Why do shitlibs think being pro-white means you hate other races?

Why do shitlibs think being pro-white means you hate other races?

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OP is gonna be conscripted into the IDF and the israelis will soon be massacred.

Hell yes

Because you guys hate other races...

I don't. Why can't you form a retort? I love my people and wish to see them keep existing, much like I hope your people can.

I hate libs but most of you do seem to want to genocide us non whites

What if I just find other races mildly annoying...is there a club I can join?


White means your gay. Get on it, educate.

Curious there friend. You think black people are less human than white people? That they are less developed?

I am white, brother

Because white supremacism comes with degrading other races. There's no way you go as "hurr durr we wuz the masterrace and shit" without looking down on people of other color. Unless you're a civic nationalist lard which is another thing

I hate niggers, but then again everyone does.

they are homo saipans. what's your point?
You've done nothing but accuse.

Years of carefully analyzed programming. Indoctrination, simply put.

A certain group wants them to hate themselves and any among themselves that don't hate themselves. They're engineering a mass genocide at the hands of those being genocided themselves. It's brilliantly evil.

turn off the memeflag, jamal

I’m obviously a young liberal American ready to change the world!

Someone post the 14 88 and 6 million comic. It answers your question pretty clearly.

>I am white, brother
says the shill with the changing meme flags, fuck off kike, if you truly care about your race list 5 things that we need to take out of our lives as a white society!

But you don't think white people are naturally superior, less like animals?

Because they equate “white” with “racist”

what part of stop accusing are you missing? why does it bother you I like everyone? Are you short circuting on the sheer concept someone isn't a bigot?

can you think from plague war famine how many history and people and culture we lost. I don't want to lose white people, nor anyone else.

I'm sorry not being a racist offends you.

Because it does. Did you think "day of the rope" was some kind of metaphor? No, it means putting niggers heads in a noose and then hanging them.

Cigarettes, unhealthy food, cable tv, pollution, urban sprawl

Good job man. A lot of these other nationalists just seem like racists but you seem to think we're all human beings in the end. People who are against stuff like racemixing and such really are pathetic.

Haha, you didn't say no. Like it's fine if you like everyone without prejudice but its super weird to call that "pro-white"

to link you to Nazis or KKK. what you actually believe doesn't matter. it's how they can shape perception to you.

Because pro black means you hate whites.

no, that's what's scary. I'm some how called by people a racist or pro white bein I don't hate white people and wish them to have a future.
it's fucked up this is seen as wrong.
I totally understand why people lash out at other races when they are told to be proud but whites can't.

They're mostly just retards that react how they've been trained to. The higher-ups know that pro-whites aren't necessarily hateful and have always been right.

Because they hate white people. They are your enemy and will tell untold amounts of lies to get everyone else to hate you.

the correct answers were negroes, jews, spics, chinks, and muslims. please feel free to shill again tomorrow.

tbf I definitely hate other races

Shitlibs are constantly mindfucked with politically correct brain disease.

How will you secure a future for white people, friend?

You can still be against race mixing and not think whites are superior. You can be against race mixing to help preserve white culture. Doesn’t mean you think you culture is the best, you just love it because it’s YOUR culture. Loving you people is okay.

Because everyone knows that annoying white douchebag who makes too many racial jokes even when they're not funny because he's insecure as fuck and secretly cries because he feels like without white supremacy he's not worth anything.

Then do something and make an IOTBW thread..i dont think there is one up

Why are anti whites always illiterate?

Dude, you have to be doing *something* to be called racist and pro-white.

Like if you start talking about white pride in general company you deserve what you get you fucking moron.

Here’s my retort, sorry for generalizing you,

Because you guys hate other races...
> I don't. Why can't you form a retort? I love my people and wish to see them keep existing, much like I hope your people can
I am white, brother
>says the shill with the changing meme flags, fuck off kike, if you truly care about your race list 5 things that we need to take out of our lives as a white society!
Cigarettes, unhealthy food, cable tv, pollution, urban sprawl
>the correct answers were negroes, jews, spics, chinks, and muslims. please feel free to shill again tomorrow.

>Cigarettes, unhealthy food, cable tv, pollution, urban sprawl
Cigarettes, unhealthy food, cable tv, pollution are natural downsides of capitalism, i should have been more clear, name 5 ideologies/ cultures that are hurting our children and our future!

>being pro-white means you hate other races
>because I do, Heil Hitler.
Nice bait, mate - but 1488.

I have two daughters and am raising them damn well. they are my little angels and have a stay at home mom and even tho money is tight we get a good private school.

pls turn it off otherwise ur opinion will be disregarded!


there's a spiritual war going on, dark skin means you come from darkness which is EVIL.

light skin means you're closer to the light.
once this war goes physical you will see
the non white for what it is. an animal.

not all white people are white, so many
whites are edomites and not japhethian
or true white, basically albino niggers
or wolves in sheeps clothing. this is the
horrors brought to us by lilith and satan
in the kingdom of saturn/satan.

having dark skin means you're condemned?
only if you refuse salvation from Jupiter the
King of all Jews, the Messiah you all know
as jesus whom is Zeus!

read the ancient myths, a race would come
down from heaven every 1000 years and
clean humanity of its sins, their skin would
turn dark because of the sins.

i'm kinda shocked all you smart anons do
not know this, you all are being laughed at
who rule this world and know these things.

They do not understand love. They confuse it with lust. They think love is just sexual hedonism.

I don't. I'm against ethnic hatred. I'm so opposed to ethnic hatred, in fact, that I don't even hate white people.

So me basically

Ahahahaha! I am a jalapeno tribe member and this place makes me feel like I am amongst my brothers.
GTFO, fragile jew! Nothing can divide us against you!

We tolerate other races more than any other. We are also the only race to ever stop slavery. Somehow that translated into whites being the worst racists and slavers. It's almost like there's some agenda against us.

Since nobody posted it. Storm niggers hold you back. And that's a good thing.

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beecu dassraysiss onlee wipipo be raysiss

don't you guys though?

yes, yes..
die in a fire you subhuman.

The only ideology that’s bad is one that’s immovable

There there whiteboy

It'll be alright, you'll be okay

The world's not as nice as you thought, but there are those of us who will help you have a chance to survive.

It's a meme and this is Jow Forums

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>Do not call out the enemies goys

I only hate shitskins and niggers who are in this country and all other white countries they do not belong in. They can all go to hell. But I do have respect for non whites who stay in their country.

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>Dude, you have to be doing *something* to be called racist and pro-white.
Not in the US. Wanting to not die is considered racist if you are white, because most US liberals are extremely prejudiced against whites.

there's a form of sexual gratification that they get from the whole bit.

I personally don't hate anyone because of the color of their skin, I pity them.

A few douchebags in the group ruining it for everybody

when the media is owned by your enemy of course they would retrat a normal racial preferemce like all the ethnick groups has around the world as some kind o supremacism

start listing the thing yo love about yourslefs instead of the thins you hate about others and then maybe you could start progresing

help my page wont update

if you don't purity spiral your movement to death you're not trying

because that's what (((The Jews in the Media))) tell them to believe.



how do I fix connection error

you dont

Hahaha, get a grip, dude.

>"hurr durr we wuz the masterrace and shit"

Strawman. You really think white people are such 2d, cartoon caricatures that you can only be a self loathing cuck who adopts african children out of guilt or a 1488 death squad quadruple hitler?

Everyone is conservative about things they love. When people on here say multiculturalism means white genocide, you recoil in both disgust and astonishment at how people could so thoroughly miss the point of one of your core values. I feel the same way when you try to shoehorn your values and your brown pets into all facets of my life to ameliorate the "insufferable" whiteness of my neighborhood, city, occupation, hobbies, etc.

bash your head on a brick wall real hard a couple of times and look at your screen. it should work now

im absolutely on u with this one, the human race is like the bird species. we come in all sorts of colors, shapes, sizes, lifestyles (eating habbits prey/predator). yes we can mix and breed, just like birds but the majority mate with their own, unless ur ok with your genes not passing on (or your retarded, brainwashed by the jewpecker, or your thinking with your dick). but i just like a ecosystem you take one animal out and a bunch ethier go with it or get left behind bc they need to catch up (evolve again) for the loss. its in all of our best interest that we dont mix until there is no diversity in the bird kingdom, just seems some people are trying to see whites go the way of the dodo :/
yes i know how you feel with the race mixing!

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is this NPC posting?

that can be debated on, take warhammer 4000 for an example, if they didnt have a fascist ideology the human race would cease to be!

Haven't been back on Jow Forums since NPC became a meme. Someone explain.

>lol what are you talking about? I am a very sensible liberal with sane ideas! How dare you suggest that antifa, the academic class, the blue checkmarks, or r/politics are in any way representative of real liberals (tm)? Lol get a grip dude!

sorry grammar mistake
im absolutely on u with this one, the human race is like the bird species. we come in all sorts of colors, shapes, sizes, lifestyles (eating habbits prey/predator). yes we can mix and breed, just like birds but the majority mate with their own, unless ur ok with your genes not passing on (or your retarded, brainwashed by the jewpecker, or your thinking with your dick). but i just like a ecosystem you take one animal out and a bunch ethier go with it or get left behind bc they need to catch up (evolve again) for the loss. its in all of our best interest that we dont mix so
>there is*
diversity in the bird kingdom, just seems some people are trying to see whites go the way of the dodo :/
yes i know how you feel with the race mixing!

Some do and some don't.

NPC = Non Playable Character

Many psychopaths are solipsistic and believe that their life is more real or has more value than others.
Mossad is pushing the NPC meme on Jow Forums in order to generate threads about NPC and disdain in general for normies.
So when they initiate another false-flag they can point the finger at those radical psychopaths on Jow Forums and handicap the movement.

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You know Mark Levin is a Blue Checkmark, right?

I'm just pointing out that people don't just go around accusing people of being racist for no reason. Maybe you think their reason is bullshit but you have to include it when you start complaining. Like if you seriously were at a party or something and just started talking about "White Pride" you're a fucking moron for not thinking people are going to assume you're racist even if you think what you were saying is innocuous.

Because Wikipedia says so.

There's not a single marcher that isn't fat and autistic. Is this the 'master race' that Jow Forums raves about?

>fighting against neoliberal technocatic anti-white social-engineering globohomoimperialism

>president and military
>dominant ideologies

I can smell the Gen Xer/Early Millennial retardation from miles, one of the most stupid things i've seen in a while, by far.

Based Jew poster

>lefties don't accuse white people of racism for no reason
>lefties aren't overtly prejudiced against white people

I mean, you can say that, but fewer and fewer people are believing you guys.

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Don't know if it's really that grand of a conspiracy but it does make anyone who actually calls others NPCs have a trench coat mafia vibe. We don't have the numbers to purity spiral, we need to attract others not repel them by slurring them with a neckbeardy vidya reference you dweebs

To be clear, riling yourself up by looking at left twitter memes is probably your fault.

They want all white men to be weak subservient slugs with big fat black dildos up their asses.

Because I hate other races

sounds pretty hot

I see you don't have a dildo in the ass yet, do you need help with this user?

I know I got a boner writing it.

Do you agree with them or not? Seeing what the left really thinks of me when they think they are only among friends online makes me pretty wary of the ones I interact with IRL. Especially because it is extremely pervasive online except when someone on the right points it out, at which time an army of (you)'s come out to assure me that I am, in fact, crazy and these people are a barely existent minority that I shouldn't worry too much about. Fuck you.

i spy with my little eye, a nigger

Like if you're seriously at a party or something, and start talking about Black Pride, you're a fucking moron for not thinking people are going to assume you're racist....
It goes both ways. The idea that 'blacks can't be racist' is the dumbest meme ever


Mossad uses it's internet propaganda arm via the IDF quite effectively. Online shilling is not a minor threat.