Canada General - PPC Shill Edition

Let's get a proper Can/pol/ thread going. Let's talk all things Canadian. NAFTA, PPC, or milk bags.

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Posting some memes

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I'm gonna break your hearts, guys.

You know how you look at the Green Party and Elizabeth May?

The PPC's best fundraising days so far were equivalent to the Greens.

(Also talking about slashing Health Care is the Canadian political equivalent to putting a gun to your head and firing)

Theme for thread

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Greens on the same level as the PPC? Nice try Andrew!

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So... how about them grocery prices?
Can we get a price list for groceries?

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>Quebec Vote Intention

Shocking, a Quebecois leader will get the second highest vote intentions in Quebec, over the Greens, a strongest-in-BC Party.

>Go to mall to purchase some new shoes and clothing
>95% shitskins, 5% whites

It's all over. Why go on.


Isn't this going to make the Liberals dominant like the last time the Conservative party split?

I do like that Maxime dude though.

It's because they cant give tax breaks yet. I've been holding off on a maximum donation until they register. Only a financially illiterate retard would do so right now and we are talking about Bernier supporters so I assume many others have the same thought.

Grocery user, be real with me. Are you even Canadian? Also why make these every day?

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The Conservatives need to get BTFO sometimes or they become huge faggots. In the 90s after that regard Mulroney they went from a majority in parliament to 3 seats, with Reform (populist social conservatives) taking about 50. The Liberals won but it was worth it because eventually Reform and Alliance (cuckservatives) merged and then they merged with the remainder of the Conservatives and for a brief period they were less cucked.

Harper was kind of a shill but that's not the point. Our choice now is between Trudeau and Trudeau Lite. If Scheer gets BTFO the conservatives will move right again and merge with Bernier. Then we may get a united right under Bernier for the election after 2019.

Tldr temporary pain for long term gain

I never even heard of Scheer, he came out of nowhere.

I think "Trudeau Lite" is an understatement. There is very very little difference between the two

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There is no right wing split. The CPC is Left wing now. Getting Andrew Shill into power wont change anything

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Eh, not the same situation.

The last time the Conservatives split, Quebec had been almost completely lost to the Bloc Quebecois (separatists), so 1/3rd of the country wasn't even in play for them. That left Alberta-style Populist Conservatives fighting with Ontario-style Business Conservatives while the Liberal Party was acting more Conservative than both of them and slashing the federal budget to hell and back to get debts under control.

Stephen Harper was huge in getting the various Conservative factions back under the same umbrella and most importantly, close enough to the center to make them electable when the Canadians got tired of the Liberal bullshit. Then the NDP killed the Bloc and now Quebec is back in play for the Conservatives, which softens any potential vote-splitting up (vote-splitting isn't a real thing unless you believe you're side of the political spectrum is all in it together, which it's not)

I'm not grocery poster. I just came from the other thread where he was - to annoy - to make it seem like there's a grocery posting conspiracy.
But anyway, those prices seem really high.

It's a good move on Max's part to say he would welcome NDP voters. We know quite a few Berniebros went over to DJT. If Max can get a good following of former leftists who've seen the light, it'll help immunize him from some of the dirtiest forms of criticism.

based quebec

did you know they are the only ones with culture in canada?

they hate speaking eniglish isnt that baseD?

Yes, but they have always been really high. This isn't something new. Even when I was a kid, I knew people that would drive across the border to buy food.

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Anyone who's serious about being Prime Minister of Canada sat out the last leadership cycle because everyone fully expects Justin to retain the Prime Minister position and if you lose an election, they kick you out these days. Scheer is just there to keep the seat warm, the party electable and not have it fall to crazy Libertarians and racists and all that.

Bernier isn't going to stand a chance when the actual serious Conservatives show up next leadership cycle.

sheer reminds me of this weirdo

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Alberta is cultured too. Apologize!

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Bernie was a new thing to Americans, the NDP have been around for decades. Don't conflate the two because it's not even close.

Not you again, posting shit from Kujjuarapik.
Fuck off, José. And to think you have a folder of these image in the same folder you keep your MLP pictures.

You're boring us.

He's a Harper sock-puppet.

Harper knows that the Conservatives will talk themselves into the grave electorally, that's why he always clamped down hard on the social conservative message of the party.

Left the Liberal party to join another Liberal party. For what purpose?

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doing coke and buying big screen tvs isnt culutre

Listen Andrew, the CPC is the only right party left, since he Cons have been infiltrated by (((them))).

The east will vote CPC
Ontario will vote Liberal
The west will vote Conservative, since they hate anything coming from Quebec
BC will vote for Turbo-Turban because fuck you.

So Teudeau will win, but will have a minority government, so he'll have to swallow Jag's meat to get anything to pass.

on board with this.

Hey man, it's some good coke.

Phone posting?

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OK. How DO we get the opposition-party media to stop using the term "far-right"? It's reckless, dismissive, condescending, irresponsible, inaccurate, and from where I sit, a clear source of social disharmony.

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They are literally Canadian niggers: They all believe Alberta would be Wakanda without equalization payments.

No, just literate.

>slashing health care
>this is being posted everywhere
Did you shills drop the bernier love Israel line?

>west hates bernier
Yeah, we can see that here

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Canadians don't read and watch Canadian media. They watch American media and assume what's happening in America is either happening here, or they want to be cool like America and try to apply it here except we're not America so it doesn't work.

It came out of his own mouth. He wants to end Federal Health Transfers and allow more privatized Health Care. Health Care is one of the third rails of Canadian politics even for Conservatives. Threatening it is political suicide.

Why would I watch the CBC re-write 1920 Canadian history when I could be watching fucking Battle bots?

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Influencers do. If I were on Max's team I'd be looking to get him a good 30+min spot with Steve Paikin. All he'd have to do is be affable and moderate.

This is what boomers actually believe...

BTW, TVO would definitely give him air, that's where Jordan Peterson got his start

Boomers are more likely to vote Conservative. Young people are not going to flock in droves to any Conservative Party. They have to calibrate themselves to be attractive to old people and inoffensive to young people.

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To be honest, in Quebec we almost only watch Quebecois media because the rest is in english, so the boomers don't understand.

Like TVA probably is 85% of all the medias watched in the province.

I'm afraid of nothing, I voted Trudeau last time and probably will next time too, I don't have a horse in the race if the Conservatives are splitting again.

Actually thinking about "People's Party" sounds like a communist thing, which is automatically gonna turn off old people

Accurate. Kek

Yeah good point. I never think about Quebec because anglo = "why talk about Quebec, we're not French"

The only people who will vote conservatives are the Albertans conditioned by their politicians that all their ills are directly linked to Quebec. Can you imagine voting for another Frenchie prime minister?

>0.02 shekels has been deposited
Oh boy, he shills are out in full effect tonight. Must be some money left from the paid protesters at Queeen's park

Donations will explode once PPC is officially registered with elections Canada

>be south-west alberta
>want to help out Mad Max
What do? Is there an info dump anywhere? I've already given him my email

I will absolutely take money for speaking the truth. Pay me, Justy

Eh, Alberta in particular and the west in general has historically been used to subsidize eastern Canadian votes. Alberta isn't necessarily wrong for not voting Liberal en masse but they're also kind of hurting themselves in a way because they're not giving the Liberals a reason to really care about them either.

Voting liberal in a contested area because the faster this gay ass country collapses the faster we can experiment with something new.

We give your province billions, and you talk shit on us. Gee, wonder why Albertans are thinking of separating? Go fuck yourself.

You guys are legitimately the biggest, whiniest, fattest babies in Canada.

You guys would be Venezuela right now if it wasn't for the rest of us propping your asses up right now. That's the point of being a larger entity, the stronger prop up the weaker when they need it.

>Trudeau re-elected with second majority government
>Not one PPC elected. Bernier loses own seat.
>Scheer resigns. Bernier runs for leadership of CPC.

Calling it now.

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You've got to sign up with the Elections Canada form, for one.

Alberta gave the world NickelBack. It’s responsible for a cultural holocaust. It actually sucked, destroyed, culture on a massive and indescriminate, war crimes, scale.
Tho still not as bad as Beiber, DESU. ,

If Trudeau gets another majority there won't be a country left in 2023
Worst case we need a liberal minority which could be opposed by a coalition and force an early election

>Not one PPC elected. Bernier loses own seat.
Bernier runs for leadership of CPC.
That already makes no sense

I'd be surprised if Trudeau won a single seat in Quebec the way people talk about him here. Quebec's vote will be separated across the Bloc, NDP and PPC. The defeat here will be humiliating.

>being this new
a coalition consist of Trudeau and Scheer agreeing on more immigrants, in exchange for more trannies and gifts for Israel.
Bernier or bust

>the Bloc
1993 called, they told me to use this tired trope to say how retarded that is

>Lib-Con coalition
Fucking hell, Trudeau 1.0 and Trudeau 0.9 together would be a formidable cuck force.

I'm supporting Bernier 100%

In Alberta, feds run
>the police force
>immigration policy
among others.
Muh western separation. Go on. Do it.

An NDP and Conservative Coalition would basically look like the Liberals anyways.

LMAO "Grocery user" hahahahahaha

The god damn autists on this board is what keeps me coming back.


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I meant PPC/CPC.. NDP is going down in flames next election

PPC and CPC will not win enough seats between them to be able to form a coalition government.

Can I borrow your time machine? A lot is up in the air before Oct 2019.

yeah but dude, weed

Jagmeet Singh just needs to fundraise money by selling his mom's famous masala puri for party memberships.

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>live 45 mins from ottawa in country
>still whites
>go visit smaller cities
>browns increasing bigly


>openly supports terrorism
>doesn't have to talk about feminism to get the minority vote
How can the virgin Trudeau even compete against the Raj Singh?

>openly supports terrorism
I don't doubt this for a second, but got a link? Sounds like a classic NDP move to me.

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>oct 2019
Not if trudeau was smart

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>asking for personal info
Why isn't this shit secure?

Thank God he isn't.

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Check it,_2015

The Liberals and NDP would have to lose 70 someodd seats between them to two Conservative parties who are also competing against each other, which if you believe in vote splitting, will cost them a few seats because only about 30% of the country votes Conservative for-sure.

>weak shill

Who here has an exit strategy?

As for me I've been brushing up on my language skills getting ready for the move

>open up the """Metro""" (((Star)))
>it's some conshill writing a 2-page article on how Maxime's party will be called "Maxime's PP" because the PCPs are referred to as PCs.

T. Rodrigue from Abitibi-Temiscamingue who never been to Montreal.

Why not just learn Chinese? Then you don't have to move.

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If Trudeau would have half a brain, he would call a snap election now, while the CPC has not yet fielded their candidates.


>Exit strategy
And go where, beta faggot. The jews won’t rest until all goyim are domesticated.

Yeah, but sounds like pepe in french, so we still win. God journalists are trash. Every interview they have with Max tries to brand him as a neo nazi.

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>avec lui on est con
That means "with him we are stupid"...

Parliament is always in a state of readiness for reelection, despite the fiction Harper pushed with his fixed election law.
If bernier anti-immigration position grows too quickly, expect trudeau to call an election to catch it off guard.
Part of me suspect the Quebec liberals are banking everything on immigration as a sacrifice play to see how strong the issue resonates with voters on a federal level.

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I actually think it would be pretty sweet and unifying if English-speaking Canadians voluntarily called it Parti Populaire in plain speech. It's not like anybody wouldn't understand. Without making a big deal out of it of course, it's not a virtue-signal, just say it and keep rolling

>zoomers can vote next elections
>Create party called Fortnite party
>instant majority government

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