>France 2018
Nobody can deny that we should have won ww2
The soldiers would have burned down all of their own capitals if they saw this future.
wtf is that a tranny Muslim?
that's the just the average Turk woman over 40.
They are the worst-aging race on the planet.
As long as humans can laugh, smile, cry and feel "much bond", there will be unfavourable mixing between the races.
Only Hitler and his chosen successors could have prevented what we are seeing unfold in Europe today.
well the French became NatSoc fairly quickly and the last army group defending Berlin were French.
The British, Americans and Russians deserve their fall and suffering
I don't deny it, I regret it Germanbro
This is why you should never let the colonies speak your own language.
Let them speak their ooga booga language
France '98 vs France 2018
What a disgrace
Name me one European colonial power that didn't teach their colonies their language.
Whites were undone by their naivety. Hopefully the next great race that emerges from the ashes in 50,000 years time will be less trusting and gullible.
Το μη χείρον βέλτιστον.
>Implying niggers won't cry a thousand tears for not being able to change the country of the next great race
>Implying the next great race can become a great race without empathy which ironically will also be their downfall to the niggerhorde
a smiling black girl, how terrible, wtf I want to build a time machine now and give hitler the atom bomb now!
Please never come to Paris you will think that's the Congo
Whites would do better if their empathy levels were reduced by 60%. Lefties could be like right-wingers and right-wingers could be neo-nazi.
The downfall wasn't due to empathy. It is due to the influence of a fifth column.
What do you mean fifth column?
The eat-shit rapefugees aren't magically getting welfare benefits and free housing by themselves. The true enemies are the ones expropriating wealth and property to these savages and excusing them for crimes.
You, Germany, did win WW2. The EU is the Reich, existing solely for the benefit of germany. And your pic is the result of that. Well done, germany has ruined Europe for the 3rd time in a century.
And I know this because i'm an armchair historian who gets all my facts off of Jow Forums
Man I cant wait for the western race war.
I think it already is unavoidable.
Is that a muslim tranny? LOL