Daily reminder that Spanish people are not White

Daily reminder that Spanish people are not White

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Only a retard wants to be white these days.

Looks almost exactly like my ex, just 5 years older and a tiny bit browner.

You're actually retarded if you think those people came from Spain.

Or maybe youre just a shill.

Spics scum needs to leave this board. Spaniards are the worst type of beaner.

They are not Spanish you retard

He. These are from my family.

you amerimutt , this is how an average spanish look like
white spanish you see in TV are actually British , 95% of spanish people look like this

Bullshit, I live there, just back from the UK. Although the place is getting over run by South americans in parts

Let me guess, Peru?

Those are mexican mestizos you commie faggot hippie retard

Source: I lived in Spain. They are whiter than most French and Greeks these days


Thats my phenotype

This is the average Spanish phenotype. Those people look like South American natives

Attached: spain192.jpg (300x400, 13K)

Those are blood drinking aztec snake people silly

Daily reminder that Africans are white, here's my anecdotal evidence to back that up.

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>spanish people

Spaniards have old Japanese blood (google it if you don't believe me)

>t. illegal alien

Wow. I´m so triggered.

Mi brother and I, checking the herd.

Attached: Bros.jpg (600x398, 69K)

this is what the average spanish look like

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looks like chinese people to me

>Source: I lived in Spain. They are whiter than most French
If you are not as white as the northern French were in the year 1000AD then YOU ARE NOT WHITE

Peruvians from North of Spain, yeah.