Tfw your ancestors left Europe for this shithole

>tfw your ancestors left Europe for this shithole

There isn't a day I don't resent them for this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It wasn't a shithole back then

It’s better to be the poorest man in a white paradise than the richest man in a multicultural shithole

It wasn't this bad but had they just stuck it out they would have been living a country that is affordable, has a culture, not full of wogs (entirely yet) and safe.

Why oh why did I have to be cursed by being born here. God Damn America.

Why? Your ancestors probably would have died in some useless foreign war.

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>tfw it's not 94% humidity here

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Meant to post this too
You would've been a dead sperm in some corpse in Northern France. Take pride in the fact that your ancestors wanted to be on the front lines of Manifest Destiny.

you can always be the change that you wish to see. the further north you go, the more pure european you get. don't be afraid to go

make the jump!

I'm glad I live in the deep south and not Germany. Our ancestors would have been wasted in some useless war thanks to (((Hitler))).

Find out what the majority of your euro ancestry is and move there

I think it's the 'grass is always greener' belief. Personally I've grown up on Hollywood movies and TV and idealise America.

Only thing I resent them for is bringing the niggers in with them and not finishing the natives off.

The awesome thing about being in this so-called shithole is that you can actually choose to leave. Renounce your Citizenship, get a passport, and a one-way ticket to your homeland. Get. The. Fuck. Out.

There is no excuse for you to be here at all. You can leave at any time. Nobody here will miss you but your mom probably for the first year.

Then fucking leave faggot.
Oh wait, you're too poor to leave because if it wasn't for niggers, spics, Jews and women you'd be a super alpha male billionaire with ridiculous hair and be President.

I real man would pull himself up by his bootstraps and LEAVE.
Like your ancestors did when they left Europe.
You won't, because you're a poorfag, whiny pussy.

Leave. Leave. Leave.

Fuckers just couldnt let religion shit go.

most of europe is by far more of a shithole than most of the usa now

think about all those millions of men that died in ww1 and ww2 for europe to go down the toilet

to be overrun by muslim and niggers

fuck europe

i don't hate the usa but there isn't a day that goes by where i do dream of living my whole life in dublin/naples where my family came from

oh well i guess ill have to make do with niggers and spics and pajeets

Id rather live in a country where I’m a citizen and not a subject. You may choose to live in an area full of googles, but at least here you’re allowed to defend yourself from them.

Europe stopped being “white paradise” the day Franz Ferdinand died

Once you begin to travel you start to realize how better it is in the rest of the world...God Damn America, I piss on the constitution and wipe my ass with the flag.

Europe is worse but don't worry it won't be long until the first enviro-facist nation is founded. It will be glorious!

reminder to boomers and onions this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread

always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to shill/slide/containment threads so it does not bump them

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Then fucking LEAVE.
Get out of you Mom's basement, get a job, save...what? $10,000? And fucking go.

This is such a whiny thread. People travel Europe for 6 months on $10,000. If you can't make that much, and find a job over there in that time... you're shit.
Admit it, you don't want to leave your computer, your comfort, your fear.
That's what your ancestors did when the came here, if you hate it show that same grit and GTFO.
The problem is you have to work for it, and Jow Forums wouldn't be Jow Forums with NEET shut-in, vidya gaymers. I bet you wouldn't even know how to book an airplane ticket, get a train, meet a girl or get a job.

hey you autistic nigger europoors are flooding our gates daily to have a shot at the american dream and like it or not america is the land of oppurtunity which is why your retard ancestors came here in order to provide you with a better life but you fuck around and waste it on
>muh niggers
>muh jews


Quit bitching and move to a white area, then see how much America sucks

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Same here, I didnt even get any fucking gold silver or titles wtf is this shit.

tfw you're successful but long for the basement dweller vidya life.

>parents left perfectly good country because "oh look we won a green card lets try america haha"
>end up staying here for 20 years whilst not buying any property, nor making any investments or accumulating any savings, and finally getting a divorce and losing our family home and ditching me at the ripe age of 21 to fend for myself

I don't hate this country, but my parents were kind of assholes.

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>tfw your ancestors left shithole Europe for shithole America with guns

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I worked remote from my house for 6 months. Loved the first 2 months... after that I couldn't fucking wait to get back into an office and see people and move forward.
Remote is only good if you have NOTHING holding you down and you can legit travel the earth with your laptop.
Video games are cigarette level cancer. Nothing wastes time more. It's like being asleep for hours. Literally NOTHING comes out of it.

Regardless, US $$$ are worth a lot overseas. Save $10,000 and GTFO. You won't because this thread is a crybaby loser thread.

Even south america was nice back then. Hopefully it will be restored soon


Anything is better than being a rich, shifty jew.

>wahhhh WAHHHHH

fuck off, i'm glad my ancestors didn't sit and rot in Ireland during the famine (aka potato holocaust)

>perfectly good country

nver mind

How can I work remotely? I've been living off settlement money since June and I quit my wagecuck job. I have no post secondary education though but I'm a swift learner. Pls help user

I have nothing holding me down by the way

>only alive cause hitler literally

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Nope, Eastern European. Worst part is, after they divorced, they both went back to their respective countries, so I was just left here wondering what the fuck just happened. It sucks being here all alone and even more so now that this country doesn't have the economic mobility it once did.

What European country would you say has it better? England? France? The entire west is fucked right now.

Venezuela is 45% white

I could go back easily, 2 of my Grandparents are Italian citizens.
If I could speak Italian I'd be living there right now.
I know more German than Italian.

I feel you OP, why did my retard ancestors care so much about the gospel according to john calvin

Hungary has invited Europeans that do not like Multiculturalism to live in Hungary.


which Eastern European country

Yea I really wish I were born in Europe and not this shithole. I could have grown up with people like myself, went to university for free, and then contributed to my actual homeland instead of this multicultural mix of shit. But my parents just had to chase the 'American dream' and then settle in Canada. To their credit, they did make a better life for themselves. They got higher wages here and a house that tripled in value. But as for me, I'll never be able to afford a house and I'll probably be throwing money down the drain in rent payments indefinitely. I'm not even motivated to have kids because it's too damn expensive and I don't want to send them to school with shitskins and chinks. I have European citizen through my parents so I can and probably will return one day. I just have to brush up on the language.

Tell that to the irish, they're still coming over here because of how bad it is.

Because Europe is just a paradise and shit.

>be poor European family
>economic situation is awful
>long hours, low pay, frequent wars
>decide to leave for America
>toil for decades building a new life for your family
>fight through the Great Depression and WWII
>finally the next generation can enjoy a better life
>you may not be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor for much longer, as you're old now and the decades of hard work took their toll and you and your lifespan
>eventually the next generation enjoys even better standards
>they have children and they move into a nice suburb
>you eventually die peacefully knowing that you made things better for the next generation
>after your death your derelict grandson complains about your life choices on a Mozambican parcheesi forum

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>its not affordable
then move to a different state, get a different job, or fucking leave.

>has a culture
The US has a culture, moron.

>not full of wogs
what the fuck is a wog? I'll tell you what, go back to wherever you came from and die there. You're retarded.

literally makes up most of the first world and was sufficiently fine before the western part started taking in non-europeans en masse. most of it still fine at least for now... uk and sweden are perma fucked tho. germans probably won't tolerate it that much longer and france... well fuck france. and spain.

>what are boomers

>whining because was born in the US

lmao kys op

I'm from an actual shithole but instead of bitching I'm working to leave this place asap and move to glorious mother evropa


Also, At least we have the first and second amendment. They can't even have steak knives in the UK.

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0/10 bait

Get the fuck out of the USA.