IMPORTANT: Trump can't actually declassify this. It comes down to the Justice Department i.e. that fucking cuck Jeff Sessions. He very well could DENY Trump's demand to declassify this at which point Trump can fire him because Trump has the authority to release this information and he's not following his orders.
>The US military believes that Syrian anti-aircraft artillery accidentally shot down a Russian maritime patrol aircraft Monday while the Syrian regime was attempting to shoot down a barrage of Israeli missiles targeting locations in Latakia, a US official tells CNN
Elijah Rogers
>Its only monday >we get to talk about these texts all week.
>300 Thats chink efficiency for you. Can’t innovate, but give them a simple task and they’ll do it over and over until they drop dead and are replaced by another bug.
>>#BREAKING: CNN: US Officials now believe that the Syrian Army accidentally shot down the Russian Air Force plane during its attempt to thwart the Israeli attack on Syria HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, NO FUCKING WAY! They gave the S-400 codes to Israel and that's how they repay the favour AHAHAHAHAHA
>Bitch, there have been THREE /ptg/s Newfag, lurk moar, this thread is going for at least some 10,000 threads before it even started getting called /ptg/. Please lurk moar, take a dive and stay down, it's getting unpleasant to beat your indio ass the whole day
>Please lurk moar, take a dive and stay down, it's getting unpleasant to beat your indio ass the whole day Please read more, what part of TRUMP GENERALS DON'T COUNT you didn't understand?
Charles Hall
the theatrics will be award winning.
Ryder Lewis
Dasss rite!!! I’ll get u dat wall later! Don’t be trippin!
Anthony Lopez
Classification authority ends with POTUS, literally no-one can override him on this.
Nice try though.
Sebastian Carter
>there are low IQ boomer Qtards in this thread *right now*
Most of my chink classmates got awesome grades because they were great at learning by heart and completing multiple choice questions but they could not write an argumentative essay if they life depended on it.
Daniel Russell
How will deepstate rats get revenge for declassification?
Will they suddenly decided to go after kavanaugh? More bogus leaks? Both?
>Any work on when the committee vote would be once the hearing is done? >Also, can he get confirmed by Oct 1st? >If not, will SCOTUS hear cases with only 8 or does Kennedy come back just for some cases until Kavanaugh is confirmed?
Hunter Hernandez
Big black combustion
Angel Jackson
I'm sort of excited to see her on the stand trying to rememmeber the bullshit story she made up.
Josiah Sanders
>sources and methods >two complicit intelligence agents who were texting about colluding to bring down trump
Decided to move Tuck to starting DMF and made him a destroyer, it makes sense Yes, games will be Sept 21-23, draw will be in roughly 40 bings (8:20 PM Jow Forums time) I am aesthetically challenged but I will see if i can make this happen
They shouldn't have gave in on this. They better put her under oath, otherwise it will be a freebie for Dems to slander Kavanaugh. Plus the GOP senators better not pussy out and they need to ask hard fact establishing questions.
>Got off work at 10:00 last night >Stayed up past 12:00 >Woke up at 9:00 this morning >Haven't left my house all day >Have to wake up at 7:00 for work tomorrow
Eureka! Now this is of a quality of long-form adventurous ballads of yore!
Ethan Flores
Lololo woudlnt have happened if hilldawg was elected!
Samuel Evans
>Had Sunday free, slept at 10PM last night >Good night of sleep >Woke at 6:25 this morning >Came home from class and workout at 7PM >Don't have to wake up at all tomorow Looks like i come up a winner
The press just cornered Kavanaugh's little girls asking them for any comment on their father's pedophilia since the accuser was a minor just like them.
I fucking HATE liberals
Chase Taylor
Is Hillary right? Is it now time to abolish the electoral college?
Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton returned to the public forum demanding an end to the electoral college in presidential elections because President Donald Trump was a terrible president. “You won’t be surprised to hear that I passionately believe it’s time to abolish the Electoral College,” she wrote in a new op-ed in the Atlantic.
Clinton complained that Trump was a racist who was destroying American democracy.
“Trump has sunk far below the already-low bar he set for himself in his ugly campaign,” she wrote, ticking of a laundry lists of offensive actions and public failures in his presidency.
Clinton argued Americans that Trump was a racist, citing his comment about “shithole countries” in Africa, suggesting he did not care about the victims in Puerto Rico because they were Latino, failed to condemn hate crimes against Muslims, and criticized NFL players.
“Hate speech isn’t ‘telling it like it is,'” she wrote. “It’s just hate.”
Camden Ortiz
The Portucuck already admitted Mexico is superior to Portugal on every aspect, especially tourism. >M...muh overnight stays >Y... your numbers are off
I already beat his ass, just like Canelo did to that Russian cuck on Saturday night. LMAO, you don't fuck with Mexicans, putos.