Cannabis aids in learning

I find a good few hits off my pipe makes me concentrate for extremely long time. Burns you out fast though.
I have short attention span when sober. I ADHD of course

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True, just after a few hits off of my hash pipe and I found the cure to HIV

Same here, but only sativas help me, indica strains fuck me up worse.

oh thats funny cause im using straight indica oil

Lmao. Drinking neat whiskey shots help me drive better.

Takes teh edge off I know

The herb fucks me up more than the oil vape

>Literally the most widely known, proven and observable side effect of cannabis is short-term memory loss
>Cannabis aids in learning


My pothead days were the most miserable degenerate years of my life. Stay away from this plant. It's a very powerful psychoactive. The idea that's it's as harmless as a glass of wine or cup of coffee is pure propaganda.

this is what I am smoking. High %CBD oil.

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the flag ivan, the flag


How often shoudl we get high? once a week ?

Do shrooms aid in anything?


Short term memory as being able to memorize phone numbers. People's short term memory is already being zapped by modern technology - with or without cannabis. I think cannabis has some good use for anti-anxiety, which may also help with concentration, whereas many forms of "writer's block" are anxiety induced. That said, I am not saying Cannabis is free from harmful effects. If this was a drug commercial I would be reading off side effects faster than you can understand them. Just like any drug - there is no one cure for everything.

Even once a week shouldn't be taken lightly. If you trip acid once a week, it will shatter your mind. I've seen it happen. Weed today is damn near as powerful as acid or mushrooms.

Okay I'll stop feeding /threads

Really? So can I compare flakka or heroin to caffeine now?

Drugs. I see.. Might be i'll try going sober for a few months and see what changes take place.

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Lmao what's the point dude

It may take several months, even year, for brain to recover after quitting weed. If you go a few months without, decide that life without weed sucks and go back to smoking, bear in mind that it's possible you did not abstain long enough to get a taste of actual healthy sober life.

I agree. Having been a long term user and currently an engineer I can say it's not very good for learning.