What is Jow Forums's opinion on disabled people?

What is Jow Forums's opinion on disabled people?

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kek at image

All leftists get the rope.

I'd rather be a completely autistic potato than be a blackpilled b/tard. But if you're an blackpilled autist then just kill your self, because I doubt you can take anyone with you from your electric wheelchair

Wait are we talking mentally or physically?

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Most of them are fine but some need to be put out of there misery

i really dislike them
i dislike even more the glorification of them. they are errors and should not be put on a pedestal. it honestly makes me sick

that fucking guy. at first i thought its cool how he's interacting with disabled people, but the fact that he celebrates the life of that one barely functioning merely breathing child is disgusting.

Where is your tolerance u faggot?

When I was in primary school we had the task of asking our family's what they thought about human rights, including gay rights and disabled rights. My mum said "mongs should be harvested for organs and then liquified into fertiliser" and my dad says "They can test in the DNA now so lesbians can be shot at birth it's feasible". Most of my classmates has leftie parents but they laughed anyway - it was nice to introduce them to new opinions. The teacher never asked me to answer a question again.

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Proofs he is a leftist?

We should throw them off a cliff at birth. It's cruel to let them live.

>I'd rather be a completely autistic potato

B..but you already are a completly autistic potato stop larping deep shit.

99% of people on this forum suffer a mental disability OP

We should give them the tools to live dignified lives. We should take care of them, but also find ways to let them be productive people and take care of themselves.

They're incredibly medically fascinating but out of respect for their humanity I try not to act like I think they're medically fascinating and treat them like I would anyone else.

Aren't most people on Jow Forums autistic?

Can you link, I’ve seen his videos. It definitely establishes the moral superiority of whites.

we're just gonna kill em

The mentally handicapped should be purged as they serve no use to society. Even as manual labor drones, their productivity is inferior to machines. I'm not talking about people who are simply "stupid", I'm talking about downies and other literal retards. I don't know why we keep them alive.

If it is serious enough like downsyndrome then they should be aborted/euthanized at birth. But if your autistic or can't walk then you should be kept alive and treated with respect.

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He's probably just an omega protestant or something

Everyone's productivity is inferior to machines. If that's the standard, purge us all.


should just be euthanized Tbh
this goes for mentally disabled people too, including but not limited to autismos
t. autist
life is suffering

Stop making these threads mutt

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Not until the AI is perfected and rules over us all. In the meantime, human intelligence trumps human physical strength outright and otherwise augments the implementation of labor to be vastly more productive on an individual level. Retards lack this ability and so serve no purpose to wider society other than to drain resources keeping them alive. They cannot even achieve the bare minimum of keeping themselves alive without causing undo strain on wider society. They are truly useless.

Autistic people can work, they just don't.
Physically disabled should fuck off and OD on some pain killers
Those that are severely mentally disabled should be put down.

Autistic people are the best!

Shouldn't be a problem in a society which values eugenics

But thanks to Jews here we are so disabled should be aborted at birth, and the ones still breathing now should be looked after and cared for until they die and there's no more problem

gay is disgusting

This. Go live in a third-world pagan shithole if you want to murder people.

It's my greatest fear to have a handicapped child
Also the probability of my wife wanting to keep the child knowing of the disabilities

Hurts my heart, but they are a test of our love by who God`s give us to care.

My mother has been a social worker for the last decade and a half, and I've spent three years working for a nonprofit training people with mental disabilities for community work placement, and/or providing rehabilitative services for children needing physical and occupational therapy. So, I expect I'm more experienced or have been more involved than most people. Many people with down syndrome are worse than the 3rd-worlders, when it comes to being lazy, shiftless, unsanitary, useless people.

The death of the reputation of eugenics and the loss of a willingness to euthanize people with severe disabilities is an affront to the dignity of the human beings, and clearly demonstrates the weaknesses that come with an unchecked amount of compassion for others. That said, there are plenty of people with milder disabilities (mostly physical, or social) that are still capable of meaningfully contributing to the world.

Schopenhauer obviously said it best, though.

Anyone else feels like this guy is exppilting all the genetic fuckups for donations and money? He essentially travels the world on cuck's money and makes a 7 min video beinv a jerk to a disabled person kek

I have sympathy for most. But if you are like that thing "Sophie" then it should taken out before birth or when it's readily known defects are displayed.

People with autism and downs' have a pass from me because that is not so easily detectable early on. (Maybe downs) but the right diet and the correct mind excercises they can be functioning members of society.

Take the dude that worked at McDonald's in the UK for 30 years. He's a celebrated member, and I think he's doing just fine.

what did Schopenhauer say about that?

Autism is a meme. It's a brain pattern more focused on rational outcomes than on giving into emotional stimuli. These people are considered mentally "handicapped" by only the most normie of normie trash. In all reality, they're inferior in one mental capacity but superior in another. A very telling sign that "autistic" individuals are more capable than the normie trash is that they can emulate normie behaviors to fit in, but normies cannot emulate autistic thinking.

People are people. I talk a lot of shit on here but in the end we're all God's children whether we're deformed physically, mentally or in Jow Forums's case emotionally retarded. We all fall short of the Grace of God and we all have flaws and sins. Only Jesus can absolve us of our imperfections and save us from damnation. I don't care of you ever give the preachers and priests a sheckle but do consider going to church. Sure they seem fake and shallow but they do stand against a lot of forms of degeneracy. Yes they are all sinners. If we weren't all sinners we wouldn't need Jesus. God Bless.

Paraphrasing from my understanding, but in placing a universal valuation on all life as equal and precious is an affront to the dignity of life, and the capacity to struggle which is the valuable essence in it. (So, for example, even if it's obviously a placating euphemism, to call a soldier or firefighter "brave" and to call a girl with down syndrome who was condescendingly given the title of prom queen "brave" just for showing up is an insult to the notion of bravery.) I can't recall if was from a collection of essays of his, I don't have the reference in front of me so I'm sorry that I can't point you to a direct line or work. The accomplishments that people here laud as being representative of the best of human beings could be seen as manifestations of that struggle, and to compare accomplishments like those to being able to properly read a sentence or something similar is a weakness of judgement, by compassion.

Then again, in trying to find the line or work I was referring to, I also found this: "The assumption that animals are without rights and the illusion that our treatment of them has no moral significance is a positively outrageous example of Western crudity and barbarity. Universal compassion is the only guarantee of morality." Which is strange, because he had pretty universally positive views on eugenics. But, I suppose that it's contextual.

Disabled people aare the true NPCs.

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We elected one president so I would say PRO

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I don't know. Modern science already cheats nature by allowing weak young to survive. We haven't yet seen the ramifications of allowing them to survive and pass on their defective genes if they ever reproduce. If society collapsed then those dependent on modern medicine would die out anyway and it'd be rebuilt by those with the genes best suited for the harsher environment so I don't think it'll even matter in the long run to let a few brand dead vegetable survive on life support.

The fucked up part about disabled people is that it’s often the ones that didn’t make the mess get stuck to take care of it. Prime example is a ‘friend’ of the wife. First time this bitch was pregnant she smoked and cigs, drank, did mushrooms, etc., somehow or another that kid came out ok, not great but not a drooling shitty diaper. She wanted to have another kid so bad, her guy didn’t, well they went and pushed another kid out that is all fucked up. Now that she got this second kid that she wanted so bad she doesn’t care for it. Her parents are the ones that take care of it now, because that’s the “Christian” thing to do.

All retards should be put to use. We have medical and pharmacological testing that requires human subjects. We have military craft that require testing for safety thresholds. We need to study the effects of long term exposure to gamma radiation outside of the magnetic field. We need to find methods of germ line editing that will allow people to colonize other planets. We need ai testing against unsuspecting people for a more accurate Turing test. We need to trest what the long term effects of subterranean dwelling has on the huma body amd psyche. We need more speed bumps in densely populated urban areas.

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When I see them irl I legit feel bad because I lament the mental/physical torture they inevitably endure. Then again I am also aware of the social benefits they receive simply because they are retarded and then I don't feel so bad.


Best part is Jews cannot into heaven

> that pic


I love Cats

Have kids when you and your wife are young and live a healthy lifestyle of whole foods and no alcohol, drugs, or smoking. You shouldn't have to worry about any mentally or physically retarded kids then.

Physically disabled 32 yr old here. I once thought that all disabled deserved a trial of sorts to determine if you're still capable of contributing to society. If so, yay, good for you. If not, sorry, into the oven. Had a simple accident that put me out entirely and after a few years of being disabled, I realised that most times it isn't a choice and even those who need assistance in life deserve that life. Look at Stephen Hawking. A brilliant man but what a fucking turd to look at in that chair. He looked like a literal sack of shit, yet he still contributed in ways more than most healthy people will ever contribute in their meaningless life.

We should bring back the old style freakshows, oh wait that's what the dudes channel is all about, make no mistake about it, it's the same kind of curious fascination with human abnormalities but instead of going into a tent to view them, they are on youtube to watch in the privacy of your own home.