Kavanaugh Nomination Delay

Actual conservative here. I've supported Trump from the day he announced his candidacy, and was truly impressed with his decision to nominate Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. With that said, we must take allegations of sexual assault seriously. I have a daughter, and it is our responsibility -- no, our universal moral obligation -- to investigate any and all claims of sexual assault wherever such incidents may have taken place, and without regard to remoteness. That's where my conservative principles have led me. We must let this woman have her chance to speak loudly and clearly, and we must let the Senate investigate this as closely and transparently as possible. Thus, I support delaying Judge Kavanaugh's Senate vote. And that's coming from an actual, principled conservative.

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Wtf i love lying whores now

le "i voted for drumpf" meme

Fuck off

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Even in the time of Trump, it is refreshing to hear the voice of the common sense conservatives

Nah nobody cares what this lying whore bitch says. Fuck Feminism, fuck #metoo, and fuck OP.

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Hello (((my fellow Trump voters)))

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She's a goddam libtarded thot that has spent all weekend trying to clean her internet history off the web right after her name was released. She's nothing but a libshit liar, nothing she's alleging is true, and if we let this kind of crap derail all conservative nominations, we'll never get anyone confirmed.

Libshits: you know fucking well we'll do the same goddam thing to ALL your retarded nominations, too...all this will accomplish is the fall of the U.S. faster, so you'll hang faster, and people like me won't even hang you, we'll chain you to fire-hydrants and car bumpers and rip you apart alive.

You are REALLY fucking yourselves, you degenerate faggots.

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Eat shit and die then kill yourself.

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This is just a move to get the women vote in the midterms
Sad part is it'll likely work

The only play is to ride it out and hopefully expose her as a loon before november


>Actual (((conservative))) here.

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Common sense and compassion is the only way forward for conservatives. That's why I never minded John McCain -- despite his protests against Trump. He was always level-headed and fair.

There is no criminal case. There is no civil case. They just had 2 weeks to do their questioning. Sorry, no do overs. Dems need to be shown that they are NOT in charge. We won all of the elections, but the Dems are the ones in charge. This is not what we voted for. Repubs need to put their foot down, and just say we won the elections, fucking deal with it. If the Dems don't like it, they should try winning some elections.

Nice one shareblue but not even 0-day newfags believe this

>John moccasin being levelheaded and fair

You just lost me, dude. McCain was an irrational warmonger who supported the Patriot Act. He was one of the worst American politicians ever.

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>Actual conservative here
KYS kike boomer
sage all threads created by any of these antediluvian faggots born prior to arpanet

I respectfully disagree. McCain was a true American hero. He fought in Vietnam. What you're saying is truly un-American.

Since when are people guilty until proven innocent? Does she have a stained dress she kept all this time? Bitch, why didn't you speak up 36 mf years ago gtfo

Fuck off hippie

Actually fuck off shill faggot


I respectfully disagree. McCain was a North Vietnamese war hero. He fought against the US in Vietnam. What you're saying is truly pro North Vietnamese communist.

It's obviously a lie, and you're a shill. The letter and allegation is made up. Even a retard can tell. Trump is just going along with the delay to make dems literally kill themselves trying to push their bullshit then KV will just get his position.

When will you leftards pussy nigger lovers give up?

Fuck you, faggot. Same exact thread yesterday. ZERO evidence.

>That's why I never minded John McCain -- despite his protests against Trump. He was always level-headed and fair.

Uhh.. yea...
kys faggot

>We can't let Kavanaugh get the nuclear codes?

>massive brain tumor

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No body gives a shit if you have a daughter. While normally i would agree with the delay...it's obvious this woman has an agenda that makes her claim moot. Anyone with non biased critical thinking skills can deduce this.

Coffee with Kavanaugh

>Anonymous (ID: cHrWSB2l)
John Mccain posting from the grave.

Report this bullshit slide thread.

>and that's coming from a actual principled conservative
I'm totally one of you guys, but for realz we can't let trump get the nuclear codes!!!

Where the fuck do you people get this shit? Is this how normal people think?

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what kind of uninformed faggot are you? He fought, was captured, and turned traitor. Soldiers call him songbird mccaain for a reason.
And that's ignoring him firing weapons on a ship and killing his own "accidentally".

>winning some elections
We will in November, and you'll cry and stomp your feet and bitch about voter fraud with no evidence to back it up because that is what you do every time you lose an election.

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Nice try, schlomo

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you literally suck at your job, not one actual conservative feels this way about the hit, especially none on Jow Forums. not only were you a waste of time and money for your parents but you grew up to be a waste of time and money for the commies too lol

slide, report, s4g3

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You gys for being a gullible fool.

lol fuck off democuck any conservative knows this is a last ditch attempt at stopping trump controlling the country

You are not an actual, principled conservative. You are a little faggot cunt. 36 years ago this happened. You think that bitch really members? You think that she maybe should have come forward years ago? Fake conservative. Real Shill. Real sage.

Fuck off you spineless saged cunt of a whore.

Then go fuck your lying whore cunt with her 30 year old sobb story.

Then bend over and let Gloria Allred or that cunt shit stain daugher of hers, Lisa Bloom give it to you up the ass.

You're a pathetic liberal shit stain is all you are.

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The sad part is that he was probably the safest possible outcome the Dems could have gotten, a strict constitutionalist who 9 times out of 10 reviews in favor of existing judicial precedent. Now I bet he'll dedicate the rest of his time on the court to eradicating these idiots.

>chain you to fire-hydrants and car bumpers and rip you apart alive
Best idea I’ve heard all week. Btw who thinks this ‘real conservate’ shilling shit will ever work?

Kys nigger. He was a commie plant.

wasted digits! fuck off!

Says the cunt who screamed about muh Russia for two fucking years. Shut the fuck up.

When will you weak ass boomer conservatives finally learn that you are not dealing with a "common sense" liberal rage mob? Trump was the single best thing to happen to Republicans in recent memory and without him it would be Hilldawg and her commie regime stomping all over your shriveled weak ballsacks. You fuckers make me sick with your weakness, to actually be FOR delaying the vote on a Supreme Court Justice due to these obviously bullshit allegations for "common sense conservatism" is pathetic. This isn't the 1800's, gentleman have no place in politics anymore. Get with the program or get outta the fucking way.

Its gonna be glorious when she gets called, under oath, to explain the discrepancies in her shrinks notes and her testimony, if she knew the Kavanaugh famalam, if she ever donated to political causes, if she attended butthurt rallies, etc...

Cant wait to hear the Senate order the Sgt. at Arms to arrest her for perjury and she will fall to her knees and confess and spill the beans as to who put her up to it... Fienstienberggoldowitz hauled off to the gallows...

Good day..

This is part of the shill raid we’ve been expecting. Nice one OP.

Slide thread. Fuck off

This will be filed under the "things that should happen, but won't" section. Best we can hope for is her being embarrassed and disappearing.

Common sense says she will be arrested for lying under oath, and that you and OP are shilling faggots. There will be a shitstorm upon washington if javanaugh does not get confirmed. by that I mean they had better confirm him. All hell will break loose upon them. You fucks in washington better heed these words carefully.

Come the fuck on. An allegation from High School with almost no merit being used now, and that you think is serious? It was so serious she never spoke out until now decades later. KYS.

Cant drumpf pick just one person for a duty that isnt a fucking criminal or rapist???!!
it sure does say a lot about HIS character

Conservatism is dead, you aren’t conserving shit, break free blind one.

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kill yourself liberal faggot larper

a principled man wouldnt fall for last minute theatrics
when a leftist jew is a psych proffessor in commiefornia, donates to bernie and hillary and goes on pussy hat marches to protest trump and then gets her jew lawyer and writes a letter to her jew senator in july and then scrubs her social media so as not to look like a democrat... when that jew senator waits until the last moment to mention the fake ass letter about something 35 years ago.... and the other person at this supposed attempted murder and rape says it never happened.... well, it never happened
she belongs in prison for attempting to subvert the confirmation of a justice

Nice scripted bullshit you got there. McCain is burning in hell right now.

>a leftist cant be raped and molested
fuck off retard

>it sure does say a lot about HIS character


More like, "We can't let Kavanaugh defend the constitution, we commies must legislate from the bench and we need a commie judge to fulfill or wishes to bring down America" this is the agenda they don't say.


Actual Jew here. The only reason Jewishness is passed matrilineally is because we literally couldn't stop Jewish women from sleeping with literally anyone but Jewish men.

you're not a conservative
in all fields, kids

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Nah, it is just 2d stall tactics.

the accuser says she thought he would kill her
and that he tried to rape her
she escaped
leftist or not, any reasonable teenage girl either goes to her father/brothers or to the police to deal with the attacker immediately
they dont wait 35 years

Its not people its democrat shills. Its not what they think either, its the script they are paid to push to try and sway opinion.

WOW, so CNN trying to influence Jow Forums.
Fuck off, they only thing I see In this posting is we didn't do a god enough job looking into the accusers pornhub account.
The ride is just beginning . We will completely destroy the nasty bitch and it will simply be amazing.
Love the narrative though - Ugly ass, high school reject, gets felt up by boy. Da FUCK?

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Hello, fellow conservapedes! MAGI!

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Former Kavanaugh supporter. Not gonna lie it was fun watching him crash and burn, but we seriously can’t let him get a hold of the Roe V. Wade codes.

oh wow im glad we have someone here that can speak for every women that has been raped /s
fuck off

haha but seriously guys we cant let him get the supreme court nomination codes the post

>we need to (((investigate))) any and all claims of sexual assualt
No we don’t

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fuck you beat me to it

>Thus, I support delaying Judge Kavanaugh's Senate vote. And that's coming from an actual, principled conservative.

I don’t believe you

>And that's coming from an actual, principled conservative.

How many times do you have to say it nose?


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Really? Nothing at all suspicious about timing, release of info method, lack of corroboration, confusion of facts, age of event, etc.?

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Reminder that the only reason for these "lol the accusations aren't bad and Kavanaugh is great" slide threads is the Trump fanboys know it's the only chance to prevent impeachment and the Russian shills are stoking the fire.


>Actual conservative here.

You misspelled "liberal faggot"

We all new he would be accused of some sort of sexual misconduct. It’s typically liberal tactic. L

go back to redd!t you faggot
i said reasonable
we all know what that means
if she isnt reasonable, like you, clearly you seem to unreasonable (unable to use reason) then her testimony is worthless anyway
just because you are a rape victim doesnt mean you should project on others

delicious pasta

I bet you are a pedo. WE GOT A PEDO OVER HERE GUYS

Just like Keith Ellison, right?

>Begins post with "I've supported Trump from the day he announced his candidacy" qualifier

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>actually falling for this dog and pony show

I've gotta admit, it's actually a conniving move by the Dems and tells me that they've learned from 2016 and are willing to get creative. If they retake the House and are able to delay this until the election, they'll have a chance of getting a more left-leaning justice confirmed and maybe not lose TOTAL control of the Judiciary for the next 30 years... but it's a gambit that will probably just make them retarded because it's his word against hers.

They're playing the #metoo hand strong here... but it's desperate.

t. maximus cuckoldium cocksuckerous

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You're not respectful, you're a sissy, and you're annoying. I'm not even a neo-nazi, but when I read your words, I want to become one. I bet you cuckold your wife you boomer faggot.

They must investigate wether she has been paid to say this shit or if she is just FULL OF SHIT. I can guarantee that Shumer or feinstin paid her to accuse the poor man. Which would mean their fucking careerss in washington are over. Someone needs to look into this womans finances.

Yes, and as a conservative, you support our constitutional republic which entails innocent until proven guilty.


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Watch what they do when Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies before Trumps first term is done. Watch how nuts they get.

Real rape victim here. You are full of shit and so is that fucking bitch. You claim to defend rape victims, and yet use it to your political advantage. You are a no good rotten fucking piece of garbage, not fit to live in civilized society. The day of the rope is coming and you get no mercy.