Reversing the Culture War

Are you doing your part to end the monopoly that the American left wing has over popular culture and media? What are you creating?

Link related, a WIP mix from a rap album meant as a Trojan Horse to start awakening people:

Attached: kanye.jpg (300x250, 15K)

Other urls found in this thread:

bump. i just avoid all popular media.

Learning to draw and maybe one day helping to uncuck the comics industry, if it isn't too late for capeshit. Cool song OP.

your just a attention whore. left wing entertainment has been dying. your not needed. nobody has to make a counter culture . the daily show fell apart and the spin off shows on other channels never got off the ground in most cases. battlefield was laughed at. all without your rap song that you didnt even upload to youtube and im not going to some faggy virus riddled hell hole

i shared a murdoch murdoch video once
you glow in the dark

Not an attention whore, this is unfinished so I uploaded to vocaroo so it wouldn't be connected to any finished media until the final version is ready. Just trying to see if I'm the only one doing anything about this or if everyone spends their non-Jow Forums time drinking on Jow Forums about where things went wrong

>left wing entertainment has been dying. your not needed. nobody has to make a counter culture . the daily show fell apart and the spin off shows on other channels never got off the ground in most cases
Get off pol for once, you are completely wrong
Talk to anyone 25 or under and you'll see how effective pop culture is

What else are you doing?

Working full time and saving money so I can support/promote my message. Discussing these topics with friends and family so they are aware of the mind control and voting in every election.

What's your message?

The media is altering the behavior of society (sexualizing everything through tv and film, normalizing hypergamy through "dating" apps and social media, promoting groupthink through social media and "right side of history" nonsense with the aid of important figures or celebrities), the money is held by the few while conditions deteriorate for the many (falling home ownership, everyone is renting, people leave college and have to find roommates or move back home because wages are low and degrees are worthless), most people are completely oblivious and homogenized, everyone likes the same 50 things.

wow this site is crabs in a bucket

Just swim out lol

Bump, all true, still didn't listen to the song. Good luck with your afro beats.

There's a lack of the word jew

Attacking a group is not the way to change people's minds, especially in current year, even if they are over-represented in positions of power. I'm trying to really make a change, not meme for a few days on an imageboard.

What you're doing is the same thing all of us who are "redpilled" but still come to Jow Forums are doing. Avoiding the fight.
You dedicate yourself to a make-believe "culture war" so you don't have to focus on actual war.

>over-represented in positions of power
What le based alt-right say when they're confronted with the Jewish question but don't want to directly acknowledge that our society is controlled by Jews.

What are you gonna fix if you don't know what's causing the problem in the first place?

I started taking the first steps today, it will be difficult but at least I will try.

OP you are not alone in this endeavor. I'm part of a small collective of musicians working towards a similar goal. Whenever you release your album, promote it in the correct places so the message isn't lost and you can have a group of people support you.

It will fix more than you will by offending 90% of the people in the world before they listen to three words you have to say. I know it's part of the problem but it's not the only problem. Your oversimplification shows that you have a lack of understanding for the topics discussed here, and the fact that you are trying to convince people not to do anything just because of your and others' inaction shows that you're not a valuable person to have on Jow Forums anyway.

Post some music
This is pretty well thought out for pol desu

We've already won, bootlickers.

When the Democrats win EVERY SINGLE ELECTION, you fat NEET red-hats will probably kill yourselves en masse. We're gonna give free hormones to everyone that needs it. We're going to implement social democracy. We're going to diversify every small, white town and city and hamlet and eventually make Japan 50% African. With automoation and immigrant labor, us college-educated elites will never have to lift a finger again.

Finally, we're going to paint over all of the old classics to diversify classical art and literature. We're going to strike the names of racists and misogynists off of every church and building. We're going to chisel the old Roman and Greek statues into something more inclusive and ethnic.

It's unavoidable. It's the future. The beige horizon is coming and you white supremacists have already lost the demographic war. Making mroe white babies is useless- we're going to kill them all or marry them to black bulls one day.

The future is brown, and black, and POC, and sexual minority, and Hispanic, and Muslim, and gay and lesbian and bisexual and transsexual.

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I'm a horror writer. You have no idea how bad it is in the publishing industry. For a taste, look into the Sad Puppies voting campaign for the Hugo awards and the reaction. Check out some market sites for open submissions and see how many call for 'marginalized groups' and related themes. Many young adult publishers have lists of social issues they want addressed in YA fiction. I'm slowly making my way up and eventually hope to find like-minded men with an eye toward creating a small publishing house, starting with a quarterly literary magazine and annual anthology. I worked in film for awhile and would like to see something similar happen in that industry.

>le based alt-right say when they're confronted with the Jewish question but don't want to directly acknowledge that our society is controlled by Jews
lel its a good thing the only people speaking for our side in the public eye have more tact than an incel like you sperging out about muh jews

If you're doing this because you're naive enough to think people who support what you're criticizing will hear you out and not be offended, you're wasting your time.
You should be talking only to the people who already agree with you. Encouraging and reinforcing them. Giving them a medium to project each of their own efforts through.
But you were wasting your time regardless, because you only speak against the symptoms and not the cause, which means after you make your big impact it'll all be undone as soon as your influence wanes.

Why would you try to say I'm convincing people not to do anything? Being a hypocrite like me is bad, being a deluded hypocrite is worse, but being a dishonest deluded hypocrite makes you the same as the enemy.
I want to convince you to forget about the make believe culture war, learn what the actual war is and then focus all of your will on it. Because maybe you'll be the one to break our idleness.

i dont really wanna post this, but i made a song saying fuck the fbi after they came to my house and threatened to put me in prison for 15 years and told me i was browsing white supremacist neo-nazi websites. i made a thread about it awhile ago. i made a mixtape in two weeks and never had any prior experience rapping but i've given up on my music career because it seems impossible to get anyone to care.

Your side is to defend Jewish hegemony and the extinction of all European races.

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>monopoly that the American left wing has over popular culture and media
Are you retarded?

The TV adaptation of the book “The Passage” includes a “diverse” cast even though the main character in the boom is described as a white girl with freckles and black hair, it really makes you think.

>he only people speaking for our side in the public eye
Like who exactly? They all get dragged through the mud regardless. Jared Taylor was the first to get booted off Twitter, despite having cucking on the JQ for literal decades.

Pretty cool sound, voice is a little buried in the beats.

By posting this image, you seem like an NPC just regurgitating the most oversimplified version of the Jow Forums narrative. We all know this information. Repeating it over and over will alienate most people.
To your point above
> You should be talking only to the people who already agree with you. Encouraging and reinforcing them. Giving them a medium to project each of their own efforts through.
This is exactly what I am doing. You think I should be talking to the 1% of people posting images of Hitler on a weeb imageboard. I'm talking to the 30% of people who are already on the cusp of saying fuck you to Facebook, Google, smartphones, etc. Your target audience is too narrow and anyone going that route will be silenced before they begin. I don't care who the fuck holds the tools of power - my goal is to make people take a second look at the tools.
For example, I would never run with the idea that trans people are mentally ill and goaded into their delusions by the media and culture surrounding them. I'd rather have those people see the influence of the media and culture on their decisions from what I make, and then take a second look at how it has influenced them.

Don't free the sheep by attacking the sheep at the front of the group. Free the sheep by making them see the group for what it is and the forces that are leading it.

Not that I expect to ever reach a level at which this would be a concern for me, but I've already decided to never sign over TV or film rights for any of my work.

I have had a taste of this from seeing the twitters of YA writers from my school. That shit has gone way off the rails, and it's unfortunate because such a small group of people read as it is. Feel free to share some writing. I love horror.

i like this thread. more like OP song and that soundcloud.

>college-educated elites

Think you meant "we" my guy

I don't give a shit whether you "know" it if you're actively trying to downplay it. I'll keep posting it specifically because it alienates most people, including you. Until you lose your conditioning there's no point.
>This is exactly what I am doing.
It's exactly the opposite of what you're doing. You're trying to convert people, that's why you're worried about being vilified by them, that's why you give yourself a wider target audience. Compromising the truth in order to do so.
>I don't care who the fuck holds the tools of power
Then you won't know them when they come knocking at your business with a smile on their face, having noticed you undermining them. You won't have a clue. You'll happily associate with them and then they'll destroy your entire life's work. It happened to every other person who thought they could change things while "flying under the radar"
>I'd rather have those people see the influence of the media and culture on their decisions from what I make, and then take a second look at how it has influenced them.
You'd rather help legitimize the notion that transgenderism is not a mental illness.

>Free the sheep by making them see the group for what it is and the forces that are leading it.
If they're sheep, they're sheep. Their nature is to be herded. What does "freeing" them mean? They, like you, don't care about the forces behind it.

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Funny you post that image because I've got a track all about Bilderberg as well. A lot more thought has gone into this project than your one night of shitposting against it, so you can twist my words all you want but what you are saying is the only way and the only message is not art and won't gain any traction.
>You'd rather help legitimize the notion that transgenderism is not a mental illness.
That's not what I said at all and that makes it clear that you are just not understanding what I'm going for.

>dont do anything unless its all about jews

A track about Bilderberg but I'm betting the Star of David aspect in that pic isn't involved.
>A lot more thought has gone into this project than your one night of shitposting against it
And yet that's the only defense you have. You can't even explain your principles and tell me what freeing the sheep means. It doesn't matter how much thought's behind it, you are bluepilled.
People far more talented than you have tried to "gain traction" and they were destroyed. Michael Jackson was the most influential artist in modern history.
>That's not what I said at all and that makes it clear that you are just not understanding what I'm going for.
No, not what you said, but what you'd be doing. Putting focus on anything other than the biological disconnect in their brains helps reinforce the idea that there is none. The "societal factors" are what Marxists themselves were already promoting.
I understand exactly what you're going for. I'm saying you're wrong.

But it doesn't matter, we're not on the same side like I thought.

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interesting way to spread your mixtape tyrone

Don't do anything that distracts from or obfuscates who the enemies are.
Very simple. The only reason you'd have trouble following this is if you disagree on who's an enemy.