Millennials will NEVER own homes

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We don't need homes where you're going.

>what is land tax
>what are council rates
>what is "minimum electric bill"
>what is "water connection fee"

I was born as a slave and I refuse to do anything about it except sperg out and then die.

>buying overpriced cardboard houses

but user I already have a shitty trailer to myself in the middle of nowhere, USA

got a nice amazon seller account and a machine shop too.

or see trump impeached

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or anything else. we only go for short term rentals and subscriptions

Home ownership is overrated.

>t. Homeowner

house market will crash again, prices will plummet, and any millennial with half a brain will know that moment is when we make our move and buy the boomer's foreclosed houses

i have a mobile home in my parents backyard


thats not true. I will have soon my own home. Once my father dies. My mother already passed.

I do own a house on the best Latino American neighbor, I'm also going to own a house on British Columbia, feels great to be a millennial



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why do you wish pain/suffering for others?

My town is switching more and more every election cycle to more and more progressive property taxes, it’s honestly cheaper at this point to just rent.

^ that

Yup. I have $72k that can be liquidated in three business days. We're coming for you, boomers.

>cheaper to rent

Renting means you don't own. Homeownership is an investment, not a subscription service

Damn right, that's what I'm waiting for.

i just want to own a decent piano. the rest of the world can go to hell

umm wrong sweetie i own a 260 square foot cuckshed in vacaville


I was born in 1993. I grew up in a construction site working with my grandpa. By the time I was 16 I got my GED worked full time and opened my own LLC at 18. I bought 10 acres and built my own home by 21. I agree millennials are faggots. The large majority are limp wristed no skilled faggots and I hate hiring those whiny faggots most are strung out junkies who are looking for a workmans comp claim.

Not if I pull my refugee card

This. Houses are shit quality today and take up all your time in maintenance and Jew taxes. Buying a house is as dumb as marriage, you only stand to lose. Put your money in investments instead, pic related is earnings from one month on the leaf markets.

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> boomers will die, lying face down in shit, because their brown nurses stopped caring about them

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I can afford a down payment of up to $75k myself. Housing prices in the Atlanta area are unbelievable right now... easily $300k for a 2-3 bedroom ranch built in the 70s/80s and surrounded by mexicans in any metropolitan suburb. This can't last. The boomers are going to suffer for making me rent for so many years instead of putting down some roots in my life.

>tfw 3rd generation single child on paternal line
>basically inherit everything
yeah im gonna own houses quite a few of them also

literal 30yo boomer. Got my home a few years back on a comfy island that is tide locked twice a day through a USDA loan. No niggers living within a 10 mile radius too

nice larp

I bet your husband has some fatass balls in his sack.

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>I agree millennials are faggots. The large majority are limp wristed no skilled faggots and I hate hiring those whiny faggots most are strung out junkies who are looking for a workmans comp claim.

you need Christ

Hey there BMO bro. Nice little portfolio.

I'm up to $21k on a $7.8k investment, mostly weed profits (Canopy, Organigram, and Emerald).

I thought the same thing 4 years ago.
Didn't get me far, other than 40% higher prices.
The waiting game can quickly turn you resentful and tired.

Unless something big happens, I wouldn't hold my breath for anything other than a 10-20% dip, then back up in 2-3 years. Of course if you are lucky and hit that dip, good for you. But the waiting game can result in 30% increase before the 10-20% dip, add the lost mortgage down-payment years, and it's a big bet..

I personally hope for a 20% decrease now, then back at current level in a couple of years. So that I can pay down on my loan, then buy up. A large increase won't benifit me, as I will most likely buy larger/more central the next time around.

Yet they vote Democrat to import shitskins and will by THEM houses with their taxes

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Gib land

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I wish I had gotten my money in a bit earlier but I'm not complaining. I just hope it keeps going up and doesn't get Bogdanoff'd like last week.

>needs to work to pay as many taxes as my rent
>owns the home
Meanwhile I can change my home like I change my underwear and go anywhere I want. Shit jobs in this area? Go some place else. Draft happens? They wont be able to find me etc.

dang you BOOOOOMER!!!!!!!!!!!!

But your industry is completely beanered out. The young people who have a strong work ethic and have their shit together aren't lining up to work construction for 9 dollars an hour with 15 Salvadoran dudes who can't speak English and get drunk everyday at lunch

Building things was once a proud American tradition. Now we are slave to a service economy where transgendered computer programmers make 45 bucks an hour

with ICE conducting raids it's going to get better in the construction industry for a US citizen worker.

Construction might be a lot more lucrative soon.

kek actually believing government would not step in again to
>save their own assets
>save the assets of who they are beholden to
>save the assets of boomers and Gen X who would start a civil war and murder said politicians if their pensions and 401ks got wiped out let alone their home value.
Debt will continue to skyrocket with the elites betting on super ai to solve it in 10-25 years.

I am 26 and single. No rush for me to get a house yet. If I absolutely need to buy something, I will get a condo since those are so easy to sell once you are done with them.


You can buy homes in Kansas for half what rent costs in California.

>be boomer
>borrow billions to support your parasitic lifestyle
>buy houses you can't afford
>leave kids with nothing but debts and a broken country
>expect kids to buy their own house while paying your debts and social security

I bought Aurora recently and am currently up. Target sell is $14.00 or 16th August. Whichever happens first. I was lucky to get two chances on Canopy: bought 200 shares at $8.50 and sold at $21.50. Then bought 250 at $21.50 and sold at $42. The issue is that a week after each of those sells, it surged $12-15. Could've had another 100% gain on each.

Similar here in Edmonton where energy is still the main industry and is thriving (though nothing compared to 3-5 years ago). Overpriced, inflated, no real shortage to justify the prices.

Good luck, the jews are already way ahead of you. Your lot in life is to be a rent & wage cuck. Stay mad.

In all seriousness this could easily have been planned deliberately in order to drive down birth rates. In most cases it is largely driven by immigration.

gen z here. im a welder and i just bought my indiana home outright. im 20

>mom owns two houses
>dad owns 3 one of which is a ranch in mexico
>only one sister
>im pretty much guaranteed to inherit at least one home maybe two
>inb4 parents will reverse mortgage
Nope my parents arent white boomers they are Mexicans. Mexicans work hard so their kids can inherit their shit

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Is any of that in writing or a will?

it's the chinks we should all be worried about

>boomers will NEVER receive their pensions

>tfw based gen z

>and thats a good thing

>someone on Jow Forums who isnt retarded.
You dont belong here friend

You own your house, yet you still pay taxes on it, have a mortgage and won’t technically own your home till your 60 and dying. Great investment.
You can go with or you can go with

>OP wants a brown future

thread theme:

Part of your rent payment is going toward your landlord's property taxes. If I'm paying property taxes I want it to be on something I can call my own.

you can say theyre shit all day, but in the end, R values have never been higher for dirt cheap building products and modern pressure treated lumber lasts more than a century (short of arson). if you prefer having walls two feet thick to maintain the same insulation and integrity, whatever, go find one

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I'll inherit two. Then I'll rent one to you and spend your money on meaningless bullshit :3

>paid off car
>Paid off student loans
>6 figure salary
>Currently saving for a down payment
I don't intend to buy until the next recession hits but when I do, trust that I'm buying some boomers foreclosed home. This will be my revenge for high student loan interest rates on the subsidized loans and even higher on the unsubsidized that I of course needed because college is expensive when your family is poor.

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The problem is the Chinese and the Jews are waiting to do the same thing, and they're willing to pay in cash.

This right here. We were all too young to get in on it back on 2007 and instead got fucked with a shit job market upon graduating college. Now we're approaching 30 and hungry for boomer blood.

Technically property taxes are paid for the land for the convenience of owning a piece of the town. In exchange they provide you with conveniences like municipal police, fire fighters, libraries, roads, and utilities. If you want to not pay taxes on your land declare yourself an independent nation and secede from the country. If you have sufficient power to take your plot of land by force then it's yours.

I don't need a new home if I live in my parents' until they die


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And when you're 60 your only expense will be property tax and utilities so you can comfortably retire and not have to work until you die.

Same here user
Right now is a bad time to buy
Feels good man
Millenial master generation incoming. We see the tricks and lies, we adjust accordingly to changing economics, we strike at the time of our choosing. You can't pull the wool over our eyes. Boomers eternally btfo

we have our cuck sheds and vans by the river

But I do?

Do your parents hate you enough to not help you with a down payment?

Some of us are poor user. Anything I own other than a couch and mattress I inherited was completely through my own work and saving. I don't mind it though. I know what it's like to be poor so I've got no illusion that things will be given to me in life and so I'm willing to put in the hard work needed to make a boomer homeless.

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Feels batman

They're so badly constructed. I almost feel bad for the people buying these things.

Quick, how to bump credit score from 588 to 700+ ?

fight a jew and claim his score as your own, assuming you are the victor. there can only be one

>needing your parents' help

Credit lines.