Is TRS really /ourguys/?

I'm having struggles with this and I kinda want some other opinions. It's kinda got me blackpilled

There's a link to a podcast released shortly after Mike got doxxed and after an hour and 26 minutes Mike starts openly talking about being Jewish. Wtf?

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Other urls found in this thread:

gay Jewish commies posing as rightwing

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I seriously doubt Mike is gay or a commie

This is brainlet tier


Sage is not a down vote, nice meme flag too fag

Ben Shapiro is only the beginning.

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Mike is 100% definitely /ourguy/. Stop being a shill.

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Whether or not he is jewish he is a fat larper faux neo-nazi who only cares about getting himself attention.

That should be enough to get you to distance from this retard.

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left ex-libertarian/ancap current neonazi larper Mike Pieonvich
center Mat Heimbach "National" Bolshevist
right Richard "I hate ethno nationalism I love globalism" Spencer

These are the retards that ran the "alt-right" straight into the ground.

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you guys know why homosexuals are so beloved by the CIA/deep state right?

To put it simply; what is a pan/homosexual?
>a person with divided and often limited loyalties (and will do anything to satisfy themselves)
>a person who is adept at assuming roles they aren't naturally inclined for, as well as leading double lives
Now what qualities would you want in a good spy or mole? Well...probably the two I just listed.
Homosexuals are natural traitors and spies. Never trust a homosexual to be a part of your interest group, and especially not as a leader of it.

I'm asking for input not shilling you dumb fuck goddamn


Most of (((TRS))) are gay nazbols. Enoch is a glow in the dark.

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mike is white and red pilled you christian identity boomer faggot

Mike Enoch is an aspie who married the first girl who touched his peepee. Her being Jewish was coincidence - he would have married a negress no doubt.

His personal failings don't make his ideas invalid. Judge them by their merits. Don't join his personality cult, as some do, and adopt his entire worldview as your own uncritically.

>from new york
>meet nice girl.
>no big deal, those milkers my man!
>years pass, exposed to jewish family, learn about the jewish manipulation of the economy
>start talking to friends about it.
>friends notice too, start recommending authors who've written about it.
>read said authors, learn more.
>holy shit, kikes are evil as fuck.
>your wife is one, but she doesn't seem to have a negative reaction to your newfound knowledge. she just laughs it off, but acknowledges that you have a point.
>start a moderately right wing podcast.
>slowly start acknowledging jewish power.
>soon it becomes impossible to ignore, so you invent 5-6 major counter-semitic memes.
>can't tell anyone about your jewish wife, you're in too deep.
>people find out anyway.
>wife forced to divorce you. you're forced to tell everyone.
>we met before I found out about the kikes.
>apparently this is not enough explanation for some people.
>continue to create the single most influential media empire in the jew-aware political sphere.
>still rejected by purists.
>fight and bleed for the cause.
>still not enough.
>face jail time, court struggles, doxxing, firing, blackballing, blacklisting, loss of career.
>still not enough, you married a jew once.

what do?

Enoch is a Talmudic Jew.

Attached: mike enoch talmud.jpg (1477x3340, 1.02M)

I couldn't give a fuck about his wife when the news broke.

Mike is legit as far as I'm concerned.

Because you're concerned with defending your zionist shills. When Enoch gets indicted for FARA violations I'm gonna laugh my ass off.

This exact thing happened to me so I’m inclined to believe Mike is genuine. Basically everyone around NYC is at least half Jewish, as was the case with my former lady.

>The Daily Shoah
they're just WN 1.0 faggots

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If you ever watched the show you would know how often he mispeaks by accident, it's practically a meme at this point, e.g. zero polerance tolicy etc.

If you record 1000s of hours of content it is going to happen - taking a 10 sec snippet where he words things wrongly so it sounds like he is a jew is completely disingenuous.

Bullshit. He has many times been happy to give others the limelight and never promotes things under his own name like many other 'personalities' but always under the name of or TDS. He also allows many other shows on the network, some like FTN, which are at least as popular if not more so than TDS.

>These are the retards that ran the "alt-right" straight into the ground.

Funny way of saying created and popularised the alt right.

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That quote is out of context.
He was speaking about his children before, he himself is not a jew but his children have some jewish blood in them.
The fact that you chose to make this thread means you're
A: Retarded.
B: A shill.
Take your pick.

>inb4 it's greatest goyim still on his crusade against Enoch because senpai didn't notice him
Get over yourself already you irrelevant cuck and go back to shitting up discords.

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See here

>all these quotes are out of context!
just stop.

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They are.
I've been through this dumb shit already, last time you retards at least posted your "source" though you didn't expect people to actually listen to it I guess, because the context is really clear.
Which also explains why you're not posting the soundbytes now.

Silence Jew.

Please explain how the attached quote is out of context. To me it seems Enoch is running damage control for Israel and Jews by denying the fact Israel and Jews were behind 9/11. How does it come across to you?

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>Mike Enoch admits to being jewish

>Mike Enoch's wife goes on the show

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This isn't reddit. We can all tell you are a shill.

He just worded things in a retarded way in the clip. He's not a Jew, he even posted a verified link to his 23andme, but he doesn't have kids.

How is this shilling?

How old are those quotes?

It sounds like he doesn't think jews did 9/11.
You're pretending like I'm whiteknighting for Enoch, but I'm not, I really don't care about him.
He's simply not a jew and every time one of you retards spreads that lie I lose respect for him, because you're either a shill, fooled by shills or too dumb to do basic research.
Criticize Enoch however you want, but stop spreading lies you fucking imbecile, you just embarrass yourself.
>literally the part where he mentions his kids before that cut out but half a minute after the relevant quote put in
You're pathetic.

How can Enoch be based and redpilled if he doesnt even know Jews did 9/11? Everyone knows that!

Attached: mike enoch pwned stars.png (1421x240, 96K)

>That JUST look

>I was just pretending to be retarded, look at my epic trolling guys!

Daily stormer recently ended DS radio in a specific attack on Therightstuff

>WN 1.0
I love when zoomers talk like they know anything about the past. There is no 1.0 or 2.0, only fools who are repeating the mistakes of the past while smugly basking in their self-righteousness.

pls address my question? how is it enoch didnt know Jews did 9/11 when everyone knows that?

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No you are not. It's not organic to make a thread ''this white advocate is a jew and you should stop viewing his content''.

TRS unironically is one of the highest quality White Nat content out there.

Yeah it is and the daily stormer is attacking them now

>when everyone knows that?
>Jow Forums only has one opinion on things
Shill confirmed.

all kikes. controlled opposition is controlled.

Attached: dailystormer redpill 2.jpg (1500x1500, 1.66M)

I asked a question

I thought they were buddies TRS and The Stormer?

>enoch's impotent rage
>high quality

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>jews didnt do 9/11, goy!!!1
kike confirmed

Attached: Mike-Enoch-Ames.jpg (2000x1575, 1.61M)

>It's kinda got me blackpilled
Don't be black pilled about Kikes doing kikery just keep doing real things

wow its not like we have this thread every week

They just cut all ties with TRS cause they want TRS to do what they want and associate with who DS wants. Can't have certain folks on TRS now goyim if you want ya podcast on our website

I know this is just a troll, but they actually had Ryan Dawson on recently for a whole two hours talking about how Jews did 9/11.

Ryan "Im a Zionist" Dawson? I didn't ask about Ryan Dawson. I asked about ENOCH'S claim that Jews didn't do 9/11.

Attached: ryan dawson zionist.jpg (1919x961, 138K)

We don't you mud

TRS is controlled op gatekeeper to make people look stupid by using Jow Forums language constantly and to steer people toward the hope of a political solution when that ship has sailed

>Ryan "Im a Zionist" Dawson

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To be honest The Daily Stormer has gone down hill a lot lately.

Enoch is generally not big into conspiracy theories, which I admire him for, he doesn't just agree with someone if they tell him something that sounds plausible, he wants to see the proof.

There are plenty of people on TRS podcasts who believe conspiracy theories though, they even have the fucking Paranormies show that spouts all kinds of crazy shit. Sven tends to believe more conspiracy stuff as well.

If they were they would've gotten rid of Striker. That's why DS is attacking TRS they want all the guys who don't believe this system can be changed through democracy out.


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it's because they got rid of comments, so they don't have a community anymore

>jews did 9/11 is just a conspiracy theory, goy!
cmooooon. even your damage control is weak today. you feeling alright?

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He's not Jewish, that quote is taken out of context. I wish pol would stop this meme, it's so played out.

Mike and TRS do a damn fine job, mistakes aside, which everyone is going to make a few of by the way. If we assume all of the theories about them are 100% true they still amount to a big pile of silly bullshit. Assuming it's all true, it's still not valuable to throw them under the bus in pursuit of an autistic purity spiral. Shills can get fucked, not even pointing the finger at you OP, shills in general. Unless someone is actively and intentionally acting like a retard and pushing for neon nazi shit or terrorism they're fine in my book.

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Yeah, I miss their comments section. sigh

Bullshit. They have all different views on their shows - they are not fully behind a political solution, they just believe in using politics to benefit us as much as we can. I don't think any of them really think there will be a political solution.

>that lone shill repeating tired old antiTRS talking points
Lmao, seething

They still have a forum you just have to be a member to view it. I'm on it. And it's nothing but attacks on fellow right wingers like TRS RA and HeelTurn

Me too but they are not fine in the Stormers book. If mr swastika having getting podcasts shutdown by telling people to kill Jews Weev wants it he gets it. We need optics tho amirite

Yeah, all sites need comments to really get big if they don't have outside publicity.

It's the main method most people had of interacting with the site. Then again, I can see why they would take them down for legal reasons, considering what happened with Spencer's site.

>DS is attacking TRS
Why cant these fucking retards go 5 minutes without infighting or purity spiraling??

Fuck sake. I want 2016 back when everyone on the right was united. How fast it all came undone.

the site is overwhelmingly kids mate

Average user age is probably under 16

Not to mention, Jews are 25% of "whites" in NYC.
And when you're talking non blue collar that number is higher and they all intermix.
If he was from Kansas and had a Jewish wife that would be one thing, but if you're a Manhattan office worker with a good salary it's another.

Oh so you need to be a paycuck now to view the forum?
Because id been on the forum for a long time, then that closed then they made the new one which seemingly also closed. I guess it being available for paycucks only makes sense.

Makes sense

Fucking hell, you know what I mean you twat.

Just mean the right in general. The second we had a victory it turned into infighting. The left saw it too and knew it was the easiest way to divide the right.

He's talking about the daily stormer forums, which are closed to existing members only. TRS closed theres completely for legal reasons.

My belief, it's because whites in America are so ethnically diverse there is very little real community between them.

Keep in mind, even the genetic difference between small neighboring tribes used to be insurmountable. When you have an entire continent's worth of genes being mixed into a lumpy mixture, realistically it's going to produce insane amounts of alienation.

You can't really form these tight knit communities, infighting is everywhere

Here's a little taste even Mcnabb is getting shit

From FASCIST LEMMING himself what happened to that goy?

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Ah yeah I thought they closed it all completely. But havent really been following trs in the last few months, at least since the 2nd forum went down.

Glad I managed to meet a bunch of local guys through it before it closed.

For just being on a podcast with brother Cantwell. What a fucking kike

Here's how I view it, friend.
TRS got rekt in 2016.
Alt-Right got rekt in 2017.
Siege is a 2 year long failed PSYOP.
The new "Name the Jew" movement headed by PL is right now in the process of getting rekt.
And anons are restless.

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Direct rip off of Ted Cruz dude this is really reaching

t. Weev

Weev is a Zionist.
Anglin is a Zionist.
Enoch is a Zionist.
These people create drama among themselves hoping unsuspecting anons choose a side, but which side they do choose, they're siding with Zionists.

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you couldn’t be more transparent if you tried, there’s at least one of these threads every day, still triggered his tweets about the “Caravan of Peace” caught the attention of President Trump???

Well said. It could've been handled better but anyone who thinks they can promise that they would have been a better man in the same situation is either naive or lying

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Fuck off nigger.

You are a fuckin stain to the white race.

Rope yourself faggot.

Maybe they did them a favor to drive more hits to trs? Unless you know the story, in which case spill it.

A cohost of the Daily Shoah was on the HeelTurn Cantwell was on the show too said co host didn't sperg out and talk a whole lotta shit so Anglin cut ties cause "muh snitches"


Thats really gay. I love Anglin but him and weev are both fuckin spergs sometimes.

t. Pic related

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Good thread

They're all Zionists.
Misguided, deceived Zionists.

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Sure thing.

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Eceleb threads are shill cancer. Sage, filter, report.


>Funny way of saying created and popularised the alt right.

He popularized the term "alt-right". They ran the actual movement into the ground.