Why do people get triggered when a white fictional character turns into a black person?

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because the president declassified the russia investigation to prove you have nothing on him

keep sliding though. gotta earn those pennies

For fucks sake, her skin is literally orange

>Alien from outer space

Fuck this dumb gay earth.

you should have cast donald drumpf himself for this role but your bias made you cast a black lady

Because it’s blackwashing our culture and very lazy race baiting if they want brave strong black characters make new ones

>hurr a racist thread on Jow Forums? must be slide thread!

you're an idiot, also paranoid

desu she just looks like a prostitute from brooklyn. Pretty sure nobody wants to see THAT as a hero
Also current movies are a kike thing, don't watch them

>actually reading picture books

nobody likes a downgrade

Starfire should have been played by a Brazilian

Everyone would have shut the fuck up

1 post by this ID

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nigger are ugly too look at, they should be banned from appearing in media all together.

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Why do black people have such a problem with admitting their history and culture is shit and they never accomplished anything?


Can we get a sports biopic where Mike Tyson is white?

*also a reminder to always sage every thread by default unless you truly think it's a 1%er

Lol. Niggers are worthless. They let themselves be used over and over again. Quite possibly the toilet paper of the Jews.

god bless whoever did this drawing.

You know why jewish rat.

not white.

You’re not reading anything so every reply is a waste of time.

Because that would get in the way of their justification for shilling.

i fucking hate how niggers think its acceptable to take these kinds of roles.

For fucks sake, she is literally not a nigger.

There is nothing wrong in giving a fictional character to a black person

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Because it's an anti-white double standard. They wouldn't cast a traditionally non white character as a white actor. And if they did we'd never hear the end of it. SJWs and niggers would bitch and moan.

>she is from planet drumpf

Bix nood

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OP forgot superior TTG version

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Come on op, I'm black and even I think hood-rat ghetto Starfire is fuckin' retarded and makes absolutely no sense. I mean ffs if they're gonna change the damn characters race, the least they could do is cast a semi attractive slut and not some literal prostitute that you'd see hanging outside a Waffle House at 3am in the morning.

Oh, and if Starfire was originally a black girl and they made her white the shitstorm from the media would be tremendous, but instead, my white friends were being called racist on campus for pointing out that they didn't like "ghetto starfire"

Fuck off vespanigger.

Why don't niggers just create their own fictional characters? Shit like:


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we wuz lampshades an shieeet

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Moon crickets can’t go a night without robbin

If you got a different keyboard everytime you used your pc you'll hate it.
They developed the character beforehand, and they should stay consistent with the actual material.

kill yourself conspiratard nigger

Fun Fact: Starfire's "real name" is Koriand'r, named after Coriander, a fucking spice you use for cooking
This is how gay and dumbshit your comics are, the people creating the characters don't even give a shit they'll just name them after random crap in their kitchens, Chris Claremont used to get fisted by dommes dressed as Storm from the X-Men, yeah they're all fucked-up faggots still glad you care about it sweaty?

Aliens aren’t white

its matured very well

I'm not mad because nu-Starfire is black. I'm mad because she isn't cute anymore. Starfire is supposed to be waifu-tier.

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1post by this id too>186066689

we don't, you just keep believing and saying we do.

It's called lying

Also doesn’t starfire fuck a LOT in the comics?

what about if i get mad about a real character blacked?

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Why couldn't Lando be white in Solo?

thanks user

Double standards.
Do it right
Keep it white

hey newfag
that's not how it works

Do it.

Blacks are not "persons" they are low IS, violent, apes, subhuman animals

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this is now a trump declassification thread

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They are not human, they're aoes, animals

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i dont even care that shes a nigger because its some shitty show that will be cancelled in two years, what bothers me is that they picked a hideous and very large fat stereotypical nigger to portray a slim person with red/orange hair that comes from her name "starfire"

im mad that she doesnt look like the character. its like if batman wore no mask and a purple costume.that wouldnt be batman.

I'm triggered cause them titties is supposed to be milky, not .. that.


Such a deep gut chuckle

Planet of the Apes

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So is Trump's.

also sage

>So is Trump's.

you know his skin isnt really orange? right?
doesnt matter, your a dumb libshit mad shillary lost so it doesnt matter.

Where do we get a white actress to portrait Neggrena Williams, when the Jews decide to do a movie about her wonderful life???

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it's not okay, it's fucking awesome

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>Why do people get triggered when a white fictional character turns into a black person?

because they can't even make their own superheroes, they just steal ours.

> OP makes only his one post and then fucks off
nice nigger hate slide thread
>For fucks sake, her skin is literally orange
for fucks sake, the show runners care so little about the property they're producing that they didn't even bother to spend the $5 on orange body paint

and you want to know WHY they didn't spend the money on the orange body paint?

because then she wouldn't look black and the liberal show runners couldn't virtue signal about having a black actress on the show, you stupid faggot.