Absolute Fucking HAPPENING!!!


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I blame a particular (((state))) in the middle east for that

Yes, cancel my exams Israel!

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lmao underage schoolcuck

>college is underage

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This isn’t even news in America

And we were supposed to be afraid of these vodka niggers why?

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So WW3 is a war between israel and russia? FUCK YEAH!!!

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that's how it starts. then, once the world is shown the truth, it's just everyone > israel


Been here since 2011, spoiler alert it’s never fucking going to happen btw

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The largest stockpile of nukes worldwide. Otherwise we shouldn't be scared

That's what it was always gonna be. Spoiler: you're posting with the Israeli flag right now

What about you, meme flag?

And the second it said isreal i lost all intrest. Because nithing will happen sadly.

Who cares it’s literally nothing. Faggots get shit shot down all the time.

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That's like the 4th aircraft now?

WW3 started Today
Check 'em.

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1. I do not support US military action in Syria
2. I do not thank you for your service

we're all going to die

You mind your elders. That’s a 29 year old boomer behind a meme flag you’re talking too.

Even if that were the case the US would be backing Israel, its pimp, not fighting them.
Once again USA would choose the wrong side.

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Syria shot down the jet u faggot.

It was an accident.

The Russian sub hunter was 14 nautical miles from any Syrian AD.
It was approaching a French frigate. The frigate fired missiles, and the Russian plane went down. No great mystery here.