Is there really anything wrong with marrying a single mother in order to propagate the white race?

I ask this unironically, speaking strictly from the standpoint of propagating the white race and building a strong family unit.

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> marrying a single mother
> building a strong family unit


based Brazil

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Never raise another man's child. Don't be a simp cuck.

why come single moms don't just slingshot their unwanted children off of a cliff?

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as opposed to what? settling for a dumb thot who pretends to be something she's not and then cheats on you?

yes. no matter how much you love the woman or the kid, it will never be your offspring. you know it. he/she will know it. it will follow you around until the day you die. and until that day, you will be saddled with regret.

No, but it’s a major red flag. What reason is she a single mom?
-could she not satisfy a former husband?
-did she have a child out of wedlock
-did she give up on marriage without trying
-is she a widow
-does she have a habit of pushing others away
There are a lot of possible reasons, but the truth is that a good looking guy who is intelligent and has any decent job has his pick of available women. What is his incentive to even find out the circumstances behind a single mom?

No, not if you are talking about a single mother that had bad luck with her previous marriage. My sister falls in to this category. Married a white guy, had two good children, and her husband turned into a raving asshole after years of marriage. Well, the warning signs were there and she ignored them, so that's on her. But she is a white, red-pilled good mother. She would make a good mate for a redpilled guy.

>did she give up on marriage without trying
>-does she have a habit of pushing others away
Or maybe her man was like that.

I don't fucking get it. Supposedly you're all white nationalists. Wouldn't raising a white child to be a good man or woman be the ultimate service to the volk? Isn't that the Christian thing to do?

I'm starting to think this board is full of plebbit retards who parrot memes ironically.


I thought I could, and after less than six months of being married we are getting divorced (not because of that). But you know what? I am so relieved. Lesson learned....never again.

Hey, more single moms for you dude. Have at 'em.

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Depends. If she's a single mother because the father died and the child is white, then it is fine. Most other scenarios aren't great.

Would you eat a burger you bought and was freshly made. Or would you eat a burger you found on a table with a bite taken out of it?

M8 if she's fucking another man besides yourself her cunny is used goods as it is. I'm all for virgins brides, but I'm starting to think it's genuinely impossible. Don't be impractical in your ideology for the sake of meming it up with the mouthbreathers of this board.

Not as long as you get offspring out of it as well

You white bastards spend most of your time grazing fast food, committing bestiality, shooting up schools, fucking with underage kids.


In this thread: OP tries to rationalize his stupid decisions.

what was her name, user?

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Only if she has a girl you can raise to replace her mother.

A hot young widower whose upstanding husband died is the only exception.

Tits & a timestamp or GTFO

>wouldn't raising a white child to be a good man or woman be the ultimate service to the volk?
Terminology aside, yes. But that's not going to happen with a whore turned housewife.
>isn't that the Christian thing to do
I'm not a Christian, even if I lament the downfall of true Christian morality in society. But no, it really isn't. There is no obligation whatsoever to reward whores. There have been periodic accounts of men marrying literal prostitutes in Christian writing, but those are stories illustrating forgiveness and salvation rather than a directive for behavior--needless to say, but having whores as mothers is not conducive to strong families.

It's statistically very unlikely.
Of the 5% of women who are not whores (i.e. they wait until marriage to fuck), there is a divorce rate under 10%. And women initiate 2/3 to 3/4 of all divorces in the US.

I wouldn't marry a widow, but if the dad was a good man I'd certainly help her out with expenses and such if I could.

>"first time"
Found the manwhore

I've only heard one story of some dude marrying a single mom that I could get behind. 2 WW2 naval combat divers who went through all their training and missions in the Pacific together were total bros, one married and impregnated a English chick 2 weeks before D-day and died at Normandy. His buddy married the girl and raised the son, had another of his own.


you think white nationalists are just communal pools of bacteria? there exists individuality and discord everywhere. personally i wasnt speaking from an ethnic perspective, but as a man who feels a certain way and doesn't wish my experience upon others.

the only way i am raising another man's child is if he is dead. widows are very gracious.


is the kid white?

is the dad dead?

>wants to raise white population levels
>rejects more then half of the women of breeding age willing to breed
i dunno guys, might be a necessary thing
i understand the problems with it though
but from a strictly practical perspective we kinda need the numbers so...

I agree with you under certain conditions.

this was the point i was trying to make.

It is unless you plan on having at least two more babies with her, you know... so you can out vote them.

My mom had me when she was 15 my stepfather raised me white nationalist you can make a difference user

i want to sniff dana loesch's farts

>her husband turned into a raving asshole
boo fucking hoo. she leaves her husband cuz he's a big jerk and ends up damaging her children because of it. her fee fees got hurt so she destroys her family. your sister is selfish cunt. don't fall for her sob story about the evil ex.

same here. bitch had 3 kids. i fell for the cool stepdad meme. lasted 9 months before i found out why she was single.

tell us why user

Nothing wrong with it at all. ignore the plebs

that meme sounds like a borderline personality disordered woman. tells you everything you want to hear but in reality no woman is that good.

Because I was 40 years old. I saw her as my last chance to have a wife and be happy. And the fact that I could play daddy was appealing too, since I didn't have my own kids. She represented the possibility to fulfill a lot of what I thought I needed to be happy. Now I'm black pilled though.

put the non biological child in an orphanage
if you cant
have more kids
double what she has currently
spank her whilst you're at it
if shes not at least a 8/10 dont bother and give her the YEET instead