How is it that Jews are able to control, outsmart, and manipulate Lesser Races so easily?

How is it that Jews are able to control, outsmart, and manipulate Lesser Races so easily?

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You have been here for so long and still don't know anything about the actual values?

>gods chosen
>to have tay-sachs
op is a 1 post drive by faggot

This image is basically saying that psychopathic manipulation and lack of empathy makes one superior to others.

Ruling over another group of people does not make you superior. If anything, the lack of compassion the Jews have - their desire to enslave all Gentiles - is moral inferiority.

they don't outsmart anyone, they are just in our blind spot....

most people have a solid moral core that usually prevents them from REALLY examining things in detail to see if there are sinister motives behind seemingly benign actions.

It's sort of an outside context problem.

Luckily, we here on Jow Forums have enough knowledge of the enemies tactics that we can usually counter them before implementation.

Higher iq =/= better in all fields, I would take a 115iq trustworthy man over an 130iq backstabber.

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Jews are like a virus, infection, or a parasite in the body.
They cause all kinds of havoc yet trying to tell the body that it's part of it or that it's normal.
In any circumstance, they are inferior to regular humans, physically they are weak, mentally they are unable to be creative, their only saving grace is that they are so deluded that they are able to lie about anything.
This is why they are good actors, lawyers, and politicians, they are also very greedy and do not see themselves as a proud people but more of a collective, a giant interconnected family and in a more physical sense they are all extremely inbreed.

The thing with most humans though is that they are stupid and they allow the jews to lead them to their own demise.
Most humans truly see the jews as the chosen people and are undyingly loyal to them because they want to suffer, the jews simply bring them that suffering.

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They dont. They are middle management.

>all races are equal
>whites rule everything
now you understand nigger

Dead on

If we played by the same rules as jews they would go extinct after a few days.

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The eternal copypasta of niggerdom


>I'm a Nazi but idk why

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We don’t say they are inferiors, we say they are dangerous you fool.

Jewish power has been built by use of deceptive means. They use illusions and psychological warfare to attack at the core of culture and philosophy rather than through violence or debate. Their house of cards is maintained by the lie and it is not strength of their own race but of the goyim they manipulate that makes them formidable. Unfortunately for them the host has rejected the parasite over 100 times and now many of us have an immunity. Our numbers grow with each youth who takes the red pill. That the Holocaust was a lie and that white European and conservative US culture is great and worth preserving. So suck shit with your strawman image.

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Adolf Hitler speaks to Americans

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Why do you think that there are lesser races than the Jew?

Is not the Jew the lowest on the scale of human evolution, worthy of genocide?

Which race is lower than the Jewish race?

>Which race is lower than the Jewish race?
Aborigines, but they're not actually human.

Only liberals say that the claim is they're inferior. The real claim is they will do everything in their power to destroy your nations from the inside while smiling and teaching your children to be sluts, racemixers, and trannies because it's necessary.

Here's the reality about Jews: they're scared, all the time. Every effort they make is to avoid being exterminated, and ironically the evil deceptive shit they do to achieve that goal is what makes people want to exterminate them.

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I, sir, am an aborigine, and I resent your assertion.

Why ya gotta talk bout black folk like dat...?

Go huff some gasoline and sleep in the road.

are you saying blacks, which are even farther down the totem pole are subhuman?

just wanna clear that up

There is no factual argument in your reply. Yes I love the thrill in my limbs that I get from huffing gasoline and the warm comfort of a sun drenched road.

However, you have not shown me how an Aborigine is a lesser race than a Jew.

Do you have an argument?

I guess not. Aborigines confirmed for superior to Jew.

Jews are the smartest, they're also the most evil

Jews are sexy and smart. That's why I support them.

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>Jews are the smartest
user, I...

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Jews hide in the pity circle of muh 6 gorillion that keeps the average person from even joking about Jews. If you do joke about jews you are shunned from society and in a few cases actually charged with a criminal offense. Because of what Hitler did they've become this nearly untouchable driving force in the world. They know this and abuse the shit out of it.

Huh, jordan peterstein lied to me

fog their minds with drugs

Thanks. If you know any Jews who are amenable, you can send them to me for re-education. I have a camp where my followers and I teach them a new doctrine.

the same way all weak cowards fight

they work together with other cowards


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> Lesser
lol, if you think controling people with moral-less methods is ever great, you are not very different from jews.

True. They damaged the peace and love in this world.

Underrated post. One of the few non-retarded burgers left.

A decent person can't even think about the kind of cheating a kike does on a daily basis.

Why is this stupid as argument even still going on
>yeah they're amoral, tribal, and set against everyone that isn't one of them
>b-but they're slightly more intelligent so they can infiltrate and parasite on other nations
do you also think a tapeworm is superior to a human?

>1 post by this ID
>meme flag
>retarded premise
Yep, it's a slide thread.


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I don't think those two things are as contradictory as they may seem at first glance. It's like saying niggers are "good" at crime. The thing special about jews is that things get really complicated when $ is involved. Not that you 'd probably know much about money or thinking ahead by the looks of things. I don't think some who doesn't see a thief steal their car is an idiot which is basically the argument you are trying to make.

It takes honor, not intellect, to win at a prisoners' dilemma.

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>nazis are stooped
Has a nazi meme flag fuck of Goldberg

But it would kill the goyim too

>muh empathy
>we wuzzin
>"it's not fair! they're cheating!"

sad, you sound like literal niggers when confronted with Jewish power

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the counter to international jewry has always been universal and extremely easy to find

well no because we have good hygiene and modern medicine now

false dichotomy

Based and red pilled.

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Nice try kike but we all know that kikes have the power because of cheating and deceiving back during Waterloo, and the guilt card and carte blanche to do nepotism ever since the holohaux. Not level plain fields, not fair.

>lack of empathy
Yeah, whites are sure the masters of empathy.

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Our empathy has evolved through times while kikes and other subhumans have been the same heartless monsters throughout history. Just look at all the slaughteered children in Palestine. This couldn't happen in Europe or US anno 2018

>This couldn't happen in Europe or US anno 2018
Maybe because people aren't constantly firing missiles at you like Hamas.

>ugh, they didn't play fair in a setting that has no rules!

So juts because Hamas (Which btw you created and financed as an oppositions to the previous leaders) fires rockets at you that means you should murder children?
>Kike humanity at play
>>ugh, they didn't play fair in a setting that has no rules!
So lying about a major event that put guilt on whole europe is fair according to you? KYS
Also, Insidertrading get you in jail, manipulating markets and stocks get you in jail, but kikes always have carte blanche.

The kikes haven't outsmarted us yet.. at least.

>Which btw you created and financed as an oppositions to the previous leaders
Take off the tinfoil hat.
>that means you should murder children?
The children are collateral damage to Israel a lot of the time defending itself and? Hamas also uses human shields so that doesn't help.

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Lesser races have to use subversion for control. Where as whites have always conquered lesser races directly through warfare. Whites are at one of their lowest points in their history while all other races are at their highest, especially jews.

Jews have historically been oppressed as second-class citizens, haven't they? The Romans BTFOd their temple, Christians kept them at the bottom of society, etc. They've been thrown out a ridiculous number of times. It's only recently they've gotten a lead, isn't it? And that's mostly the result of nepotism + motivation to take high status positions rather than accepting a broader diversity of positions + subversion + literal traitors enabling them (partly due to Christianity it seems)

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>Take off your tinfoil hat
Hurr durr tinfoil, Inbred kike.
>The children are collateral damage to Israel a lot of the time defending itself and? Hamas also uses human shields so that doesn't help.
You gas children, use sarin gas like cowards against feudal weoponry because you're to chickenshit to let hamas fight you on the same level. When you're up against real weapon like in Lebanon 2006 you get btfo.

Lesser Races

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