It's Actually, Seriously Fucking Happening!

>At the request of a number of committees of Congress, and for reasons of transparency, the President has directed the Office of the Director of National Intelligence and the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to provide for the immediate declassification of the following materials: (1) pages 10-12 and 17-34 of the June 2017 application to the FISA court in the matter of Carter W. Page; (2) all FBI reports of interviews with Bruce G. Ohr prepared in connection with the Russia investigation; and (3) all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all Carter Page FISA applications.

>In addition, President Donald J. Trump has directed the Department of Justice (including the FBI) to publicly release all text messages relating to the Russia investigation, without redaction, of James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, and Bruce Ohr.

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Other urls found in this thread:

But fucking is it? I still have yet to see Hillary rotting in prison and Kerry getting indicted for violating the Logan Act.

Until today the deep state had been hiding hard evidence of their crimes. You won't have to wait much longer.

Upvote this so hard TMOR raids my house in the middle of the night with black helicopters

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>(1) pages 10-12 and 17-34

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Happening-storm inbound!

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I really hope so, nigger


Wait so were they released or are they just in the process of declassifying them

Unless I’m mistaken, they were already released while these were withheld.

Fisa means "to fart" in Swedish


Huh, I didn't know fisa means "to fart" in Arabic.

We need to pray together or make a spirit bomb. Maybe we can even ask Satan for a hand with this one.

this documents are made public and the country collapses



They gotta clear this bullshit before taking heads.


This means nothing without military tribunals.

I am really hopeful this may be it!!!

>It will happen when the weather cools

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No one will go to jail. The best outcome is leftists will be BTFO in the midterms and emotionally. Trump’s been saving this “Trump Card” for the right moment. It’s obvious.

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The MSM won't report it, so for many many people, it won't happen. Literally.

no probs

Hey demoralizing Jew, you're right on schedule.

Comeys text messages...can't wait to fucking read. Can you feel it anons? The dam is about to break.

someone said they could come out tonight and the corrupt doj wont be involved, can anyone confirm or deny?


Attached: whenthedabshit.png (500x456, 103K)

Is he wrong?


RWDS soon?

Saw that reported, but I don't remember where

Sweden doesn't exist today and no one speaks that forgotten language

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Remember to vote in November

*fingers his years*
>b-buh he's a jwe because his says uncomfortable things

betting on collusion with russian mafia instead of russian gov't.

>every thread about declassification immediatelu flooded with dozens of demoralizing, blackpill hurling, faggots
Why are you even on Jow Forums if you can't even spot a kike?

mueller is closing in!

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Q predicted this

Theyre already out. These are the pages that were completely blacked out. I believe some were about "russian activity" surrounding the election. We'll see what they had.

why is this not the top thread

>Peter Strzok

Attached: Peter Strzok.gif (320x292, 2.88M)

Jews are sliding desperately.

Pretty accurate representation of the fisa process. How would you say "to fart out warrants at the mere request of the fbi" in swedish?

>inb4 all the documents have been misplaced and they're trying to find them


Mods are literal antifa faggots

Yeah im thinking they slowroll this until after the midterms at least

He looks like an insane serial killer to me

how many agencies do you think operate here, 0?

he makes me think of that goofy sidekick anime villain

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The remaining 20 pages of the FISA document will initiate the resignation/recusal/removal of Rod Rosenstein. Declas will force awareness that all signers will be under investigation, it will factually demonstrate without argument the US Government under Hussein, knowingly presented false evidence to FISC to obtain 'legal' US intelligence umbrella surveillance of Trump for the sole purpose of influencing the 2016 election - not Russia, but Hussein/HRC. Further it will demonstrate back-channel surveillance and spy insertion (multiple) also involving UK/AUS, initiated by Directors Brennan and Clapper with regular updates (including live streaming) provided to the Hussein WH.

Attached: Q-MOAB.png (1063x460, 240K)

You rang?

>Glad Ron Paul meme
Why would Ron Paul be glad that Trump is only declassifying FISA stuff where it pertains to him, and still allowing (((them))) to spy on anyone they want via FISA?

Attached: RP.png (611x404, 360K)

I'd hate to see all those comfy remodeled gitmo cells go unused. Two years in and we are one step closer to draining the swamp. Maybe by the end of his first term we will actually see a legitimate happening.

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Probably implicate roseenstein. He is saving for future use or possibly cut a deal.

mueller is f

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#2 since this won't bring us any closer to repealing the FISA amendments. It would be different if Trump was actually speaking out against it in general like Ron Paul does, but he repeatedly says that he's in support of it and doesn't want it repealed, he's just not happy that it hurt him. Literally anyone else would have been fine with him. That completely misses the point.

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You're right, Libertarians are so unfathomably stupid that they would side with the IC just because they didn't get 100% of what they wanted. Libertarians doom nations.

I want this fucker to get gassed. What a smug mother fucker.

Aye lad

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underrated post

Fuck Gitmo, I want firing squads on the Narional Mall during halftime of the Owl. Hopefully there's some snow in DC at that time so we get to see their blood and brains splattered all over the white ground with the Washington Monument towering in the background.


>mfw Trump rounds up the pedokikes at the emmy's gathering tonight

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Q fucking red carpeted this

2 pages of over 50

> muh trump was right

> fuck off

And still dropping the bombs.. kikes trying to make deals

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Q said 9/17 would be the day 5 months ago?? Jesus it’s fucking real

may good have a win and bless you ameri-bro's in the good fight.
God bless Trump.

its because nothing ever happens.... name one happening that actually happened?

Oh sheeeit
Every dog has its day!

honest question: is it really DECLAS? and why the missing S?

There are rumors afloat that the Mueller investigation is going to be found to be illegal.

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>9/17 would be the day
how is 9/17 the day? did he release the docs yet?
cmon new fag

We got a reality tv star elected President.

Trump signed their release today, so whatever the normal turn around is.

Tick, tock

regardless of what happens it will utterly destroy Mueller's mandate and cast a new light on all the petty little convictions he's pursuing. when he brings charges against Don Jr. or whatever for Trump Tower meeting, it will immediately reek of partisan hit job instead of MUH RUSSIA. Basically, the release will destroy Mueller's credibility and cast doubt on his motivations, whether or not he actually resigns or gets fired.

Trump has been very, very patient with Mueller and allowed Mueller a long rope to hang himself with. Mueller didn't even indict Carter Page. Think about that for a second. He didn't even indict the guy who his own FBI said was a Russian Spy and got a FISA warrant against. He didn't have anything to charge him with. The entire case is predicated on a lie.

okay but if they were released today you would have said the same thing.. see what i mean?

Could be anywhere from tomorrow till about a week, depends on if the Committee wants to petition him to redact something, which is unlikely since they already asked him to declassify fucking errything.

Where were you when God returned?

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It goes further in that this will expose top US government agencies having been embedded throughout other multiple US government agencies. The revelation will result in the US Congress facing the largest constitutional crisis of all time.

where the cap??

>still allowing (((them))) to spy on anyone they want via FISA?

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my point is when Q is vauge... people assign his clues to anything. that's all im trying to get people to see...

what is this image?~!

Will Comey rat out Lynch?

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It would still be something to do with the documents, which to predict that much in advance would still indicate something. Nice try though

is [Update] not working for anyone else

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that jew had his chance - he's going down hard

He just said that would be the day of the MOAB... Looks like the bomb has hit... now we wait for the fallout

Holyfuck Muslims really are going to be crucified alive upside down when civil war hits. Race war soon

WW3 threads
Supreme Court threads
And slide threads.
Nobody is here?

But they will be soon.
Comey is looking at a life sentence.
He will rat on Lynch and Brennen.
Comey is a homo.
Homo's always rat.