It would be extremely difficult to argue with sincerity that he is a LARP after today
Other urls found in this thread:
That was posted today you fucking moron.
Also these threads are always made during happenings to talk about a fucking Mossad psy op rather than the content of what's happening.
OP when you get conscripted into the IDF and the arabs invade you're gonna die and everyone will celebrate.
Fuck you. Idiot.
Fuck off wapo
Enjoy getting conscripted you israeli faggot. You will die.
Yeah. It’s mossad. Just so fucking happens that it’s all happening in real life right?
>tripfag worship
No thanks
>I will have to tell my grandchildren that I was a part of Jow Forums that chased off one of the greatest Americans to ever live
It’s amazing I just keep getting called Jewish or whatever, but not one of you can actually refute this or explain it. The motherfucker called it and you can’t even admit you were wrong
The palestinians are going to build a beautiful new country over the corpses of you israeli faggots.
That’s all you fucking have isn’t it? You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about
Your corpse will be the fertilizer for a new civilization
Civilization of fucking Muslim sand niggers? Are you fucking retarded?
Yup. All the Jews that survive will live under arab rule. It's happening and your deaths will be celebrated by the world.
What the fuck are you talking about?? What predictions are made in that incredibly vague post that have been fulfilled by events today?
Look above you illiterate nigger. The motherfucker said in April, Emmys, red carpet. This is declassified today, September 17, the 17th letter of the alphabet is Q. And TONIGHT is the Emmys red carpet. But I’m sure it’s just a coincidence right Tyrone?
... what
It's on NBC
I know. It’s difficult to follow when you have low IQ. Just watch the news
>keeps talking shit nonstop with mysterious faggy code words
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
thanks for checking my legendary digits you worthless pile of garbage. btw 434 is the inverse of 343, and 343 is 7*7*7, so according to your logic I am a prophet of Keck so I command Qyou to behave
hey! do you think /ourguy/ hollywood user will deliver? Anyone got the thread about green socks?
Are you seriously arguing that the use of the word carpet in two different contexts is confirmation?
>The motherfucker said in April, Emmys, red carpet. This is declassified today, September 17
> This is declassified today
Motherfucker do you know what "vague" means? Significant shit happens every day. If I say "watch the news on October 1st," that doesn't mean shit, regardless of what ends up happening that day. Crazy news is happening all the time now, especially on Mondays. What did Q say specifically to suggest that THIS event would take place rather than any generic Monday happening?
If you can't answer this, you've proven that you're a worthless Qtard.
I predicted this
Just stop it faggot Kushner shill
I predicted this
Reminder that Jow Forums Mods are comped and will shoah this thread any minute now.
You didn't "predict" shit you fuckin psy-op
Are you really gonna jew the thread up?
And again
Fucking awesome
Trying to figure out his trip. It was Matlock before but idk what he's following. Could be crime TV show characters.
Q predicted this post
lets see if he was right
4 shitty posts in 2 minutes? i think it is the real Q!
>Which one of you is Q?
I'm Q
>No, I'm Q
Don't listen to that faggot, I'm Q
>No! I am Q!
I'm Q
> Those guys are larps, I'm Q!
its not mossad.
Q is Louise Mensch
Not saying everything has been spot on as far as timing. But it is IRREFUTABLE if you’re honest that what he says will be happening DOES happen
Lark larp larp
The 17th of September.
The 17th letter of the alphabet?
They don’t get it. They don’t understand why he speaks like he does. Why his timing is off. Why he even does it to begin with. It’s amazing how dumb people can be because it’s obvious
>what he says will be happening DOES happen
But he DOES'NT say ANYTHING will happen. Nothing specific. It's all a bunch of vague bullshit, so that regardless of what happens, Qtards can say "Q PREDICTED THIS!"
Anyone could have predicted that "something" will happen on Sept 17th. It would have been significant if Q was SPECIFIC about WHAT EXACTLY was going to happen. Simply suggesting "something" will happen is completely worthless.
Thats not evidence.
Q has said so many things in so many posts with so many colours, objects and descriptors. You will be able to draw patterns from anywhere.
You're really disputing the meaning of "red carpet"?
Some just won't let themselves see.
Can you ACTUALLY read between the lines? Or is Dr Seuss level as far as you get?
get off my chans brainlet.
No way they planned what day this would drop in april.
Yes it is a coincidence..
STFU faggot even Sara Carter was saying they'd be released soon
Nigger I have more intelligence in the head of my above average cock than you will ever possess. Just watch CNN and when it all goes down, you can suck my dick later.
If a bunch of Hollywood pedophiles get arrested tonight at the emmys very publicly and it shuts the event down or something then I’ll believe Q is real 100%. But still on the fence.
NO, it’s HERE NOW, bitches!!!
Q forecasted this
Mm hmm and Q said it before HER.
Holy shit guys watch the news on October 1st, user just predicted something will happen.
jews are seething yet again, every time you mention Q they get scared.