Was Europe better off with monarchies?

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I'll take the one on the right.

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>wanting a spoiled brat

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She was so cute when she was 5. 10/10 basement material

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what a qt. didn't age well sadly

>Having a royal family

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made for bbc


Other than the English Royal Family, most others seem fairly good looking.

kill fuck marry

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kill urself

Why are they fat? ;~;

Beat me to it kek


Because there's a McDonald's at the Dutch Royal Palace, if I'm not mistaken.

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Only the old one is fat

Soros or Rothschild, you choose

>princess of Italy
>no kingdom since 1946
Umm you're just posting underage girls you cockroach pedophile.

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>was anywhere better off with monarchies?
yes. nothing makes me as sad as looking at paintings or reading something from my country in the 1800s

if she looks like lauren southern, does that mean she literally looks like she fucks black guys?

they're kids you fucking pedo

Looks like a trap here

Looks like she moved from one castle to another.

There's nothing pedophilic about finding 15 yo qts attractive

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here we go again...

How do you know she's a spoiled brat?

bbc is british not italian

For the monarchs it was.

Yes. Absolute monarchy NOW!

For successful European monarchy, see Liechtenstein

These are the Portuguese royal family pretenders, say something nice about them Jow Forums

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Isn't Liechtenstein a constitutional monarchy?

fuck the one on the right, marry the one on the left, kill the fat bitch in the middle

Sure it has a constitution, but the Prince can dismiss governments whenever he feels like it, appoint all judicial nominees, and veto any piece of legislation simply by ignoring it (not signing it within 6 months)

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Why have Parliaments at all at this point? They're a relic. I know Liechtenstein has some kind of democracy too, but there's no need for Parliament to exist any more with the ease of communications and voting. I wish we had something like Liechtenstein in the US with a Constitutional Monarch or something along those lines.

Yeah Leafland has it better because we still have a royal family. They need to seize power instead of being cucks, but looks like there's no end to their faggotry

They voluntarily BLACKED themselves, I think they're done.

Fuck, kill, marry.