I want to run for office to see what kind of shit they'll pull on me

how many women did I nearly rape?

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>every accuser is a liar
>all men are perfect
>except ones that disagree with my perspective

op confirmed rapist

Dems dont seem to care about dnc chair keith ellison who literally beat his ex gf

Here's the game plan.
Run as a Democrat and they will leave you alone. Zero scandals.
Then from within the party and in a seat of power work against them.
(This is war)

op raped me can confirm

That's because every single democrat in the US, probably in the world, is a demonic child rapist. Every single one.

>Run for high profile political office as a republican.
>Nobody thinks you're a virgin any more because you have all sorts of rape accusations.

The plan is bulletproof.

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This is now a Tanya thread.

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Depends how much of a threat you are to them.

the more threat points you have the more rape points you have.
maybe we can make a game out of this.

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aw YES

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> of course we should believe her, she's a woman after all, a woman would never lie
> What does it matter if it's not only extremely convenient, but on top of that extremely convenient timed for an open news cycle?
> What does it matter whether she received a large sum of money from Feinstein, that doesn't mean anything
> What does it matter
> So what if the last few politically convenient rape accusers all turned out to be bold-faced liars, even with solid evidence doesn't mean this one is
> Don't you dare use that evil pattern recognition or - dare I say it - think! Thinking is facist and only racists do it.

> run for office and advertise shit like capping dividends or letting the state print money without debt
> lots of women accuse you of rape
> no evidence because you probably never met any of them
> anyone that knows you will testify that this is extremely out of character, even people who hate you
> all the ladies see you as a player who fucks all the women so obviously you're the hottest guy out there
> pick out the woman with the best-paying job and live on as a stay-at-home dad
> any money or assets you had saved have been used up on your campaign so she has nothing to gain from divorcing you
It's the perfect plan.
If it worked for Breivik, it'll work for others, too.

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Unfortunately they removed that show from crunchyroll. Those bastards!

they did? why the fuck?

Sadly I think you only raped someone if you seem like you're going to win. At least for now, wait a bit and the left will be calling everyone on the right a rapist, the party of rape. Raping people without them even knowing it, until the enlightened left tell you that you were raped.

>only thing to find is your trap and anime fetish
I can't wait to see them finally proclaim on live television that traps are in fact gay and degenerate so we can put this debate to bed
Do it OP!

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>become president
>release the fap files
>all porn and porn related searches released to the public from the NSA collection servers

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ironic d*bs schlomo

>using crunchy roll
Fucking ironic weebs

crunchyroll is shit ur probably doing a BIGGER service to the anime culture as a whole by pirating than u are by using it