"My daddy was part of the failed Resistance"

"He sat on his ass and tweeted all day and neglected me and my mommy"
"That's why I have a new daddy"

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I legit wish someone would kill this guy to death

How does a two year old get into high school


My school didn't even teach me about Nixon. In 15 years I doubt most kids will even know who Trump is unless they actively seek information.

threadly reminder that if you tweet this at them they block you

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Do you really study presidents in history class?

I want his wife and kids to star in a cartel video while he watches helplessly.

We study Jackson since he's the only one that matters

Stunning and brave.

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lol australians have knack for this shit i swear.

delusions of grandeur

>Hello shlomies, today in Talmud class I'll teach you how the US President Donald Trump gave many things to the jewish people and the jewish people from Israel, from lower taxes to the US embassy to Jerusalem
>Dad! President Trump was so awesome! no wonder he won 2 terms!
>dad's when

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What, reading?

in my high school we learned a little about Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and, because I'm not that young, Clinton cause he was president at the time. We also had a government class, but we learned more about our chief justices than we did presidents.

How can his son only be 2 years old in 15 years???

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My two year olds will put your two year old in an oven Kike.

bo1 orr

his two year old will have commited suicide when he learns what a fag his dad was

Whats with all the krassenkike material here lately?
Surely the funniest thing about this is that he is seemingly unironically implying that there is a woman out there who in ~13 years is willing to sign up for his inbred genetics and thusly concieve a small child with a large beak.

The resistance.
Gay beyond gay.

>This is why I tweet.


>Fukcf blumf checkmark please

>Krassenstein thinks his 2 year old will be in highschool
Get a load of this retard

Jackson is my fucking hero, he told the jews that owned the central bank to fuck off

forgot image

Only the Trail of Tears. High school students in recent decades are too stupid to understand anything that can't be wrapped in an emotionalist cookie.

I blame the DOE and the ascent of postmodernist historians.

Imagine believing this.

>I tweet for muh childrenz


>examples of lies, bigotry and hate not forthcoming, because they don't exist (but from the left)

Can someone explain why Jow Forums hangs on these kike's every word? Honestly don't get it.

Krasselstien bros make these threads

The (((Krassensteins)))

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properly timed shit posts.

>my microblogging makes a difference
>stop laughing at me

Unfortunately, something tells me they'll skip from the civil wars straight to trump so they can continue go drive white guilt home


>Dad: ”I was part of the resistance and it was HER TURN!”
>Son: ”Shet the fuck up, dad! You sound like a fag, bro!”

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Wanting to rip on them as proxies for progressives who've decided to force their bullshit into my personal life and choices. I'd like to ignore them, I really would


he'd probably fap to it

We study their political dealings and policies of certain presidents who were particularly influential. Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, Wilson, the Roosevelts

Wait till his son turns into the updated version of Alex P Keaton. Maybe daddy will be moved to kill himself.


>Typing this kind of shit when jobs, economy and wages are booming and a majority of americans wants less immigration and not more

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Stomping on people's rights gets you major play in public school history classes. It's a wonder subsequent power-hungry presidents are so incentivized.

In the past this type of arrested development case would "show" society by writing on a bathroom wall; now Krassenstein tweets.

Krassenkike is posting this stuff himself.

The faggot doesn't even have a blue checkmark and I'm supposed to clap?

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It's the same thing, except bathroom-wall scribblings are funnier. And anonymous.

>studying trump in high school history class
>in 15 years
sorry sweetie but trump isn't that consequential to be "studied" in 15 years. ffs these leftists have no sense of time and their place in it

We learned that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln were the last white people in America with those Surnames.

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>spending my time tapping on my phone instead of raising my fucking kid is bravery

Unfortunately it’s worse than that. I heard a college HISTORY major once just comment that he was genocidal. That’s all he seemed to know about the guy. Sham world we live in folks.

Brian, you're a gladhander

inb4 his kid grows up and kills him for teaching lies trying to brainwash them with his hate because he hates America and hates Freedom.

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It will be mandated by Emperor Barron Trump.

learn how to english you filthy paki nigger

LBJ gets a mention because muh cibbil thas rites

he promised to remove it if jones got banned off twitter or something

>This is why I tweet.

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only Andrew Jackson

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Nope. It could also mean when he has a two year in fifteen years. Checkmate, niggers.

such a sickening display of the sickness that is vanity and the ME generation.
>this is why i tweet
this guy thinks that he himself will appear as some brave resistor in whatever dumb fucking curriculum that would be about trump. so self-absorbed, so oblivious to time, what constitutes, history, and what is warranted scholarly historical study.
fuck this current society and its parade of firsts. >first black to do X
>first female to do Y
>first black female to do Z
this is how leftists see themselves in time and space and how they think history is made.
history is dead and nothing, not even trump, will be "studied" in 15 years worthy of note.

Reminder that these are his followers

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But his new dad will be a cuck too
> My wife's son
> My wife's son
> My wife's son

He wrote a children’s book

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A children's book on the Presidents I have made a big deal about a photo in which a teenage Clinton shook hands with President Kennedy at Arkansas Boys' State


> daddy why did you sit on your fat fucking arse instead of actually doing something about it then?
> because I was only a part time activist and part time cuck
Wew lads. What did it mean by this?

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he'd probably post it on twitter while jacking off on his brother's face as he revels in the likes/retweets.

>ED, ED, hnnnnnnggggg, they retweeted it AGAIN, hnnggghhsnn

This would not surprise me in the least. Wasn't there some article written recently saying all of this was a continuation of the War of Northern Aggression?

purely kikewincodence goyim

His child would shoot up a school.

Ole Ed KriesAndScreams needs to take his wife’s boyfriend’s dick out of his mouth.


Right? This man is a professional writer and he couldn’t figure out that it should be
>when 15 years from now, my two year old is worshipping trump in hell

america's freedom of speech is truly fascinating
it's ok to release this, but would a book starring marack ookbama be published?

It's more that the people writing the curriculum are more interested in pushing an agenda than actually educating.

Legally publishable, but would probably get sued for defamation and also attacked for muh racism


Kek, leaf

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and when my 8 year old says "people say trump is a bad man"
i say "those people are kike faggots who welcome the destruction of the white race"
kid already points out bullshit everywhere he sees it. makes it hard to parent desu.

Ignore every other post, yes at some point nearly every president will be mentioned in your required schooling unless you go to some inner city shithole like most anons seem to

Some like Fillmore, Taylor, Harrison, ect are only mentioned once or twice because they didn't do jack compared to the roosevelts, lincoln, and others