like 15 versions of linux that aren't infested by SJWs? If the core dies the offshoots live. It's like how nobody uses firefox anymore but waterfox is alive and well.

Hahaha fuck, was he forced out or what?

>Greg Koah-Hartman will take over

Oh fuck not that fucking dude. Fuck sake time to move to OpenBSD. They do not tolerate this horseshit.

>Working in code of conduct against hostility
>Being hostile
I love SJWs and their broken logic.

Open source is open source anyway. People will just start to do their own thing separate from these parasites.
There will eventually be a schism, the SJW team will collapse as they ditched merit and actual technical work for gender and race issues, while the part that is solely based on merti will make it through.

Now, this will only come with a 10 year stagnation and orwelian environment in the open source development. All the ones that disagree with this (i.e. everyone that didn't agree ot put their name on their retardation code) will be persecuted like in silicon valley until they all leave and start open source on their own.

Did he get #metoo'ed? Fuck, Linus is a god among that community. He could score the highest quality girlpucci that enters that realm, with zero game.

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They are not principled. It's always about power. It's alway ok when they do it.

All means justify the end, and the end is giving shit to white males without end.

>He could score the highest quality girlpucci that enters that realm

So a 4/10.

>How do we fix this?

There are a few 5/10s in there. Very plain and not even chubby.

Installing BSD tonight, does it support Ext4? I have a separate /home partition on another HDD
pkg-add is the apt-get equivalent of BSD, right?

Believe the answer is yes to all

That is just avoiding the problem.

It's not ruining technology, it's ruining Open Source a.k.a. Communist Source Software.

Burn it

Open source isn't communist. It's just people working together to make software.

In fact, a lot of proprietary software today has been jew'd. Look at Windows tracking everything you do and showing you ads on the fucking operating system. OSX is unpozzed, as far as I know, though. Also, look at all the "subscription based" shit that makes it so that you can be stripped of the stuff you paid for because the corporation doesnt like what you do with it.

Slide threads are working, i see

>who's goal is to address the "lack of diversity" in open source projects.

a.k.a. not enough saboteurs.

"Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment include:
Using welcoming and inclusive language
Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
Focusing on what is best for the community
Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances
Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
Public or private harassment
Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or electronic address, without explicit permission
Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting"
sounds reasonable, have they hidden something Orwellian within?

I wonder what would happen to the linux corporate revenue streams if the SJW's put massive backdoors and security holes ion their software?

>Using welcoming and inclusive language
You know what the fuck this is

>Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences

>The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or advances


Using sexualized language or imagery and making unwanted sexual advances in a professional environment is just trashy.
If I'm writing code, I'm not interested in reading other people's sexual exploits or getting hit on.

Corporations fund it. Look at the corporate member list.

A global assortment of companies rely on Android. If they purge the white DEVs, they'll probably move the Linux Foundation to China where the Chinese government will continue development of whatever they were working on.

>Using sexualized language or imagery and making unwanted sexual advances in a professional environment is just trashy
The problem here is that open source isn't a professional environment. Everyone can contribute.



Hmmm. That's it. You're affraid you're never going to make good code in your life. Hence the quotas.

The retard is working against that, though. It's no longer about good code, but inclusiveness.

These people need to leech off someone else otherwise they end up homeless (and indirectly leech off everybody else).


But when its free why write it? I can't live off OSS contributions.

You gumballs know this has fuck all to do with SJWs, right?

This is about corporate and government ownership of linux. Anyone competent enough to find the back doors will get kiked


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It's just knowing that you helped.

what kind of bullshit reverse psychology is this?

The only thing stopping me from de-authenticating every device within a 4 mile radius (the range of my antennas) is fear of jail time and no reason to do so.

fuck linux gaylords and fuck cia niggers

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You have to start bullying them, and making things so uncomfortable that they leave

Why would you not just research it yourself instead of posting about it like you were having a real life conversation? This isn't a social club, and no one here is your friend.

Why put up with this at all? Just ignore them.

If I make a project, why would I want people coming on and posting crude sexual jokes and adding sexual comments to the code?

>just ignore them
Fuck off shill, we won't let them infiltrate more shit

"Not being hostile" already mean allowing a small portion of hostility, good fences make good neighbours and all of that
the problem is that they take it to the extreme and instead of letting people sort shit between themselves, they want to intervene and make everyone partecipate in every single shit that's happening to every person so that everyone is on teh same page and has no option whatsoever to ever be hostile (which never happens and only turns even more hostile than before)


every fucking time

if youre good enough, you can. ever of heard of red hat? ever considered that Linus Torvalds is a literal millionaire. companies pay him to develop linux

False, I have friends calling people niggers on this board. You just don't have any

The Russian Technology Sector may be the last free and open source tech sector... What a fucked up world.

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Slavs to the rescue again


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>How do we fix this?
We don't. We embrace TerryOS and build a new future, a future of hope.

The culture around Linux will now slowly be replaced by the lame suits of HR, the harpy girl-powered programmers overhearing dork jokes at conferences, gender neutral language, prim and proper mailing list language and the whole works.
As an old developer I've been in too many places when this culture takes over. It called "corporate world".
Everything slows down 10x. Software expenses increases 10x, bugs abound, computers crawl. Meetings takes most of the day. Ah, you talk about your family and your little dog in the meetings, of course. Feelings are important.
It's the natural evolution. When men colonize an environment, just then, women arrive, and womenize the environment. Their social structure is very different than men's. But make no mistake, those people are savages, and will ostracize and force you to resign much more violently that the apparently 'violent' aggressive male culture.
Then, the bravest men abandon the place and explore other lands. It's time to explore other lands.

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>How do we fix this?
It will fix itself
The Kernel has no mercy
by the third fucked-up patch by a POC tranny allowed to alter the kernel on the basis of group identity not merit (we're in a post merit world! a fork will rise and everybody will install the fork
the same mechanism as with MySQL and MariaDB but ten times stronger

Attached: left how to make things work.jpg (449x600, 45K)


I've never seen anyone use MariaDB

That pic is fucking hilarious

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FOSS contributors are some of the most "racists" people, by today's liberal definition, i've ever encounter
some private git groups feel like Jow Forums in the good סld days
shit won't last long

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Oh fuck, here we go
*Muffled cyka blyat sounding in the distance*

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you are retarded. they have taken over every popular repo with CoC's and now language policing. we're losing, badly, while you're trying to talk up some invisible force that doesn't exist. i sincerely hope you die tonight.

Is it time to just use Windows XP entirely offline and just trade text-files by hand?

Ayn Rand predicted this shit. The screeching leeches who latch on to successful projects because they can't do anything on their own.

Thots are Statan's minions.

>we're losing
that's some nice NPC chatter

I think they've been trying to get him for years.
Saw an image where it is claimed that he never goes anywhere without witnesses, never gets caught behind a closed door with a woman.

Guess they finally got to him.

Present your evidence for our victories.

>When they ban memes and also start policing public servers so to you hire mirror's edge runners to carry contraband USB's and old floppies between yourselves
My body is ready

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if anything you are being NPC, which i think is a dumb meme anyways. "guys we're totally winning, trust me! don't even try to fight them"
i'll say it again, i hope you die. we have the NPM ceo saying he hates white men, Google is shown in Damores lawsuit that they don't want white people speaking at their conferences and try to avoid hiring whites, CoC's in every popular repo, python and plenty of other languages are getting rid of "master"/"slave" naming conventions.
but no wait, because you say "im in private chats and these programmers are red pilled" so we're really winning guys!

It would be very comfy.

why not just use a fork that doesn't subscribe to this bs?
Hasn't slackware remained the same for like a decade now?



>free software means software that respects the users freedom
ffs and stallman is still fighting against this bs with libc6 nigger devs too
we gonna have to have another fucking fork of unix over this shit like the 90s???

The kernel is fucking huge. There's no way a team as small as it would be could manage it.

it would take a full team of very competent devs to dedicate a lot of time to maintain a fork.

whenever i see somebody claiming to "code" in Rust my almonds are activated as i know where these "coders" are getting their money from
FOSS doesn't live of policies but code, which is the one thing people pushing these policies cannot and will never provide

you have obviously no idea what you are chatting about NPC
imagine my shock

Now developers are forced to use the feminist kernel otherwise they will get doxxed.

there's ways to do it without getting caught retard
go set something up and make a political statement

Take the Temple's kernel and work from there.

not an argument to what i said.
>seriously guys. stop being npc's. dont even try fighting them, programmers are totally redpilled and not complacent or indifferent because they're weak willed

How can we make sure the IT-sector has a nationalist spirit?

When did programmers go from anarchists and phreakers and become betas and pussies?

Man, that sucks. Looks like were screwed. No one can compile their own kernel and build their own distro. Linux is doomed! Unix is doomed! It's over for the people. There isn't hundreds of public distros or thousands of private ones.


because you don't provide any arguments, NPC
let me know once the routine has been implemented

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Except it's actually better than Linux and nobody can ever claim that sjw nigger shit would have been in line with the creators values.

>haha there's hundreds of distros there's nothing to worry about
>all of them jump on systemd instantly
>c-c-choice is the price of freedom

when california became a hub for programming. that's it. it was started by ultra libertarians and then liberals took ahold of it.

o'sullivan's law:
>O’Sullivan’s Law states that any organization or enterprise that is not expressly right wing will become left wing over time. The law is named after British journalist John O’Sullivan.
>Television shows are the best examples of this. 24, House. Charitable foundations are worse but harder to see.
>One of the reasons for this is leftist intolerance versus right-wing tolerance. Right wingers are willing to hire openly left-wing employees in the interest of fairness. Left-wingers, utterly intolerant, will not allow a non-Liberal near them, and will harass them at every opportunity. The result over time is that conservative enterprises are infiltrated by leftists but leftist enterprises remain the same or get worse.
>Also, leftism is in and of itself a form of decay. >It’s what happens not just to television shows but to nations, churches and universities as the energy given off by the big bang of their inception slowly ebbs away. Rather than expend vitality in originality and creation they become obsessed with introspection, popularity and lethargy. Leftism is entropy of the spirit and intellect.

>trade text-files by hand
That time will come, I swear.

Do you know how Linux works?

>all of them jump on systemd instantly
there are guides on how to replace that with good old init again
systemd is not required, but it is shilled incessantly

whatever man, keep hanging out in your private chatrooms with "based" programmers. it's working out really well.

this isn't about paid code monkeys in soon to choke on their own diversity silly valley, NPC
as i said, you don't know what you are chatting about
> Once upon a time, a cute Canadian trans woman named Tiffany made a video on her video blog showing her dilating, with an episode of Star Trek: Voyager overlayed over her pussy…

> This episode is made in honour of Tiffany. In it, I dilate in the same way… though I watch an episode of Archer, not Star Trek.

Attached: episode0002.webm_snapshot_00.56.42_[2018.09.17_20.57.16].jpg (360x640, 35K)

I think you missed the point I was making. It wasn't that you can't replace it, but that the standard state will change.

Again, not the point I'm making.

WTF I love Emacs now!

>address the "lack of diversity" in open source projects.
how is this taken seriously. thats the whole point of open source, literally anyone can contribute as long as its generally functional, when contributing you never are asked about your sexual preferences or gender, the only concern is if your shit works, this mentally ill attention seeking run amok

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Fun things are fun.

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>sounds reasonable, have they hidden something Orwellian within?
Yeah, someone who doesn't contribute is trying to use overt character assassination to gain political power in the open source community. We've seen this same strategy over and over again, and I would much rather see this person told to kindly fuck off than let them rule open source with an iron fist of outrage and gaslighting.

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before I get the Flammenwerfer

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