Isn't it hypocritical

Why does America believe that everyone above 18 should own a gun,,, yet they refuse other countries to own Nukes?..

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The same rules that they use to defend guns, like saying that if everyone has a gun then a bad government can't terrorize them should apply to other countries... Actually even more.. It is easier for a man to go mad and start shooting a school than it is for a country with all it's organizations to shoot nukes aimlessly.

>Why does America believe that everyone above 18 should own a gun
Anyone who believes that is an idiot. However, everyone over the age of 18 has the right to keep and bear arms. It is constitutional. You seem foreign (Or or a retarded US citizen), so pic related. Don't post about US gun policy until you read it.

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You realize that we know you are the First post, and are replying to yourself?

every one over the age of 18 should have their own nukes imo

its the US constitution not the world constitution.

Refusing other countries to defend themselves is a sign of a bully.. they even refuse Japan to have an army.. they refuse other countries to defend themselves. Even donald bump f is not allowing countries to defend itself. Even Japan is just standing naked. when stupid north n korea has nuclear weapon.. unfair

One stolen gun can't terrorize the entire world.

One stolen nuke can. Which is why shithole nations with more accountability to criminal orgs than their own citizens don't get to have nukes.

Simple to understand faggots......stop being third world shit holes, run a country where you can actually keep track of where your fucking nukes are and you can have fucking nukes.

sorry i m not very used to the style. i didnt know it was bad to type like that

>run a country where you can actually keep track of where your fucking nukes are
get a load of King Shit of Fuck Mountain over here

Ok. if everyone has the right to own gun, then why cant democratically elected country be allowed to protect itself from the enemy

Why is this tard talking to himself..?

no. you dont undertand what im saying... im saying.. why cant Canada have right to defend itself if one day Amerrca dictator attacks it.. why are only special countries allowed to have power.

But America is the main decider of who is allowed.. who gives it right to decide? if there is no world constitution, then leave other countries freely to develop themselves. Why does Israel have but not Australia..

Then why are there shootings everytime but still more and more guns.. but if any country tries to get nukes, America stops it very quickly.

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Because America has the biggest dick and fuck the other countries.

maybe just stop being a nation of so᠌yboys???

you're allowed to buy a pistol???



18 is getting a late start on it.

>sorry I didn't know it was frowned upon to attempt to create the illusion of a conversation between two individuals by replying to my own post
>It's my first day as a paid left wing shill/troll

This, I was given a single shot 20 gauge shotgun for christmas when I was 10 years old. brother.. im not saying everyone owning a nulke... i am saying every country having a nuke to defend itself..if every country has a nuke, then no bully.. everyother country will have to respect and be careful.. but now for example Canada has no nukes and so it fears America which has very many but refuses to share or at least allow canada to have nuke.

>refuses to share

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Share? So America is now supposed to hand out welfare nukes to everyone?

get on it burgers bros.
where's my gib-nukes at ffs.

you see.. that is how America thinks.. like a bully... but you are wrong. China and india are about to become better than america... and other countries will follow soon... Why dont yo atleast allow your friends to also have countries.. otherwise enemy Arab countrie with nukes will become more stronger.

Yeah, why won't we get any nukes? Last time we got proper showers we got rid of the rats

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You white bastards spend most of your time grazing fast food, committing beastality, shooting up schools, fucking with underage kids.

Do you still get shekels for replying to your own posts?
Kids don’t forget that Sage goes in all fields

>London bombed back to Allah by "quintessentially British person"

ok' i didnt mean sharing. i meant allowing them to develop themselves and to develop the technology.

Have you seen what’s going on with Canada lately? They’re in competition with Mexico for the worst next door neighbor award.

I think the more hypocritical things regarding nukes is that the USA is the only country in history to ever use a nuke against another country, yet it believes itself to be the best arbiter of which countries should possess them.

I got a single shot .22 at 8 and 40 years later I still have it, it has never gone on a rampage through a school but that might because its not black.

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>I am a shill
>This is my first day here

Did you come from reddit, twitter or tumbler?

He a gud boi

there are almost 200 countries in the world.. Why are only 9 allowed to own.. and almost all of these 9 are controlled by America military. Canada is america friend but still not allowed to have nukes

Fuck your couch nigger!!! thats why! we got guns to keep invading fucks out thats why the only successful attacks are pussys suiciding themselves for a one day event that makes us tear your country apart. Dont mess with the U.S. !!!

Picture is fake. Pelley gun, old light beer, and no one wears a republican elephant shirt.

Further proof that leftists cant meme or spread facts.

lol I am both pro-gun and for nuclear proliferation. I would not apply what you say to our government, even our most pro-gun politicians are against more regulation, not for repealing existing regulation.

oops I meant this guy

Yes.. now at least one American has talked well. i am not attacking rights to guns. i am saying if every adult has a right to have a gun, then every developed organized country should have a right to own powerfull guns

Shure just try and talk yourself out of the complete bullshit you said

He's not wrong though. Nuclear deterrence is a proven solution to prevent great power conflicts. If countries and like India, Pakistan, and North Korean can resist the urge to use them than it can be said that other would be responsible enough to as well. I would say that Iran should have nuclear weapons to counter-balance Israel. Japan , which honestly would be the most responsible and deserving, should have them to counter-balance China.

i am ok with guns.. i believe that if people are defended, then it is difficult for a dictator to mistreat them... I also believe that if countries are more defended, then it is difficult for an invader to attack them.

>then every developed organized country should have a right to own powerfull guns
Everyone in the USA who is not a criminal has the right to keep and bear arms.

A 3rd world shithole with no accountability is no different then the felon in the USA. No accountability to themselves or society. This is why certain places are banned from using nuke weapons. Because they would lose them, they would misplace them....but that really means that they gave them to a terrorist who will cause mass pandemonium across the world.

Its an apples to oranges comparison you are making. You obviously don't understand US law regarding firearms.

Also, lose the meme flag you kike. We know you are israeli.

Nice english you third world faggot. Kill your self, shitstain.

Also sage'd. Learn fucking english before being a jew shill. Fuck head. Hope someone beheads you tomorrow.

I agree with you. Have you read Stephan Waltz? He is a defensive realist writer that advocates for nuclear proliferation.

i have not read, but i will make sure i llook for the book and read it.. thank you

Just give me a secound and I will give you some links

Ok, yeah I am just kinda pissed atm, sorry for being so ignorrant

Sorry I did not have that in my file, but this should work

Are you implying the next step is for citizens to own nukes

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Lol don't worry my dude, I am in the same way.

Shit my bad, I got his name wrong. It's Kenneth Waltz

I mistook him for another. Pic related

Attached: The Israel Lobby.jpg (342x499, 36K)

That's not a real gun. That's a BB gun. I used to have one just like it when I was like 10.

you autist he added to his first post


gib me my nukes and say that to my face faggot man

There's about 15 countries with nukes...

fuck yeah he is, 2nd amendment demands it.
also, every one should be given a time machine on there 18th b-day, if it ever gets invented.