Hey retards, what would be the point of a white genocide headed by the Jews? What is to gain?
Hey retards, what would be the point of a white genocide headed by the Jews? What is to gain?
Anyone? Scared that you're probably wrong?
They want to replace us since bleaching, contacts, plastic surgery, semen theft and outright larping hasn't worked.
Just slightly more genocidal than they are self-hating
I mean, you realize how stupidly non-feasible that is, right? There's like a few million of them.
It's because they think they are an ethnic group but aren't so they want everyone else gone, bunch of sad bastards
They're kinda stupid
Ignore the since, I don't know why that is there
Not statistically, but that's not really my point.w
Stfu, lurk more. You cant demand answers here. Only a rope for you to KYS.
gets rid of intellectually threatening competition. asians are next
I mean, you'd have to define ethnic group I guess. They are by the official definition
They're kind of stupid
But both the Asians and Jews are statistically higher IQ than whites
I'm here plenty. Sorry for assuming I can ask a simple question and get a simple answer
not as impending a threat to jews, though. whites already sperg'd hard on them once and looks like it's about to happen again.
*cough* they get on social media every day to tell us their plans. They even write books on it. They're kind of stupid.
Literally only on Jow Forums it looks like that
Just because a couple Jews doeams there's a global conspiracy? Again, what is to gain?
>t. untermench
Really stupid.
Western civilization was found upon order and Testimonial Truth (Epistemology). Jews trive on chaotic diverse societies, they use lies to transform the host nations in this form of eveirament were they feel more safe and can get away with parasitic behavior.
There are two polar opposites of each other, that's why they are always in conflict.
Yeah, did I ever say I wasn't a Jew? I just honestly don't see it in my day to day life and interaction with other jews
Hmm could have something to do with whites having a history of overthrowing tyranny and Jews generally being in favor of tyranny?
>I have never seen a zebra
>zebras don't exist
Almost nigger tier. It does make sense they pass laws to protect them
Examples? Seems the opposite.
More like I am a zebra, who hangs around herds of zebras, and have never seen a zebra eat meat, nor have a ever eaten meat.
USSR. Mutt tier stupid
A few million of them, and yet they're grossly overrepresented in Hollywood, the government, corporations etc. Really makes you fucking think.
Not like that at all.
It's not like ordinary jews were behind the Frankfurt School, Russian Civil War, the immigration act of 1965 in the US, and war in the middle east that benefit Israel.
Yet all those are movement done with ethic jewish interest in mind that harm western nations.
Bullshit. Why dont you just beg for mercy at this point? But you wont, you will just keep doubling down.
Generally high iq genes in a culture that promotes success and education. Simple enough
How so?
Lol. Seriously, only on Jow Forums is this the majority feeling.
No, high iq on itself do not amout for the level of over representation you see in american media and politics, it's directly done by echocentric jewish behavior. The kind of behavior that creats nazism.
Its a good thing Jow Forums isn't real people
Is your argument then that kikes don't collaborate to disincentivize white interests in order to gain power, but instead collaborate specifically to NOT disincentivize white interests in order to gain power? So ... you are saying the Jewish cabal is real, but it's pro-white?
He's just bad at this
>protection from pogroms. Whites showed time and time again to be adversarial hosts. Whites gone - problem gone
> Holocaust became sole identifier for Jews worldwide..white genocide...fear-vengance.
> lower IQ people are easier to control
It will not work. It will be bad for Jews. Why the Jew elite (bottom 90% jews like you don't decide/influence important issues and are hated by the elite almost as much as whites) do it anyway?
Jewish elite tactics coevolved with whites for the most part. They cannot fathom that those tactics work only partially with brown people.
They believe they can control them,not realizing that the infrastructure they use to control current white countries will not work anymore,once whitey is gone (a police force/army that can be relied upon, media with a working power grid and so on.
Lastly they don't realize, that weakening the host nation eg the USA by diversifying it,will make it too weak to keep its global position in respect to non-host countries like China. They believe they can contain China by a combination of financial,political and military measures. Those will not work in the future, once the host nations become to weak.
> tl/Dr hybris
Jews have been historically been kicked out of hundreds of countries and communities who get sick of their conniving ways. By creating a cultureless world of mutts with no sense of tribalism or nationalism, there is no resistance to the Jew. The only remaining tribalists will be the Chosen People, who will thrive.
A simple google of The Kalergi Plan will help you out