Who's your favorite?

Who's your favorite and why? if he's not pictured then feel free to list him.

Attached: goatss.png (2106x420, 1.43M)

The horse looks nice

posting some not shown

Attached: Marcus_Aurelius_bust_Istanbul_Archaeological_Museum_-_inv._5129_T.jpg (3454x5181, 1.76M)

Who's the guy next to Alexander? Charlemagne?

Attached: Augustus_30-20BC_Louvre_Ma1278.jpg (1600x2400, 2.41M)

William Wallace

Attached: williamwallis.jpg (600x750, 82K)

Leon Degrelle

Attached: o-HANNA-NADIL-facebook.jpg (1536x2106, 619K)

Kaiser Wilhelm? Pinochet?

No Pinochet?
Literally get raped.


Attached: RockwellPhotoYoung.jpg (1135x1441, 194K)


Attached: charlemagne uniter of europe.jpg (800x1646, 1023K)

Anime dracula

Attached: B4APTJ.jpg (866x1390, 168K)

Attached: falange.png (1021x1600, 3.71M)

nice! i tried to post a really HQ pic of him but it exceeded the filesize

Grandpa was superior

Attached: 400px-Steuben_-_Bataille_de_Poitiers.png (400x329, 268K)


Attached: constantine.jpg (600x800, 48K)


Attached: 1520374960133.png (2106x1053, 35K)

I Agree! (Charlemagne's grandfather, Charles Martel)

Attached: Charles-Martel.jpg (303x350, 60K)

Vlad knew how to keep his borders secure

Attached: c1188a9a0837aaea2691680dd568ce8a--vlad-the-impaler-vlad-tepes.jpg (600x875, 88K)

Julius Streicher, the first man to be executed for shitposting (Creator of Der Sturmer)

Attached: julius streicher.jpg (600x873, 76K)


Attached: vlad btfo ottomans.jpg (2047x1333, 495K)

Attached: george-lincoln-rockwell-washington-dc-1965-wayne-higgs.jpg (588x799, 86K)

Attached: 320px-Don_Juan_d'Austria_1.jpg (320x614, 63K)

Dr. Joseph Goebbels

Attached: Joseph Goebbels-Portrait-01.jpg (600x862, 145K)

Attached: goebbels.jpg (1527x2048, 351K)

So what's the theme, OP? I thought it was favorite leader, then you posted a reported. Here's a badass that hasn't been posted yet, Constantine XI, last Roman Emperor, died defending his capital's walls.

Attached: Constantine XI last stand.jpg (687x960, 175K)

The theme is more-or-less just great men of history.
>then you posted a reported
what do you mean?
But awesome picture, saved

Attached: Godfrey_of_Bouillon,_holding_a_pollaxe._(Manta_Castle,_Cuneo,_Italy).jpg (220x359, 32K)

>posted a reported
Have another Constantine XI

Attached: Constantine XI.jpg (930x1129, 435K)

True, woops

Lucius Quintillius Cincinnatus, considered by some as the father of fascism

Attached: Lucius Quintillius Cincinnatus 519BC - 430 BC.jpg (1756x2640, 548K)

William Luther Pierce

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (815x720, 101K)

Robert E. Lee

Attached: 200px-Robert_Edward_Lee.jpg (200x296, 18K)

Attached: MV5BMjU4ZjQxZDQtNGMyZi00MDU1LTk0ZWMtNzg3YjgwMmQ5NjAwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_.jpg (1920x816, 203K)

rare young Joseph Goebbels

Attached: tumblr_p4exsb1CLf1wq41qho1_500.jpg (500x729, 64K)

Charles I of England, Scotland and Ireland, king and martyr

Attached: c13p.jpg (360x302, 35K)

Jan Sobieski, the Polish king that saved Europe from the invading Ottoman armies at the Siege of Vienna. Led 20,000 winged hussar calvary and mowed down the turks in a LOTR/Return of the King-type scene

Attached: Jan Sobieski.jpg (480x360, 27K)

that's hilarious you posted him, I was just about to. I look remarkably similar to him IRL

Attached: charles.jpg (2382x2986, 1.91M)


Attached: 220px-Statue_d'Alfred_le_Grand_à_Winchester.jpg (220x293, 18K)

Attached: CHARLES I.jpgs.jpg (529x530, 100K)


Attached: hermann der cherusker ARMINIUS.jpg (300x300, 38K)

Attached: arminius.jpg (562x750, 34K)

King Edward I aka Edward Longshanks, the based English king that issued the Edict of Expulsion in 1290 expelling all Jews from the land

Attached: King Edward i.jpg (432x525, 72K)

The finest form of governance and of the faith, all led by a man of conscience, poetry and honour. He dwells now with Christ, but his example is with us yet should we choose to embrace it.

yeh hes cool 2 bro

which lasted for multiple centuries, until the faggot Oliver Cromwell let them back in
[also had Charles I beheaded]

Indeed. That traitor Cromwell not only had him killed, but allowed the kikes back into England after hundreds of years. Disgusting.

Attached: GTe_EXbD.jpg (400x266, 18K)

D.Pedro 2

Attached: ferdinandisabella_360x450.jpg (570x712, 164K)

Attached: 220px-Mohammad-reza-shah.jpg (220x251, 25K)