
So I imagine most of you live like me and have to hide your opinions that you share here. It's almost like a double life. I however have even more lives than that.

Right now I am living like 4 lives. I got the bar life where no one knows my last name and I have tons of v
black friends. I have the normie life where I'm a good some and a hard worker rising up the ladder. I got the Jow Forums life where I discuss white nationalism and hating ZOG. I even got a life where I'm a prominent member of a fetish community and am a semi famous writer of erotica and have had many weird encounters.

How many lives are you currently on? How many masks do you have to swap out on the reg? How many can someone have before they break down? Has one life ever been found out by another life?

Attached: plague-masks-for-sale-1.jpg (900x900, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:

If I pull that thing off will you die?

I have 0

I started playing World of Warcraft again after 11 years. I don't even have one life now.

It would be very painful...

...for you.

I have a guy fawkes mask and a horse mask


Used to have 1 mask to hide my poltical views, then one day got bored and said fuck it, revealed most of it at work, albeit through humour, found out others there are the same, and people there who don't share those views just don't care about it much, feels good man

and whos the real you>?

I have 3.
First is the one with my family. Basically a NPC where I don't bring anything up but just respond since the relationship between my parents, brother and myself is being destroyed.
Second is customer service job mask. Always happy and joking.
Third is Jow Forums face where I am drowning in depression and wondering if it is even worth going on while keeping up lies in everything I do. I'm not better than those that I hate at the end of the day.

Everyone wears a mask, fuck I teach a mix of comp sci, mathematics, and humanities. For the latter I have to put on a mask and pretend to be a liberal and to give a shit about the plight of women, niggers and Jews.

After class it's back to being a good ol nationalist

I don't have a real me. I never did and never will.

None, not everyone can reach your level of faggotry OP.

I have two lives currently but the goal is to integrate everything and live a wholesome and transparent life user. I hope you’re at least shooting for that.

user, look into my metaphorical eyes my man. You are better and will always be. You aren't able to delude yourself into thinking the world owes you anything or that you are special. You are out there making your life work and assembling the pieces alone. Name me one liberal like that

So basicly, you're a nazi furry

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too many. now they are all fucked up.
in some dark night of the soul bullshit

joined opus dei.
joined masons
tried to get them locally to fight each other larp style
they weren't interested
spurged out
made some stupid money
lost stupid money
recreated the back to back scene with two prostitutes and felt nothing

stole a communion wafer. gave it to a homeless guy. nothing happened. maybe homeless dude was jesus and i was just giving him himself back.

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fuck off mossad

I have about 500. Disposable masks of course. Workplace is kinda dusty.


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Naw I'm into leather stuff. I actually hate furries. They ruin every get together.

I actually have a fun little Ron Swanson esque situation going for myself. I moved over from the private sector as an efficiency specialist project manager. I have since moved up to a director position of a large govt agency and I constantly slash program budgets, out dead weight govt. Teeth sucking employees on action plans and fire them, then I never request to refill the position, I just reassign the duties to competent people or do them myself. I hire exclusively white people. And I couch ever decision I make behind cold hard data, and demographics, and efficiencies... So I wear my mask, but I am doing my part every day to shrink and subvert government.

Careful you don't cut yourself with that edge now sonny

Watch out faggots, burgers coming through.

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I honestly wasn't meaning to sound edgy boy (tm).

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Nope. I have no filter. I tell pretty much everyone I meet that I want to kill Jews. In fact, I just told my roommate that I thought Catholics, Jews and Muslims were part of a Satanic, baby-raping, cannibal cult, and I was pretty drunk and possibly autistic at the time. IDGAF. Fuck all you normies. Get redpilled or fuck off.

Nice trips, but that's bullshit.
When it's just you, alone with yourself, that's the real you. If you don't know him, you ought to spend a week in the woods.

No, he sounds like an NPC. They don't have a "real you"


How do you manage this OP? Some of things I share with you to some degree, though not entirely. On some of these things it makes me feel like a walking contradiction, and I'm really not able to reconcile these differences; i.e. contradictory thoughts/ideas.

Some things*

>hide your opinions
so you're a liar either here or irl..why should I pay attention to this bread

"There will come a time when good man must put on mask" - Tonto

I have a few, I pretty much fabricate everything about my life to people I meet, i am an exceptional liar and good at tracking every lie to prevent them from being discovered. I can talk my way out of almost anything. dont know why I do it, I guess its thrilling seeing what I am able to get away with. friendships dont interest me in the least bit but I do have a few acquaintances, I could make friends and others enjoy my company but I dont care for it. only my immediate family knows the real me. I do openly show my disgust for people I hate though. I do live a pretty normal life, have a family life, work and "work"

Good job


God bless you sir. You are a true American patriot.

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The hero we need. God bless you.

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I'm a million different things, not one you know.

Is that a Buck 102, user?

>habitual liar
>thinks hes really good at lying
>doesnt care about friends yet still uses them

user, youve got borderline or narcissistic personality disorder

like I mentioned I dont have friends, only acquaintances, I never said I used them to gain anything, I simply fabricate my life, so they wont know anything about me or have anything to use against me. when I do feel social or get invited to a gathering, I might hang out with them but no other connection after that. idk maybe but I am not narcissistic.