
Jow Forums, redpill me on virginity. It doesn’t seem important to men these days. Most of you are just looking for thots.

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knowing how to fuck is more important that never being fucked. If you're a virgin, at least watch a lot of porn and be very open sexually.

>t. kike

Yeah, porn, the ultimate redpill
Fucking degenerate

Any woman that isn't a virgin is utterly unfit to be a wife. I would not even consider marrying such a harlot.

Define virgin because I’ve sucked one dick and I feel ruined.

It's supposed to be about your children respecting you honestly
Stop being so self obsessed it makes you leavable not lovable
Have some virtue think about the children you want to have, you sure as hell aren't going to be brave funny or interesting that's what the uy does
If this isn't share blue shill shit

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I’ve probably fucked around 50 woman and regret it. I wish I was a virgin so I could marry a virgin and the relationship would be worth more

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Yeah virgins! WATCH MORE PORN

no one wants a slut, least of all a guy on this chinamans japanimation board.
and you know that, fake ass pirate flag. butt pirate more like it. sheeit.

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Was it your dick? I would definitely suck my own cock but I can't reach.

make sure to think about that dick in your mouth when you kiss your husband on your wedding day.

>most of you
Most of us are being rejected all the time.

You must be over 18 to post here.

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A virgin qt i would fight for.


No hymen, no diamond until the day I day.
Better to be alone than to be with a roastie scum.

No and never.

Sex makes you stupid.
Lack of sex makes you crazy.
You can't escape.

duly saved

How can you be lazy to play vidya?

not thots but opportunities to spread your seed

Id seriously kill to get mine back

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Tbh I would never date you. Any genital action is a disqualification imo. But, with that said its not as bad as most whores these days so I'm sure you can find a mostly good man who will still marry you.

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Nothing wirth more than a virgin qt
A girl non virgin is impure and ruined.

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Believe me it happens

More like prude if you don’t put out, thot if you put out.

Where do I find guys who are voluntarily virgins?

Kike fag

I think people don't like at it since it makes us reflect on the innocence and the complications of sex.
Also fucking and sex has become a control thing and we develop bad habbits when it's lust and stuff.
Also, minimalizing the Virgin marry since everyone fucks now.

every time

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Not given up on girls yet.
Keep swinging until I hit something of substance.


Fuck with your jew prophet Nígger your.kike. loved prostitutes

My wife was a virgin.
I dont know any man who isnt a cuck to whom it isnt important.
Men do like looking at thots, they dont want to marry them though.
That being said I think decency needs to apply to both. A man who whores around is weak as well in my opinion.

Also alot of men (and woman) are addicted to the porn drug. Huge problem.


It’s about the unequal yoke.
Silas, Paul’s Apostle spoke of this.
Save your cummies for another red pill woman.
Then continue the Great Cycle that we are a part of.
Connect to a female (your twin flame), raise a family, build generational wealth, be meek, honest, accepting, but carry the wisdom and knowledge you’ve learned like law.
Build yourself the foundation for a family and the woman will be attracted.
Then you will find the woman fit to be a part of your life as you hers.
Sex is connected to your sacral chakra. The core you. You share that. Don’t share it with someone who’s heart isn’t in the same place as yours. Then you destroy you sacred energy and life force.
It’s doesnt kill you or destroy your physical world. But it hurts your spiritual temple.

staying a virgin is 10/10. find a man that is worthy of you.
kys fucking jew.
don't let it ruin you. stay good and pure.

all of you idiots - don't be hypocritical.

men be good and fair. women be good and loyal. I love you all

Forgot my image. Depressing stuff.

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Where are these female virgins of which you speak? What they are all children who are outside of my acceptable dating pool? Well I guess I have no choice but to pursue thots since after 18 they are all thots.

Fuck off christian filth

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I would date you. I have had like 4 previous gfs who I pump n dumped though, so as long as you are cool with that.

I only dump girls who fuck me right away though. Turns out it's all of them lol.

we need to make feminine purity mainstream

Mary Magdalene stopped being a prostitute when she started following Jesus. Reformed prostitutes can marry men who are also guilty of whoredom and have now reformed. That has always been the Christian position.

Nice toes

>truth shall let you free
be happy, friend

>the manwhores who fuck anything that move want me to fuck like a slut
>this is the basis for my behavior
Curse your great grandparents for giving women rights.

At home curled up surrounded by hallucinations.

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unfounded and bluepilled

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"you get what you are"

think about it. queer loser

I’m not into the hookup culture but that’s what people my age are into. Also, why is porn a huge problem?

Thank you user

Become learneded.

Become her chosen husband when she comes of age acceoted by their family.

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>if you divorce, and have sex with another person, you are an adulterer

based and redpilled

>hedonism is important

Kill yourself you std-infested degenerate.

It is mainstream.just not Jewish press.

No guy will like sloppy joe unless hes a cuck.

don't let shit get you down and don't let falsehood fool you

you know it in your heart

fUCK You guys, im just a 5"6 hot israeli army idf chick , and I will never fuck any of you nazis hee hee hee. 8======D

Thanks but I’m pretty sure I’d get pumped and dumped too

I'm a virgin at 25. It's a combination of being home schooled, racially aware, degenerate fuckboys and going to a non-white university. How do I find a white guy who is a virgin, or at least not a fuckboy, Jow Forums?

Those toes give me the creeps

this shit is scary because is legit.fak
I haven't given up on womyn and I was never interested into crypto because its name indicates failure + i am a farmer, but the rest of this shit hit the nail in the head. wtf

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post tits or gtfo

obviously not doing that cause I'm not a hoe

Look for a non degenerate family and a man is a virgin who has a career and is interested in a stabile family.

m8 that hit hard, fuck you

And I thought 20 was old.

>implying we would want to

I almost fucked a kike by accident one time, had the tip of my dick touching her pussy and everything. Then I realized something was off and kicked her out of the house. After looking up her last name I realized the shame I had saved myself from lol.

i would adviseyou to remain pure

t. hamza

Met my gf
She's really into me..
She's had 1 bf before me
She starts suckling my dick and is super proud like she thinks she did a great job
I realize after she only did it so well bc she had so much practice
I instantly get grossed out by her and think of her as trash

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What is your personality type?
Also are you German?

Maybe people narrowed down a pattern with psychology...

That gives the person literally no power or position at all. I understand the tits or GTFO message, but not in this thread when people, generally women need fucking help. If you aren't part of the solution you're part of the soi problem and will be dealt with for your held position in time. You can never have what you truly feel in person forever.

Fuck me user, at least when the boomer memes were relatable they didn't make me sad.

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no hymen no diamond

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It's fake.
But the answer is church.

show feet and flag
(not a foot guy trannies just have a hard time passing with feet)

Not even close to the image I meant to post. Fuck it.

where are they?
it's what happens when you are the token white person in every lecture at university

I will, thanks user. I was really embarrassed about being a 20 year old virgin.


Telegonic microchimerism is bullshit and you should feel retarded for peddling it.

Same happened here.
>I only had one before you
>Pussy is loose
>Feel no shame in being naked
>Knows how to fap my dick

I never managed to feel good around her, for the next 2 years, the memory of her being a filthy disgusting prostitute overwhelmed me to the max. She deserved all my hatred.

ITT: jews

Women don't need anything, only men need to fix themselves. Women will fall in line with whoever is the victor.

Probably studying or arounf you just get to know people, if they arent a virgin with a promissing future, they are fuccbois.

anyone opposing this idea is like arguing length is more important than girth or the other way around.
You need BOTH

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I'm an atheist and all the christians I know are the types that try to convert africans/asians so we are opposites

uh huh sure it is Mrs. Roast

i lost my virginity to a women the same age as my dear mother, gave her the hairy prick on her daughters bed because her daughter was ill and sleeping in her bed

i don't feel good about that 2bh

Lmfao (you)

This image is fucking cancer. Anything short of killing jews is serfdom.

Men value a girl who hasn’t whored herself out to dozens of men

Women don’t respect a man that has never been laid.

It’s that simple.

Is that supposed to be Elizabeth or that Iranian tranny?

it's debunked as simply as a DNA sequencing / paternity test

that being said men want women who have had the fewest sexual partners because every living man who has fucked the mother of your children is someone you might have to murder if he ever comes and tries to rub it in your face. That and other matters of pride women might not understand.

>A&P mechanic with contracting job
>loving life

Key is to no shit just not think about it at all

But I want a guy that hasn’t been laid (but not because he can’t)

This, but minus the second part, whores deserve nothing.
Don't bother, whore.
If a man actually bothers saving himself he's not doing so for you.
Find someone that isn't a total degenerate and raise your kids so they don't make the same mistake.

A fucking leaf.
A leaf with an actual head

Male or female? If you are male you are based and redpilled and will have a stable family.

There are actual scientific reasons you can give as to avoid promiscuity, broscience that stems from scientifically illiterate people misinterpreting shit is not one of them. Good to see that image finally removed the article that was discussing dog births.