Work in hospital

>Work in hospital
>All day clinic is flooded by obese disgusting white people and immigrants
>Be white nationalist
>Hang my head in shame in between patients
>Despise the state of my pepo
>Realize that all of this peak degeneracy, debt, and increased healthcare spending will eventually collapse
>Thousands will die

Stay fit, big boys. This house of cards won't last. Things are moving too quickly in the worst direction. Minimize debt, get a good job, and learn basic skills.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>learn basic skills

The most based advice ever given.

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Based and redpilled.

I lost a lot of weight a few years back (went from 250 > 165lbs) and have stayed in relative good health by just staying active. However a couple months back I realized my desk job and eating like shit has me back up to 200. I've taken up biking to work (about an hour every day), gotten on a good diet, and already lost 5lbs in the last couple of weeks.

I also purchased dumbbell weights to start trying to lift. However I never got any training on how to lift. I've lurked over at Jow Forums but I don't feel like I've been able to find a good program. Any for good lifting programs with dumbbells anons?

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also interested, bump

He's just got large, integrated, food stores.

Everything is loaded with sugar and fat. It was predicted decades ago. It's a mass dysgenic depopulation program. Everyone has to learn for themselves in the new Satanic Order. I don't trust (((doctor))) faggots like you for shit. KYS kike.

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Obesity just means efficiency in a shtf situation. All these other races are "fit" when we're throwing food out, how will they fare when we're still hungry but mcd's is shuttered?

>Give up goyim the game is rigged!
>Don't trust those silly doctors!
>Listen to some insane ramblings on JewTube!
>Despair goyim! Go hide in your room!

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You do realize when the system does fall the state will step in and take over every hospital and health care facility out there and force you to work without or bare minimum pay.

Well, if you bring race into it, you gotta realize that whites are less overweight than blacks, hispanics and natives.

But we do have a few pounds on those Asians.

>minimize debt
>Before massive inflation

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Then get a different job. If you're doing anything other than cleaning bedpans or incinerating gangrenous limbs, you are a disgrace to any medical profession.

>Juggernaut memes in 2018

That’s a sugar gut with maximum salt intake. Diabetes and a slow death....

it's simple: tally the marks of all the students in medical school and DISTRIBUTE THEM MORE EVENLY... just like the money that pays for it, we should do the same with the skills.

also let doctors accept tips.

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The problem with the reset is we have no idea when Its going to happen and frankly im getting tired of waiting.

When did I say any of that you retard? I'm pointing out that it was planned and dipshits like him perpetuate the system you dumb fuck. Those "insane ramblings" were recorded in the 80s and told everything that's happened since then with immense accuracy. Fucking worthless moron. Go take your aluminum pills.

yeah well fuck you buddy

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Sure but Asians are the only ones that are a comparable threat. Jews are like lampreys clinging to the great white. They can't get enough scraps from any other race. The nogs are too stupid and the Asians too efficient to leave Jew scraps for the little fuckers to feed of off. Dumb whites, nogs, and jews are the first to suffer when we finally get off our asses and be bothered.

There really are none, you can use dumbells to do some isolations, but there's no point of you don't progress from like 40lb dumbells to 100lbs. Just get a membership at gold's, man. It's 5 hours a week.

Doctors routinely ask patients to lose weight, even denying surgery because patients are fat pieces of shit.

You can blame doctors/healthcare, but it is a secret to zero people that sugar / bagels are bad for you.

Even if you're on a basic blue pill diet where you just resist eating a gallon of ice cream every day and you're mostly fine. It's that pathetic inept patients like you can't handle their urges to eat every literal fucking thing they see outside of a garbage can and then blame their doctors for not constantly reminding them not to be a sugar-lipped retard every time they're wheelbarrowed into the clinic.


Kill yourself already.

Oh God...I shouldn't have read that.

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Unfortunately I'm a poorfag and can't afford that atm (although I certainly will look into it in the future if I can get over my autistic hatred of public places). The set I have (Craigslist purchase) allows up to about 55lbs per dumbbell and I've found a place I can get more iron for cheap to add-on later.

tl; Dr lol kys dumb faggot

Yeah I do worry about this. I'm hoping that in the states healthcare will split into basically horrible government care and cash-based wealthy private clinics.

I don't have my hopes up though, especially with how many people in the states blindly support socialized healthcare given our terrible demographic issues.

You make me sick.

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I am kind of worried too should the world dollar collapse due to inflation or whatever, it is the perfect excuse for government to seize complete control over food, hospitals and education blaming capitalism and the lack of regulation. Isn't it strange how Republicans who hated obamacare and wanted to return to the old system promised to repeal the day it was passed and now to this very day they keep on passing more bills trying to fix and save it from itself. It's weird how all over the world we are headed towards a more larger and centralized government than ever before.

Just get a pullup/dip bar and some decent bands. It doesn't sound like you want to be Arnold Schwarzenegger, so just focus on good dumbell routines and fix in your body weight routines, work in the bands, but ultimately focus on running. You'll look good and feel good. The core benefits from big compound movements in lifting and the strengthened nervous system are nice, but something is still better than nothing.

Just ignore that crazy assclown. He's obviously off his meds and on the liquor tonight earning his shillbucks.

I worked in insurance for a bit and I too can attest to the shitty situation you guys are in. We're pretty fucked when the populous can't figure out that Single Payer is a bad idea. Just look at Canada for god-sake.

Are you a resident ?

How do poeople get this fucking fat?
I thought i was fucking fat at 97kg...
Seriously i just cant understand it you have to put a considerable effort in to become fat, i had to stop socialising, eat twice as much and never exercise for like a year...

>cuck cuck go
>being this butthurt
Great argument, dipshit. This isn't r*ddit so how's about you fuck off normal fag. Keep raging you massive faggot.

Every time I talk to someone who works in a hospital they say 75% of the people are there because of self inflicted conditions (obesity, drinking, smoking, drugs, etc). Fuck universal healthcare and paying for those people when I put in the work myself to stay healthy.

Preacher curls if you can afford a bench, with just dumbells though do hammer curls, regular curls,spider curls. Remember to squeeze your muscles deliberately as you move, your body doesn't understand numbers, only burns.

>he doesn't drink corn syrup

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If single payer wouldn't lower prices why was medicare barred from negotiating prices so long with the rationale it would be unfair for private insurances to have to compete with its massively superior bargaining power? This is a self admittal that the larger your collective bargaining power the better the prices you can get.

Yeah, it's something like 10-15% of the population are responsible for 90% of the healthcare costs in the states. I forgot the specific numbers but they're extremely skewed this way.

Outside of just getting old as fuck, its almost all obesity / being extremely unhealthy and not changing anything related to your lifestyle despite what all healthcare staff say.

I think you have to be good at lying to yourself to be honest I'm like 148 kg and 6'5'' and just now have I realized how much shit I've been telling myself. Man I've got a long road ahead but I'm coming home.

if healthcare monopoly is the cheapest option then why aren't you allowed to opt out? surely it wouldn't benefit anyone?


It was disgusting from the start though it somewhat resembled a food like product but when she added chocolate....why...just...why. (and then more cheese on the chocolate wtf)

>lost 15 pounds in the last 2 months


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We have ceiling mounted cranes capable of lifting patients up to 800 pounds from their wheelchair to the bed in my hospital. You can turn it around. It's worth it.

In most cases it takes years of subtly eating just a little bit more than your TDEE. An extra 100 calories here, 300 calories there. The image of a fat person necessarily being a greedy pig is false. All it takes is a few extra calories and the mental imbalance to either not notice or not care.

>if healthcare monopoly is the cheapest option then why aren't you allowed to opt out? surely it wouldn't benefit anyone?

You are confusing terms. healthcare is the actual services. Single payer would be the one paying for the services, having absolute bargaining power companies would have to compete for the government contract, lowering prices.

Unfortunately insurance is not insurance anymore, you can see with the 'pet insurance' meme how the price of vetinary care has inflated over the last 10 years as well.

The way insurance works is that everyone gets sold it, but this creates a massive amount of money because insurance is not going to lose money, they are going to charge the most they can get away with charging for the plans. This means healthcare providers are now free to inflate their own prices across the board as long as they dont do so much that the insurance companies are no longer profitable.

The result is now everyone must have insurance because healthcare prices are already based on the idea that the healthy are subsidizing the sick. You cant opt out because when you do inevitably get sick and cant afford it you are going to be covered anyway by the public one way or another (hospitals cant refuse treatment), and you are very unlikely to be able to pay for it out of pocket because it costs 10 times or more what it should, due to the existing condition of 'insurance' over saturation due to most jobs having it included as benefits.

Ah dude it must be I can't describe how shit everything is right now man. Food and drink tastes like pure crap unless it has been loaded with oils and sugar, tastebuds are fucked can't even enjoy beer, all my clothes don't fit me and I'm forced to wear a sweat pants and jumper everywhere I go, get incredibly moody and depressed when I haven't had anything sugary when I wake up, got this large ring of fat around my waist making that I can feel it everywhere I go, I barely go out anymore in case I get recognized by someone I know, my sleeping pattern is a disaster and I barely get any decent sleep anymore.

Medicare is an abomination. All government cash-infusion in the healthcare system does is create higher costs because the insurance and healthcare companies know they've got endless access to that sweet sweet gooberment tittymilk.

I don't discredit the idea that single payer would create lower prices, but it just creates a middle man (the gov't) which adds more cost to the market overall. We need to go back to a simple private healthcare industry.

As far as regulation goes the gov't should focus on anti-trust laws to prevent companies for becoming to large and utilize the FDA to make sure drugs are effective.

And yes I'm a heartless asshole that wants people who can't pay to accept charity or die. Pay a decent wage to those that serve you and live healthier. Cut out the chaff.

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No you are fucking wrong, i was fat because i would eat 3 meals a day that were all twice as big as what i eat now combined with drinking sodas and eating snacks between meals.

News flash, if you sit on your arse all day, you hardly need dinner nevermind breakfast or lunch.

Keep it up user. We need you in this fight.

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let me rephrase

if health insurance is obligatory then why is it so hard to register an insurance company? and who really owns your body at the end of the day?

Thats it mate, Just eat less and exercise a bit more. shit will fall off in no time.
Just don't lose it fast you will end up with stretch marks and loose skin that makes you look fat even if you are underweight.

All I want in life is the middle row

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My exact goal. Either that or the one below it. I've wasted so much of my damn life on roasties and foolish pursuits. I truly do hope that we begin to build something now.

>middle man
The middle man is already there in the form of insurance companies, this just changes it so that instead of people buying insurance (or having their wages lowered so their employers can provide them insurance plans through benefit) its just paid for by taxes.

The idea, if i didn't explain it well above, is that in any situation where most people have insurance, health care prices are going to inflate. Insurance no longer becomes insurance, it becomes a pool of money where as long as the insurance companies are still getting more than they pay out, they are happy, so all this excess money being readily available causes medical prices to increase.

This also means that insurance prices will slowly creep up as the ever present desire for insurance companies to enhance their profits feeds into it. In the end insurance plans cost more meaning people spending more on that or having lower wages because their employer is.

The whole thing in the end drains money from the people already with out needing any government interference. heavy handed single payer has the potential to lower prices. The US could lower health care cost per capita by 40% and still be paying more than the next most expensive healthcare in the world, so it still wouldn't even lose the quality of being the most attractive market.

>American detected. Nice proxy.

When's the last time you had your A1C (blood sugar) tested? Might want to see where you're at. If you're pre-diabetic or diabetic you're fighting basically an impossible battle without medical intervention.

Outside of that, yeah, that is shitty, user. Assuming you're alright aside from being fat as shit and horribly unhealthy you'll just have to deal with the reset period. Put on podcasts and go on really long walks. Low impact and actually decent exercise. Try switching from soda to meme faggy sparkling water. Just take it easy and replace things one at a time starting with the lowest hanging fruit, which is usually sugar drinks.

Get to a squat rack and barbell. Do Starting Strength.

Once you've got that down, then start messing with different lifts and programs.

The fitness world is too complex and stupid for you to figure out before starting. Just squat, bench, deadlift, and press, and you'll develop enough skill and strength to start to enjoy yourself.

don't worry, hard times are coming

The way I look I'm probably going to need plastic surgery. It may cost 10,000 dollars but who cares man anything to be normal.

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100% this.

It's no mystery why people have been getting fatter since the 50s.

Sugar makes people fat.

I haven't even wasted it on stuff like that. Just wasted it in general. Never learned to socialize or talk to women properly (my dad married the first woman that paid attention to him so he doesn't even really know, and they both live innawoods away from people, so that's how I grew up).

I made great grades, I'm debt free, I can hunt, I can shoot, and I can protect. I'm still at an entry level job, but am on a faster track to be promoted than any of my peers. I should be in my prime and starting a family. It fucking sucks.

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Mental illness. Most people dont think they can be fit.

>Work in hospital
>Despise the state of my pepo
Nigger, do you think that the fittest, best looking white people are going to be in a hospital? Talk about surviorship bias. I worked in a hospital myself and the only good looking white people were insane women who did something stupid like running into traffic and were put on a psych hold or people with some kind of sports-related injury.

This should be required reading for girls. So many women end up as fucked up obese monsters.

>Car insurance companies offer to pay for gasoline
>Gas stations remove prices
>Gas stations up to $10/gallon over a 6 month period
>insurance price increases
>Car insurance offers to pay for tires, routine check ups, etc.,
>Mechanics remove pricing
>insurance price increases
>Customers ask gas station how much the gas costs, nobody actually knows anymore
>The government subsidizes car insurance to relieve the public, kicks $200/month per plan for a certain income bracket
>The government inject money into gas stations with the claim that it will subsidize higher prices
>Basically an arms race between insurance vs. government vs. gas stations/mechanics, all fucking over the customer and now tax base

Not a perfect analogy but yeah, I largely agree with you.

This is true to an extent, but what you do know that most states heavily regulate the insurance industries right? Premiums are actually dictated by State gov't insurance commissions which set pricing and force the insurer to lower or raise premiums in order to assure that the company isn't over (price gouging) or under-charging (putting the company at risk of failing in the face of sudden increased payouts).

So are you essentially advocating that the gov't become the "insurance" provider and eliminate the industry entirely? That's an intriguing idea (if even constitutionally viable), but when I look at how badly they've fucked up Social Security is gives me pause. Not a scientific argument I know.

I constantly have to remind myself of this. Thanks, user.

Ah man you don't get how shit of a situation I am in man ah man fuck I've seen how people with diabetes behave and how the disease destroys and cripples them as they get older fuck fuck dude man this is what you get when you try to cheer yourself up by eating shitty food all the fucking time

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>house of cards
More like house of CARBS, amirite?

You're in the perfect position then user. I had a similar trad-con upbringing although dad wasn't a gun guy (I am now). Grades were...decent. Graduated with no college loan debt thanks to working and parents (beware of Credit Cards...they've gotten me into trouble).

Stayed a virgin till 26 hoping to find a unicorn. Tried and failed to land a decent job that would allow me to provide for a family. Meanwhile, I dated multiple stupid bitches that proved to me how dumb women can be and eventually grew frustrated with their incessant demands for MOAR gibs.

Frustrated. Raged. Learned about the redpill and pick-up artistry. Went on a 3 year sexual bender and fucked more girls than I remember now. Became ashamed and withdrawn. Discovered Jow Forums. Hit the books. Encounter the /sig/ thread and realized it was time to emerge again from my hole. Been working since to improve.

You can avoid all that middle shit. Live for you user. Become awesome in your own right and the women will come. The most appealing man is one who knows who he is and has a passion for what he does. It doesn't matter what it is...only that he has passion. Women love that shit.

Honestly don't even know what my passion is. And "I want children and a white picket fence" is not a great thing to say on a first date because that's moving way too fast. Plus finding a modern woman who wants multiple kids is a needle in a haystack search

Hang in there Mcnabb.

OUT you fucking kike

I have been seeing a p.t. and he taught me a couple of things:

a) Its less about the heaviness of the weight and more about the reps over time. An example of this would to grab two 10 pound dumbells and do curls with good form as much as you can in 30 seconds, rest 10, repeat this two more times for a total of 3 sets. The goal is to see how many you can do each set. If you are able to do the same amount in each set then its time to up the weight a little bit. If it is a struggle by the 3rd set, you are in the growth zone. You can do this with nearly any workout.

B) Set a treadmill to the highest incline and semi brisk walking speed. Its a gokd 3 minute warm up...

C) always warm up - jump rope, shadow box, treadmill, jog, etc... you can at least have fun with this part.

D) Look into High Intensity Interval Training, especially if you are a fat fuck.

E) Try to train around or with others who have more experience. They love to help. I highly recommend a personal trainer if you are new at working out. They make decent coaches but also expedite the learning process and help prevent bad form/habits.

Hope this helps..

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Passion for anything. C'mon man, there's got to be something that activates the almonds. Do you like to hike? Hunt? Game? Any of those.

Maybe take up a hobby you've never done but always wanted to. I recently got into rock hounding (cheap and potentially valuable) and found some low quality gemstones. Nothing special but I love being outside and banging on rocks under the big blue sky. I come back to work and all the girls enjoy hearing about the "adventures" I go on. Just get good at telling a story and remember you're not telling this to them to impress them because they like it. They will just love about hearing something that's out of the ordinary. Women thrive on "different" as a part of their hypergamous selves. They're driven to seek out "interesting" and "potential" as a part of their sexual selection process. Being unique in one thing is all a guy needs to spark interest. If she likes you, then she'll ask to hear more. If not? Move on. It's something you have to practice and it will get easier.

Finding a woman looking for a family? Well if she's not a fucking idiot she'll want that already. If not, again move on. Women that are in career mode are worthless in that regard. When they find a guy they want to mate with they'll either decided to stop pursuing the insane feminist ideal or not. That's for them to choose not you and yes it's frustrating.

Telling a guy to get a squat rack while he admits he doesn't know how to lift is the worst thing ever. It always seems that people that get injuries is due to squats. Just that one moment of imperfect posture when you really load the bar up and you fuck your back for life. That isn't even mentioning that when you do load weights up while squatting it compresses your spine.

Thank you anons. Good stuff.

Fuck off Randy

i made it about half a page in... NOPE

>adds chocolate

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I got up at 1pm and had a text from the bank saying they needed £350 by one hour later or my direct debit for rent wouldn't go though and wouldn't be paid until next month at the earliest. They said the banking and credit card parts of the bank are different so I couldn't just pay with my credit card (!? WTF why not?). Phoned two chicks and my dad and they all transferred £350 each. (K-ching!).
Wanted to check it had cleared, the bank and rental agents are just down the road. Went in beach stuff I could dress fast in (not speedos you weird cunts. Best and shorts) with fridays stubble still growing since I've been on a 10 day bender spending money I earned by going out to a Greek island for a weeks holiday (I'm a PA - don't ask, you aren't qualified). I still have beach art (tats that wear off after a couple of weeks/months). It rains here every day and it's cold and very very shit so I had the pram pushing chicks with their so-y boyfriends (unemployed I guess) all trapped in their miserable lives ruining their relationships with those pathetic excuses for twenty something BFs they get these days by overtly flirting at me.
Monogamy makes you the man in the OP pic because you give up on life once you're trapped in misery. Why should he exercise - his wife's a big clobber dobber shitfaced mutt wreck anyway so why bother?
They must turn the lights out to have sex and then sit alone in the bathroom feeling a profound sense of regret and shame.
Uggos don't get in the ethnostate.

I'm only slightly overweight but losing anything is hard as shit even when I meticulously track my calories and macros. Pretty sure it's cause all the shit in our water and food fucks up our hormones and bodies.


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1. Goblet Squats
2. Dumbbell Lunges
3. Alternating Dumbbell Bicep Curls
4. Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
5. Dumbbell One Leg Calf Raises

1. Dumbbell Bench Press on Floor
2. Dumbell Shoulders Press (standing or seated)
3. Bentover Dumbbell Rows
4. Dumbbell Shrugs
5. Dumbbell Calf Raises

*Workout on Monday/Wednesday/Friday, 3-4 sets reaching failure on last set

Good post

>>Realize that all of this peak degeneracy, debt, and increased healthcare spending will eventually collapse
>>Thousands will die

obesity is a national crisis, thousands are dying every day

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Holy fucking shit. I'm taking a shower.

the real middleman is the insurance companies, they serve no useful function, they obstruct the doctors, refuse to cover services, take a huge cut, pay executives 100s of millions, single payer would solve that. but single payer would never happen since a 400 billion insurance industry would disappear overnight and that aint gonna happen as long as congress is for sale