Hey Jow Forums, it's Jow Forums. We need help...

Hey Jow Forums, it's Jow Forums. We need help. Linux is under attack by SJWs and Linus is standing down because his daughter is one of them.
What can be done to attack and destabilize these leftist anti-meritocratic parasites besides actually, you know, attacking them? We need to shut them the fuck down, ruin their businesses and careers, tear apart their families or orgies or whatever they have, make their favorite products and services unavailable, get them ostracized by society, anything and everything short of actually putting them into camps and doing what honestly should be done. Please help us.

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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=site:igurublog.wordpress.com brown shirts
google.com/search?q=site:igurublog.wordpress.com red hat

>(((free software)))
This was inevitable.

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Not sure how to help but fuck anyone attacking Linus. Have a bump.

i dont use linux. i use microsoft.

why are these threads getting removed from Jow Forums

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>not using gentoo
>not having the only good excuse for not using gentoo, using templeOS
enjoy your transbuntu

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because mods are fags and nobody wants anything remotely political on any boards lest people associate them with Jow Forums

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>ruin their businesses and careers, tear apart their families or orgies or whatever they have, make their favorite products and services unavailable, get them ostracized by society
That's sort of their modus operandi. The right can't exert such social aggression without being dwarfed by tens more leftists screaming "HATE SPEECH". It can't really be countered because they operate on emotion and the right operates on logic, and the former is just so much easier. Really the only non-violent solution anyone has ever proposed is Rand's "leave and let them kill each other" plan in Atlas Shrugged, which obviously won't work in the modern world since you can't escape their taxes by pissing off to the Rockies. At best you can boycott their businesses but you probably weren't buying legume milk or XXXL panties in the first place.

I hate to break it to you mate, but The Powers That Be won't stop until everything you know and love has been broken down and made to submit to their utopian, marxist vision of the future. Likely there is no way to save Linux - fight back as best you can, try and save as many people as you can from the SJW indoc, but honestly the best we've been able to manage so far has been a fighting retreat and this will be just one more bridge burned

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Focus on the daughter being the issue.
She may be blackmailing her father.
Looks like she was receiving instruction from "Rikki Endsley".

In the article you mentioned:

You can tell the disdain for Linus from the author through quotes like.

>Patricia Torvalss isn't the Torvalds name that pops up in Linux and open source circles. yet

>Patricia explains what got her interested in computer science and engineering
>(spoiler alert: it wasn't her father)

Then she proceeds to push feminism and the liberal agenda.

Note where:
>soon she'lol head to Durham North Carolina, to start the fall semester of college.

The author that wrote it
((Rikki Endsley)) lives in Raleigh, NC only 30 minutes away from where the FeminVirusPrincess was moving.

(For further instruction)

Guaranteed there is a FemCultCell operating behind Rikki and it has ties to setting up Patricia's Guerrila FemCult.

They probably blackmailed Linus saying that his daughter would claim questionable actions from him and go public if he didn't step away.

Why do you think.

How many years after gamergate and now you faggots come crying to us for help? Jow Forums was always right

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>Jow Forums
The /v/ tourists are only there for PC assembly help, they don't use Linux.

>that pic

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I'd love to help but my version of activism isn't supported in the mainline kernel.

It's all so tiresome.

but the linux users arent complete brainlets right??? they were aware of gamergate and its not hard to notice the broader implications. they then saw the same infiltration in their own network and did nothing.

>guys help us we can't spam racial slurs and be an asshole to anyone we don't like anymore


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Finally the faggots are attacking something I hate

>but the linux users arent complete brainlets right???
Ehhh... There was a whole lot of "haha look what happened to the stupid gaymers" elitism that blinded them to what was happening in their own field. Mostly nobody expected Linus to bend the knee and let them win.

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You're fucked, shouldn't have shat on gamergate over "muh games" it was obvious you were next but you couldn't resist the urge to shit on /v/
Now we're all fucked and the useful idiots are going to fuck up technology as if Intel and the EU wasn't doing a good enough job as it was FUCKING us, just wait until they worm their way into blockchain or anything to do with the darknet we will have no way to communicate anything dissenting against the status quo

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Rikki Endsley works for/at Red Hat.

Opensource.com is operated by the (((Linux Foundation))) (look at what they've done to node.js)

Red Hat is No. 1 contractor of US intelligence agencies and the US military.

PS: *NOT* saying Google would be innocent.

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Proudly proclaim that L. Is the OS of the “alt-right” and proudly embrace it. Make memes and propaganda to this end and spread them. Make fake sjw social media accounts and call anyone who uses L. a racist, specifically anti-Semitic. Shit post this in comment sections of articles. They only way you win this is by using their sjw fear of being called racist against them.

idk, lets wait and see what they do first
if they fuck anything up, then we let it rip,
hold nothing back

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those sodomite eyes.

Fuck off.

You know damn well and good that the point of this whole thing is to set up a safe space where racial slurs are allowed and encouraged-- as long as they're against white people. Where the gradual disposession of white men in EVERYTHING they do is the order of the day because hey, they deserve everything bad we can heap on them because we don't like them.

Fuck off with your fake equality.

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Why don't we make out own bootleg version of android and run a specialized app where we can have our own encrypted mod free self policed "Reichan". Have these on ditch bitch phones so we can throw them in the microwave if the CIA/FBI/Mossad party wagon shows up.

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You're doomed. You had your savior and you let glow in the dark niggers shoah him. Come back and ask for help after your board repents and swears blood vengeance against the eternal Jew.

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But who is behind the FemCultCell? Or is it just in general to feminize a last resort of innovation?

Linus had made some enemies and they are trying to take him down since a long time. Especially:

google.com/search?q=site:igurublog.wordpress.com brown shirts

google.com/search?q=site:igurublog.wordpress.com red hat



Torvald's rant against Sievers/Poettering (Red Hat):

Torvald's rant against Intel:

Torvald's rant against Forced Kernel Lockdown (2018) with SecureBoot:
>"Seriously. You sound like you're parroting some party line, not like you are answering the actual question."

I mean Red Hat is pissed at him, Intel is pissed at him. etc.

Also remember the Sarah Sharp / Sage Sharp story? They tried to frame him and failed thankfully. Not so much this time I'm afraid.


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DDoS attacks man, hit them all. All of them, and remember always kill a traitor before an enemy. Start with the ones who sold you out, then hit the enemies.

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God that's fucking retarded.

Don't listen to this agent provocateur.

Fuck off. Libre software is based

When Linus is gone, intel agencies can install
minorities/diversity folks.

These folks comply 100000% faster and easier than a fucking white male.

Something "morally" challenging? They will do it. Bad code? They will do it. Backdoor to spy on the user? They will do it.

I call them Eichmann-types.

because these folks know inside that they only got the job because of (((diversity))) and quotas or bullying by themselves.

and they know that technically their skills are far inferior, if there would be normal competition based on merit.

So they are far more loyal to their bosses. They don't care about the project, the world, nothing. Only about their ego. And their "handlers" know this very well.

You take away Torvalds and you replace him (and other good project leads) with all these Eichmann-style/vibes personalities.

They are so easily controlled.

(pic semi-related)

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How is that retarded ? How much do you get paid as a JIDF agent?

The best thing you can do is join the mob and pretend to be them, but try to take it in a direction that it starts attacking itself.

Yes, goy, use proprietary software controlled by Globohomo Corp. What's that, you say you don't want us to cancel your software license because you're a racist? Tough luck, goy. Start your own software company if you don't like it.

A. Do no good against well-heeled companies
B. Make your "movement" such as it is look like it's full of edgy reards, and makes the media narrative of "oh these are just a bunch of of pissed off white males we need to put in their place!" that much easier to stick.

I know you're intentionally being stupid but some autist is going to actually follow your advice and then you're going to feel like an idiot for getting actual open source software shut down.

This is this:
but directed against us. Don't do any script kiddie hijinks. It doesn't help our cause.

This actually might be good. You can draw on the obvious connections Linux has with cryptocurrencies, which already have numerous articles about how it enabled the "nazis" to get rich

I'm supposed to believe that child hasn't had a finger or a tongue up his ass, willingly or not? Explain yourselves homos

I love how I can do all of that and not be a fucking faggot

Welcome, gentlemen, to Kernelgate

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nigger install temple os

I fucking hate capitalist ideologues so much because of this shit. When they're standing before a firing squad they'll be arguing with the soldiers about how much better their bullets would be if only they weren't made by GOVERNMENT contractors.

Collectivism simply works. Individuals are going o get crushed by people who unite to support their interests. That's simply how it works.

Hang together or hang separately.

>that pic
t. crossdresser

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Switch to BSD for now. Some user posted a thread a right wing tech squads with some good ideas.

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So this is a Microsoft coup right? SJWism is looking more and more like a demented form of actual fascism with its corporate backers, historical revisionism etc. etc.

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Basically, yeah, except replace Microsoft with every large tech company in existence right now. Open source is a huge pain to them because it creates a huge space where rent seeking doesn't work.

Anywhere you see SJW politics pop up, it's pretty much without exception being used as a path to power by marginal players. It's a way to go chopping off your enemy's heads in such a way that no third party dares utter a word against you.

They expect one of us in the wreckage brother

Nothing you said had any logical connection to anything else you said. I can't even begin to deconstruct your non-argument because there is absolutely no relevance between premise and conclusion, which are only indicated by your sentence structure. The only standalone piece of nonsense that presents itself for attack is your delusional belief that consentual cooperation is impossible under capitalism, or possibly under any system except violently enforced and state backed collectivism.

Why the fuck do they get to have the rainbow as their symbol? I fucking like rainbows, but I can't use them in anything or everyone thinks I'm gay, or worse, an "ally" to their retarded cause.

Start flying the rainbow as the symbol of God promising not to flood the earth again, remind them of their degeneracy

This. seems like the only way.

Historically similar cases to this show that violence is a solution that has achieved effective results.

Why did Linus listen to a deranged person who decided to cut off a penis??

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Diverse United States has been more profitsble than even 1000 year old ethnostates only a retard wouldn't see it.

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Of course I would never suggest using violence! Historically though, upstart parties led buy a single individual attempting to disrupt an established organization have often failed when subject violence. You can see this with the Pinkerton and unions in the us, where the Pinkertons often succeeded.

Lemme break it down for you then: Capitalist ideologues hate open source because it's "collectivist" and vaguely "copyleft" which they're opposed to on principle.

They have the same kind of kneejerk tribal consciousness as SJWs, but only insofar as they signal their own affiliation with an ideal (ie making money on your own programming skills sweat of your brow etc). And make no mistake their ideal CAN work to support their stated goals of letting the best succeed, but only when everyone else plays by their rules-- i.e. not preferring supporting their own, being willing to support outsiders when their products are "better". Throwing their own under the bus when convenient is basically their modus operandi.

I'm not against capitalism itself, just capitalist ideologues. The type who think the free market will fix the neobolshevik revolution.

This is War.

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I don't know what to say to that. I'd usually be like "don't advocate violence! that'll just give them an excuse to shut us down!"

But then Antifa uses violence and those same forces that would have shut US down hails them as heroes. It's like, what the fuck can you do? I don't think the Ghandi approach will work this time-- your opposition needs to have a conscience and a soul for that to work.


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I don't understand what you're trying to do. Are you trying to destroy Linux or save it?

Pay Dirt.

>Rikki was the reason why Heroku adopted a CoC policy for feminists in 2013 and sponsored the ada initiative.

Motherlode attached
>This is why Jow Forums comes to Jow Forums

Start copying from the pastebin into here.

What is it about diversity that "makes us stronger"? Simple question, right? Just name any upside, anything at all. Tolerance is valuable, sure. No sense in rejecting a perfectly good worker because his skin is brown. Of course, if all the good workers happen to have white skin, why exactly should one with brown skin be hired? Again, nothing wrong with hiring a competent woman, but why should the tech workforce be half female if half the competent programmers aren't women?

Not him but "capitalist idealogues" are anti-intellectual property as it is exclusively a state enforced and ultimately arbitrary form of "property" that denies competition and creates artificial monopolies. While that obviously wouldn't make everything open source it would make reverse engineering anything and then redistributing that perfectly legal. They are against copyleft only because that is still state bullying and saying "you can't make money changing and distributing that REEE" . It's not like anyone's attacking open source except neocons and tech illiterates.

Could Linus have been blackmailed/extorted?

Allegations were made that honeypots were after him, but he protected himself. Did they find another way?



read the comment about the apostrophe


Did someone else actually write the apology? Or part of it? And was it handed to him for him to "sign"? The sudden departure seems unusual.

This completely. Anyone who was anti-gamer gate was an oblivious moronic faggot aiding in (((their))) agenda. GREAT JOB GUYS! YA FUCKED US ALL WHEN YOU HAD ABSOLUTE CONCRETE PROOF OF WHAT WAS GOING ON! FUCK EVERYONE!

>puts spells in code
is this kinda bad, could be how feminism spreads so fast, put that shit in code and watch the fireworks

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Guess loonix can be added to this list. Is there anything left un-pozzed?

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>It's not like anyone's attacking open source
I see them pop up from time to time, and they always act like it's the obvious conservative position to be against them. And idiot normies almost always fall in lock-step when they start with the anti-collectivist nonsense rhetoric. Maybe I've just been unlucky.

>except neocons and tech illiterates.
Neocons are going to get us all killed. Basically they used our blood and soil to create an ideological individualist utopia. And when outsiders come in to kick over the now crumbling foundation we're ideologically prevented from stopping them. "Oh, that 1200-year-old cathedral is getting demolished or turned into a mosque? Well, that's the free market for you! Should have bought it yourself if you cared so much! See, things only have value when there's a sustainable business model behind them!"

Don't let faggots steal your joy, never forget that the Rainbow is in fact a Heavenly symbol from God that represents His promise never to destroy the world with a flood again. The Rainbow is a beautiful symbol that faggots are driven by demons to try and pervert. Key word here being attempt because the Rainbow will always be a symbol of God.

That fast, full dox
"Info: worked with adainitiative.org and posted through heroku.com
>"Why Heroku adopted a Code of Conduct Policy and Sponsored the Ada Initiative" Dec 10, 2013 by Sara Dornsife
>"Editor's note: This is a guest post from Rikki Endsley"

Rikki may be tied to higher people, (There's always a bigger fish)

Name: Rikki Michelle Endsley
Age: 48
DOB: 1970

Community Manager,
Opensource com at Red Hat (since 2015)

M.S., Journalism from University of Kansas (2005-2008)



0265 (Kansas - verified)

5380 (Kansas)

Alias: Rikki Michelle Lemaster,
Rikki M Kite,
Rikki M Endsleymaster

>Associated with:
Robert Lynn Endsley,
Nancy Jean Endsley,
James A Endsley,
Justin Layne Kite,
Charles W Lemaster,
Patricia Torvalds,
Carla Schroder,
Beverly Riley,
Merle Zuel

>Places Lived:
2343 Barker Avenue, Lawrence Kansas
712 Rhode Island Street, Lawrence Kansas 66044 (Work) Olathe, Kansas
420 Tallgrass Dr Lawrence Kansas 66049
620 N 3rd street, Lawrence Kansas
409 N East St, Raleigh North Carolina 27604 (Length of Res. 6 Years)
409 Oakwood Ave Apt C, Raleigh North Carolina 27601 (verified)
1200 Barton Hills Dr, Austin TX 78704

LinkedIn: Linkedin.com/in/rikkiendsley
Twitter: twitter.com/rikkiends
Pinterest: Pinterest.com/rikkiends/
Google: plus.google.com/105453015945737648463/about
Personal: rikkiendsley.com
Amazon: amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A1XKXBFKZE1Q2P/
Instagram: instagram.com/rikkiends/
WordPress: www.rikkiking.wordpress.com

[email protected]
[email protected] (verified)
[email protected]
[email protected] (2008)

Holy shit
>Related Domains Owned:
amberankerholz.com 2015-11-17
techtrollops.com - Rikki Kite (created Date 2014-07-30)
dictionfairy.com 2013-10-26
geekhawk.com 2012-08-02
rikkiendsley.com 2011-10-20
opensourceyearbook.org 2015-01-16
opensourceyearbook.com 2015-01-16
runorhide.com 2013-03-11
rendsley.com 2012-06-11
judkite.com 2011-10-24

>Hosted from:

>Rikki Lemaster --> Rikki Endsley --> Rikki Kite

>Tagged sites
tuenight.com/2013/09/i-became-an-empty-nester-at-43/ (How I Became an Empty Nester at 43)
journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1461444814545840 (The obligation to know: from FAQ to Feminism 101)
liz-henry.blogspot.com/2008/03/highly-trained-girl-monkey-sys-admin.html (Comments)
LinuxChix.org archive.linuxchix.org/2008/01/27/new-linux-blog-linux-pro-magazine.html (Editor)
Posts@linuxpromagazine.com/online/blogs (Editor)

I'm going to fucking kill the idiot that hired a journalist as a manager at a software company
They could have at least hired a thot who KNOWS HOW TO FUCKING CODE

Holy shit you're right, was a journalist in 2013 and went to school for ((jorunalism))

But no kill.
Don't be dumb, no one is here for that, just here for info

>a fancy-sounding AMA-union conservajew organization
Stop posting lobbying materials and start posting actual studies pl0x

no linked thread from Jow Forums faggot