Who's the worst president in USA history?
Who's the worst president in USA history?
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OP is gonna get concripted into the IDF and then the arabs will invade and OP will die. Jow Forums will watch it on livestream in full /comfy/ mode.
Spiro Agnew
During my lifetime
6-Carter would probably be higher but I was a baby when he was President
I don't know but Obama and Bush Jr. are up there.
>Sage faggot
Bush Jr began our involvement with the middle east which is pretty much single handedly ruining the western world for Israel, so him.
There's worse than Trump, but he's definitely in the bottom 5.
Immigration Act
Bush sr./Bush jr.
All of the ones who consider you an ally. So all prior to ww2 were okay.
Underage, reported
Woodrow Wilson
Abe Lincoln
In that order from worst to "best".
All did tremendous harm to the Republic.
King Nigger (and yes I am black so I can say that):
aka all the ones that pushed the republic towards actual democracy (except Obama)
>muh obama the thread
I agree, Wilson ranks up there, but he did try and let people know how bad he sucked on his deathbed. Too bad this is not taught in schools. (((I wonder why)))
>Yeah morty, that sounds like a great immigration bill
Do Kenyan who werent legally president still count?
That brown guy was pretty bad
King nigger Obama easily the worst other than the president that got us into WW2
You don't know much history if you think our involvement in the ME started with Bush Jr.
The fucker who ruined America forever.
Who did then? I'd be happy to learn.
Its a three way tie between, Bush Jr. Obama, and Johnson.
As long as this imbecile doesn't get us into any wars it will always be W
You should know, it started immediately after WWII, and it was mostly because of the British / US working together.
The Iranian Revolution decades later has its roots in this event.
During my lifetime
1. Dubyah
2. Obama
3. Clinton
If we're talkin historically its either Woodrow Wilson (Developed precursor to UN, got alot of people killed in WW1, a war we should NOT have entered), FDR (Forced Japan's hand to start WW2 because his socialistic policies were failing, socialist policies moved country leftward) or LBJ (Great society programs = gibs me dat, 1965 immigration act, ect) all VERY bad
>W was bad, but Obama was worse. Scratch that. They are equally as bad.
This guy gets it.
The only president worse than Hussein Obama would have to be the racist white supremacist Abraham Lincoln...
>Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
Impeach him now!
all of them atleast trump is a clean person the rest fell for the kikes temptations
Its that faggot James Buchanan
Not american so I don't know shit about most presidents, but reading his wiki page it says
>he was born to a slaver family
>affiliated with democratic party
>filled cabinet with segregationists
>scholars and historians rank him as one of the best presidents
The absolute state of modern democrats
they rank him as that because of his push for the league of nations (spoiler, didn't happen cause congress said no) and getting us involved in WW1 . Necon globalist policies are viewed as positive by our scholars
To expand on this...
>Federal Reserve
>League of Nations
>turned America from a nation that loved the philosophy of Liberty to one that thought old ideas were bad because they're old
>New Deal and other such social programs
>subversive fucker that confused the political conversation by claiming Democrats were "Liberals" rather than "Progressives" and suggested Republicans call themselves "conservatives" now
>built off Wilson's bullshit
>Immigration Act
>Civil Rights Act
>etc, etc, etc.
Neocons are just democrats that go to church though
reagan, bush, clinton, and bush were the worst. but if you were to put all 4 of them into one body, it'd be obama, the incarnation of the shittiest, zogged, warmongering presidents in history.
Yes he regretted his decisions, yet he committed to them during his presidency, and for that he tops the list.
>implying Shartistan ever had a good one
What did Obama do that was so bad he’d be up there as the worst president ever?
Genuinely asking t.clueless bong
He was a recent Democrat president.
Also, black.
All of them are shit. We should have made George king
George Washington literally had wood teeth. Show your flag faggot
Fucked up healthcare for people who already had it, did nothing to actually improve the black community (jus blame all dat sheeit on whitey and racism), continued the war in the ME, was generally a socialist scumbag acting antithetical to american values.
Trump has been a terrible American president but a great proxy for Israel.
>was generally a socialist scumbag acting antithetical to american values
I hope to see one of these days an ACTUAL socialist president in power, just to watch your reaction.
Woodrow Wilson was one of the original NWO shitposters and was a weapon against america even back in its prime, he worked with Bush's grandfather on destroying this country. Obama is everything he could have dreamed of as a successor.
It's definitely going to be Trump in the history books. His presidency will be a reminder of the first time rural retards got access to social media. Come on now.
>implying americans wouldn't just shoot him
But I'm not american and my country's leader is already a huge faggot
george washington
>Israel flag
>worst president in us history
and of course sndarfld blurfmph
King Nigger of course
This is one of my favorite examples of how desperatly confused and inconsistent Jow Forums is on pretty much anything if you scratch the surface.
Woodrow Wilson was the last openly racist and nigger hating US President. And also Jow Forumss most hated president.
You're all just a bunch of retards, arent you?
see Research this retard
> Obama exploded the federal debt
> by extending the bush tax cuts
> which trump is also doing
> but Obama is the worst because he a nig
To be fair, Obama didn't exactly have a choice. If anything, the stimulus wasn't big enough.
>Obama is the worst because he a nig
I would say its more this than anything else.
>wanted to contain communism
>brought communism into the country
>made youths waive vietcong flags on national monuments and statues
>made people not trust the government
And that was before Nixon.
What is Trump doing wrong anyway? I hear the tariffs haven't torpedoed the economy and tax cuts plus deregulation is spurring business.
Helped the anglo against the krauts who werent even Nazi at the time
Helped found the League of Nations which was orders of magnitude more weak and inefficient than the UN which is also weak and inefficient
Was an open and proud nigger hater
Had a completely segregated cabinet
Tried to remove the jew from western countries through the Balfour Declaration
LBJ was a real sonnova bitch.
Hi Jew. Thanks for sticking your nose into our business yet again.
The answer to your question is :
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
He isn't doing anything really substantially worse than any other recent American president, Rep or Dem. Elite establishments are just angry at him because he doesn't disguise his warmongering, kleptocracy, corporate-asslicking, racism and contempt for the poor behind soothing bromides. Centrists (and especially center-leftists) are mostly concerned with civility and government kabuki than substantial policy.
>I hear the tariffs haven't torpedoed the economy
The tariffs are still very small in the grand scheme of things. Trump's policy is a reversal to the standard neoliberal order on trade, but until he imposes real limits on capital movement globalization isn't going to be stopped.
>tax cuts plus deregulation is spurring business
If by "spurring business" you mean "funding stock buybacks", then yeah, sure.
USA taxcuts have been bringing progressively diminishing returns with every new round. Reagan's cuts were equivalent to a massive government wartime spending spree, by W. Bush's try taxcuts' impact on growth was negligible. Now Trump's cuts have done nothing but overheat the economy and inflate asset bubbles, while private sector investment is still just barely recovering to still abysmally low pre-2008 levels. This all suggests that the USA economy is "liberated" enough - businesses simply refuse to invest. The solution is microeconomic fiddling of the type that "free market" shills ideologically refuse to commit to. In this sense, "deregulation" might be well damaging the economy in more than just the regular ways.
Everybody hated nigger back then- that's no point of distinction. And your take on the Balfour declaration and the intervention into ww1 is completely wrong. He was comped hard. Hence the set up of the federal reserve, the appointment of Louis Brandeis to the Supreme Court (1st Jew), and the insertion into ww1 & Balfour declaration.
U faggot nigger
There was no such thing as racism back then, faggot.
>There was no such thing as racism back then
>I have not the slightest race prejudice or feeling, and recognition of its existence only awakens in my heart a deeper sympathy for those who have to bear it or suffer from it, and I question the wisdom of a policy which is likely to increase it.”
First prez to invite a nigger for dinner in the White House
Fought in the Union army
I could go on
>only 3,000 troops in Vietnam?
>let's make that 500,000
>and sign the immigration act
Woodrow Wilson
Hussein Obongo
He came up with Obamacare to deliberately fuck our system up even more, so that people will give up and accept fully socialized medicine.
I dunno but he sure is the handsomest