Nationalism vs. Globalism is the new paradigm

In light of the incident in Syria with Israel shooting down a Russian jet and WWIII closer than ever, it's important to remember that the "left vs. right" dialectic is outdated.

All that matters now is nationalism vs. globalism.

The *only* anti-war force besides the alt-right right now are the communists, and they far outweigh the alt-right in terms of numbers and organizational strength.

A red-brown alliance is inevitable; the system will be completed. National Socialists and communists have far more in common with each other than they do with "conservatives" and liberals, respectively.

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nationalism is an old dead dream. even trump has said some nonsense like "I'm a nationalist globalist"
the real battle is between multiculturalism and integration.

All that matters going forward, with regards to electoral politics, is whether a policitian is pro-war or anti-war, pro-Israel or anti-Israel.

Trump and the vast majority of Republicans and "conservative" governments like in the UK are not /ourguys/.
Putin is; so is Salvini; so is Corbyn; so are Bernie and Ocasio-Cortez and the Democratic Socialists.

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What is the line of globalism vs nationalism?
Is using products created outside of your country a globalist act?
What about consuming culture made outside of your nation?

Attached: Frodo.jpg (400x399, 44K)

Where does the abolition movement fall upon your "going forward" axis?

Attached: gorge washington.jpg (427x467, 57K)

if it is something that existed in a nation before the advent of globalism, its nationalism.

if its something that only exists due to the advent of globalism, its globalism.

Abolition of what? Slavery?

Attached: Comparative-advantage-even-allocation.png (384x341, 18K)

Sorry, Prohibition movement.

Theres massive negative externalities with globalism you fucking retard. I value my people and culture more than the cost of the dwl

What's the negative externalities of free trade?

Meaningless for the USA though, since the two-party entrenchment isn't going anywhere soon. Maybe if we have another party ideology swap: Trumpian nationalist working class populists VS Democratic globalist elite technocrats. But that would require Trump to say no to the swamp which never happened and won't happen.

Prohibition is kind of a non-issue at the point. If a culture wants to prohibit alcohol, then all power to them.

Free movement of people

What do you mean it's a non issue.
Humanity had progressed, and banned alcohol

Only if human trafficking is legal?

It's already happening.

Only 15% of Americans under 30 identify with a party.
70% of "conservatives" under 30 have a favorable opinion of Trump.
74% of "liberals" under 30 have a favorable opinion of socialism.

It is only a matter of time before the millennial generation dominates the political class, and it will become generational ideological warfare of the populist/socialist youth against the warmongering zionist boomers.

>a women's lib movement in the u.s. is the sum total of humanity
>implying nationalists care about "progress"

Temperance clutched areas beyond the American shores.
Humanity had "moved forward", beyond the need for alcohol.

The problem is that the GOP and DEM each have a pretty tight grip on each of those contingents. The parties are so "big-tent" that most SocDems just swallow the bitter pill of war in Syria so they can get a fair healthcare system. The NatSocs swallow the pro-Israel and pro-War stance of Trump because he is slightly-more-than-nominally anti-immigration. And most conservatives are just single issue abortion voters anyways.

This paradigm will only last for three more presidential election cycles, tops.

I agree with this somewhat, though Corbyn, Bernie and the other lefties who are aligned against the kikes are purely allies of coincidence. They are still infected with self loathing and hatred for whites.