Borders are a social construct, prove me wrong

borders are a social construct, prove me wrong.

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was he going back to africa?

Property is a social construct. Everyone should be welcome in my house and eat my food.

go tell the soldiers that fight and die over borders they are a social construct

>I had to wait in line
At first I thought he was going to say "to the grocery store"

folks, this is what 180 IQ looks like
get fucked racists

correct - the border between the dutch dialect of german and the correct standard german is simply a matter of taste.

>Every poor person should move to rich countries.

>dies in someone else's country

LOL that's called "offense" not "defense"

>social constructs are a bad thing
reminder that the law is also a social construct and punishing criminals is a great thing

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Nigger science is a social construct, prove me wrong

Social constructs are a bad thing, prove me wrong

>what is histroy

when does he open up his house to the homeless which are many in America?

Those artificial borders of his house must be torn down! We must all go to his house and enter it demanding he make room for us.

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bodily integrity is a social construct.

Time to rape every single of his orifices and kick the shit out of him.

in the same way all over ANIMALS strive for and maintain borders of their own using scents and physical barriers.

dogs and cats piss on stuff to make their territory.


quit being such a fucking non-human faggot

Why doesn't he just go to the zoo? It would be a lot cheaper

He'd prefer to just OOGA BOOGA wherever he wants

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>had to fly in an artificially conceived airplane
>and speak an artificially conceived language
>with members of my own species
the horror. We should give up all artificial conceptions! Like medical care, science, plumbing, and safe travel!

>try to fuck a 5 year old
>uhhhhhhhh actually officer age of consent is just a social construct. I'm simply trying to mate with a female to prolong our species :)

now why would anyone ever have to conceive artificial borders?
hmm maybe idk niggers?

Ohhhh now that’s a good one

>black intellectuals

Species boundaries are a socially defined construct, there is the same genetic distance between hi and a chimpanzee than between he and me

Laws are "artificially contrived" social constructs too, does that mean they aren't important?

>rules of nature
>there are no rules

We have social contracts for a reason. i.e. civilization

Shitting in a toilet is a social construct as well.

Everything is nothing when you're a nihilist.

Laws are a social construct
Morals are a social construct
Language is a social construct
Truth is a social construct

Anything that isn't measurable by EPIC SCIENCE isn't even real and should be destroyed.

Borders a cultural construct as each one separates people enough that they are a distinct portion of the global village.
The taxes, wars, nobility, government is all jew bullshit that we can do without, but that will take growing up to achieve

here's a typical refugee claiming new lands in europe

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there are literal geographical borders that are more real than real namely deserts, forests, mountains, and of course seas and oceans


He sounds like an NPC

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Look up Hyena Butter

I don't understand why lefties live this guy with his "water is wet" tier posts. Is this a case of magic negro

Some borders are rivers, so, thats more than a social construct you faggot

Everything is a social construct, so GTFO.

The scientific process is also a social construct. Maybe someone should mention this to him.

So is not raping you.

So is money but I don't see that nigger giving any away.

>shapes are a social construct
>triangles don't real

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You arent wrong, borders are in fact a social construct.
Before you go arguing against the utility of social constructs though, remember that laws and rights are social constructs too

self ownership is a social construct, so if social constructs mean nothing then I can just rape and murder his family and not be blamed right?

since when do you need a passport to go to the zoo

Must be nice to be rich enough to fly to a new country every day, nigger.

Language is a social construct, now stop using it.

issue is when the government is an anarcho-tryrannical one that allows mafias and gangs to operate while punishing the law abiding citizens with more laws

Rape is a social construct

Just because something is a social construct doesn't mean it's "fake" or in any way wrong.

>borders are a social construct, prove me wrong.
Okay, take all the doors off your home.

Laws are also a social construct.

Property and ownership is a social construct, prove me wrong while I walk into your house, eat your food, kick your dog and take your electronics.

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>rape is a social construct

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they are, there are no natural country borders, as country's are social constructs too.

All forms of governmemts are nothing more than sophisticated gangs extorting the people in their region for money.
Good luck changing this though, as this behavior is a natural extension of human nature.

>protecting you from members of your own species, that would love to rape, kill and take everything you own, but some faggots decided to be wise if they force you pay taxes so that they can pay other members of your species that are willing to die to protect you so that you can study, work and trade making everybodies life better
>implying they are not a social construct is bascially retarded
>implying that we dont need borders is more retarded when everybody can fuck you up

Contracts are a social construct. There's not actually anything in the material universe that says I have to uphold my side of an agreement. Therefore I shouldn't have to pay any of my bills. My lease, etc. are all social constructs. Nothing is real.

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tampons are a social construct so we all need to stop using them

Hey buddy, gonna crash in your house today and stay for a week eating all your stuff and shitting up all your things. I mean your door is also a socail construct right?


Society is also a social construct, you commie fag lord

You need to go back to Turkey.

Yes, borders are social construct, just like murder being wrong is a social construct.
>The World Health Organization estimated that between 61.4 and 77.4 per cent of women and girls in Liberia were raped during the war.
>Blahyi has said he led his troops naked except for shoes and a gun. He believed that his nakedness was a source of protection from bullets.[8] Blahyi now claims he would regularly sacrifice a victim before battle, saying, "Usually it was a small child, someone whose fresh blood would satisfy the devil.

Africa 2018:
>Lemur extinction: Vast majority of species under threat
>The animals face a variety of threats, primarily the destruction of their tropical forest habitat, from so-called slash-and-burn agriculture, illegal logging, charcoal production and mining.
>Brazilian parrots portrayed in Rio are feared extinct
>Tanzania albino murders: 'More than 200 witchdoctors' arrested
>Albinos in Tanzania murdered or raped as AIDS "cure"

Attached: Africa nigger monkey cannibalism.webm (640x480, 1.26M)

Rape is a social construct. I don't see any borders on the female body.

I agree completely. Let's go back to the state of nature before such social constructs where he would be instantly killed because that is what I would do to uninsightful diversity hires in the state of nature.

This thread is a social construct

This, these people forget that humans are naturally savage, and that laws do not exist to subjugate them, but rather to protect them from people like me who, in a natural state, would behead them simply for irritating me.

OP just started his freshman year of college and is a few weeks into having his mind blown by Professor Goldenstein in SOC100


Plenty of land formations are natural borders: rivers, hills/mountains, oceans. KYS Tyson.

I live on an island, is the sea a social construct?


Are social constructs useless?

Haha, I remember as kids we would just walk into this weird kid's house and start eating the food while his parents were gone.

If borders are fake then taxes should also be fake. You cant have both. It simply will not work without a 1 world government. Which we all know is the ultimate plan

Why was Black Science Guy going to Oz?

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>im not important enough to skip the lines
>im not important enough to travel without a passport
>my ancestors aren't important enough to have built a different system
>it's everyone else's fault

Borders are a necessary way to differentiate private ownership. Land A is owned by Group X. Land B is owned by Group Y. Not really hard to grasp. You have zero right to enter Land A without Group X's permission. Without it, you become a trespasser and reasonable force can be used to expel you.

Had to get a key cut to open the front door to my own house, sigh, life is so unfair

100% of open border advocates lock their doors.

look look in the mirror. you're an idiot! prove me wrong.

Why tweet stuff like when you know if we set up a tent city in his yard he would immediately call the authorities.

Social constructs are a social construct change my mind

>my own species

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I Love Based Black Science man!

so we'll just give up on all laws then, because some smart ass dip shit thinks a tweet is constructive. but i dont want to hear shit when these open borders people are robbed, raped and murdered. why is it that the weakest think they know best?

proof this nigger is a shill

So is love, law, property, rights, liberty, friendship, loyalty, etc. Just because something isn't tangible doesn't mean it is not real.


this reply is to the whole thread.
borders are a carry over from territorial behavior.
many species are territorial without a society.
the idea of borders literally precedes the most primitive manifestations of society by hundreds of millions of years.
Case in point, even niggers were territorial and defended their borders, and their "societies" never constructed a fucking thing.
Sad to see Tyson go backwards from nothing.
I take care of myself just to live long enough to see the day when we stop feeding them and they all start starving and go full cannibal zombie horde continent like resident evil V

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>this is artificial and not natural!
>i flew on a first class flight across the world

He is so dense it's unbelievable. Token science nigger.

The plane you're gonna fly in is also artificially conceived, you dumb fuck.

This, even street gangs operate based on clearly defined territory, and will fight when there is a dispute based on those claims.

>societies are a social construct

You don't say

Youre deconstructing. Try not to deconstruct so you can make real comparisons. Otherwise everything deconstructs to atoms and nothing matters. Including that guy visiting members of his subsaharan species.

take out usury and interest because of incorporation's and banking cartels so we get to explore which government works without the snakes in the background fucking things up with their egos

uhh yeah borders would not exist without humans being social beings.... territories are created when social animals decide what belongs to them. ants and apes have borders too... its just about where they have power over the resources. and that power is decided through their military might. these things are socially constructed but naturally occurring.

like your dinner?

>1 post by this ID
This, ladies and gentlemen, is how you identify a troll thread.

But fuck it, I'll answer the question.
>borders are a social construct
So is the idea that murder is wrong. Does that mean you should become a murderer? No, no it doesn't.

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