Honest MGTOW Thread

In my opinion MGTOW is on a basic level performing a cost benefit analysis on relationships with women in the workplace, cohabitation ,marriage while regarding the state of modern society and it's gynocentric policies in that regard.

So why is it that Tradcons care so much about what other men do with their lives if they legitimately arent hurting anyone by their choice to avoid LTR?

Why is so much vitriol and ad hominem thrown about?

Despite all the biased laws like VAWA, MGTOW arent trying to push legislation, or even change laws, but to live freely without the unneeded stress of having their lives and livelyhood put at risk by a woman's emotions.

Even now a supreme court nominee is being accused of "almost rape" from 30 years ago by a woman with no recollection of when and where this happened, but this baseless accusation is delaying the process of swearing in a Supreme court justice. I can think of no finer example of why many men view women as more of a risk than anything.

So whats the real game here? Time and again the antmgtow crow show they dont really care about the men who opt for this philosophy, so why is there such a concerted effort to stop them, or at least demonize them?


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who the fuck searches how google " how to get a gf ", literally NPC tier question

Entire industries have been built around that question mang. Thats not even the 1000th weirdest question in google

A broad explanation is in Industrial Society and its Future. The system will protect itself no matter the cost.

>So why is it that Tradcons care so much about what other men do with their lives if they legitimately arent hurting anyone by their choice to avoid LTR?

The most important thing to know about tradcon morality is that it doesn't believe in live and let live. They're not individualists, they're collectivists.

>The system will protect itself

gimme the quick rundown?

>They're not individualists, they're collectivists.

that explain why theyre so obsessed with other men sacrificing themselves for their dream white ethnostate, kinda makes me think theyre in the beginning stages of becoming the new libtards

I'm married with a family and we're doing well enough. I don't attempt to force it on others, and I'm happy enough for you to make your own choices. I occasionally point out that not all women are the horror show these threads make them out to be, but I can't be bothered to demonize anyone. If you can find contentment without a family, excellent.

i doubt it

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thats fair

Guys go MGTOW because romantic relationships have become a bad deal. Romantic relationships have become a bad deal because of alimony, guys hitting on your wife on social media, etc. Those items are the products of modern society. People in modern society depend on its products, so you can't remove anything, only add on. Hence something like MGTOW, which returns man to nature a little by keeping modern society out of his bed and bank account, threatens everything. "Not getting along with your woman? Try googling a solution! Or buy couples therapy sessions!" And they can manipulate our minds through the technology that we depend on. Perhaps you've seen on Jow Forums the articles about disabling parts of the brain to make people welcome refugees.

Google question logs alone make me agree with our jewish overlords

Read siege. Fuck fucking. Shoot people.

i don't want a girlfriend or a wife

i just wish i was the kind of man that wanted those things, but i'm not

i don't even care about sex, i just want to have a cute girl on my arm at the annual thanksgiving and christmas parties with my family so i can be a family man with my cool cousins and their families

but that's not me, it never was me, it won't ever be me. i only care about food, money, videogames and occassional some books

don't know if that qualifies as MGTOW or if im just a genetic dead ender. oh well

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Lucky you for finding one of the 0.5% of women out there worth settling down with.

MGTOWs are under a misconception that women are supposed to be equal rational partners (like men, i.e. why homosexuality is on the rise). The reality is that women need to be dominated. Even a wife needs to be kept at arms length, emotionally. Failing to do so results in her having no respect for you. As far as I can tell, MGTOWs suffer from a (Western) romantic delusion that warps the reality of female psychology and presents and unattainable ideal female partner. This is the other side of the "men becoming feminized coin". It's "women being masculinized"...except they generally just can't cut the mustard, and men who buy into this scheme end up as either submissive onionboys or bitter MGTOWS.

women can crush on a whim if they desire so, they have the entire government behind them

you are naive and stupid beyond belief

To add on, maybe you can dominate a woman in Thailand, but not in our feminist courts.

>placing monetary gain above having offspring

>never learned how to train a dog.
>gets bit by dog.
>"you own a dog? that's naive and stupid. dog's can bite you on a whim."

They're trained from the cradle before we even meet them.

>MGTOWs are under a misconception
Lemme fucking stop you right there, nobody here beleives they're "equal rational partners." But what everyone KNOWS is that they're equal under the law, the only thing that fucking matters. And the long dick of the law will fuck you in the ass when she decides she's done with you, whether through family court or through rape accusation.

dogs can't accuse you of rape you fucking mong. they don't have the entire court system at their feet either
>zero arguments
>ad hominem
you are a fucking waste of time

>So why is it that Tradcons care so much about what other men do with their lives if they legitimately arent hurting anyone by their choice to avoid LTR?
Nobody cares if you dont want a woman
I do care that you spread lie like saying it is impossible to find a good wife and have a successful family

So marriage affords women too much rights. How about just not getting married? Why do men think they have to settle for completely swearing off women?

>The reality is that women need to be dominated. Even a wife needs to be kept at arms length, emotionally. Failing to do so results in her having no respect for you.

then what good are they? Im not in the business of trying to raise a child to raise my children.

>MGTOWs are under a misconception that women are supposed to be equal rational partners

again if they cant be partners then they are just dead weight living under a delusion that its a equal give and take relationship, if its anything but this its parasitism.

and fuck off thailand and take your ladyboys with you. You fuckers got the most feminized men there are, you hairless fucks. Our most beta and weak men go to your country to fuck your men.

you are not only retarded, you must be probably underage
don't you understand that women, married or not, can fuck your life on a whim?
Oh, I see, Thailand.
You really are a fucking mong after all.

>t. wife cucks him a few times a year

>How about just not getting married?
Because no father that cares about his daughter would let her shack up with some dude

>Biblical Reasons Why I Support Marriage Licenses

>just dominate them bro

>women are just like dogs

>no given reason why i shouldnt just get a dog rather than a wife.

dogs may bite you, but theyll never accuse you of abuse and take your shit now will they?

I think 0.5% is low. I know a handful of families with kids the same age as mine. They are rocks. Separation would never even be a consideration, let alone an option. They aren't somehow heroic, but they aren't casual about family. We don't have deep and explicit conversations about it, but it's obvious that we all take the responsibility seriously. I would call it maturity, but honestly, I don't feel all that mature in almost any other respect.

I'm not sure what the secret is. I used to think it was to find a woman who likes to build, who is curious about how the world works. But this doesn't characterize the other successful wives I know. As for myself, I play a long game, always. In my head, I know I'll be with my wife when I'm eighty. Certainly, we argue on occasion, but I have the good sense not to say anything that will linger, and I don't exploit the vulnerabilities I've learned over our years together. Oh, and let her sleep. It seems to be key.

Basically it’s another version of the “I am the captain” meme


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Fren me too

So many alphas in this thread
>Just slap her a couple of time bra
>Just dominate her bra
>Just show her her place bra

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>spread lie like saying it is impossible to find a good wife and have a successful family

noone says it impossible, just that its statistically unlikely and that ever man will get this perfect unicorn woman you tradcons keep meming in the face of opposing evidence

and the fact that even if you do meet this perfect unicorn ,., she can still fuck you over on a whim, hence the risk reward ratio doesnt change.

what irritates me most is the tradcon way of just throwing out anecdotal evidence, and thinking its the norm just because YOUR wife or gf hasn't rekt your shit yet.

That's because most of those couples are NPCs

I'll give you 1% tops though

most tradcons are definitely NPCs
they all blabber the same bulshit non-stop without stopping to think about the consequences for a second

>just that its statistically unlikely and that ever man will get this perfect unicorn woman
most of them are not even looking
they want some slut that puts out


> just throwing out anecdotal evidence,
ok how about pic related

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out of curiosity how long have you been married?

It is not hard to not get a divorce


> >ad homenim WAAA
>[uses ad homenim]
I admire your consistency

Anyways, you're a misogynist. You've given up on the idea that there is even a single woman on Earth worth partnering, which says a lot more about you than about women on the whole.

>Would rather raise a child by himself than with the help of a woman.
Or I suppose you don't want to have children at all? In that case, your MGTOW genes/memes will die with you. You've been completely demoralized, to think that the modern "ideal" male-female relationship that they are pushing in TV, music, movies, even (as you've pointed out) in law is superior to ancient wisdom on how men must treat women.

>Biblical foundation of marriage = government definition
There's the problem. Get married by a pastor who doesn't believe in divorce. No legal paper required. No leverage for feminism.

i gave you arguments you mongoloid gook piece of shit
you are choosing to ignore them
why don't you tackle the arguments instead of being a pussy faggot and deflecting/avoiding what's been said?

That's more like it. It could just be I've found myself a unique circle. If so, I don't know how it happened.

Sorry, I assumed you had self-respect. No self-respecting person would want their (their father's, mother's, grandfather's, etc.) DNA to die with them.

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Ten years. Together twenty.

The problem is then then man can leave any time he wants
No sane father would allow this for his daughter

MGTOW completely flew over Your Head.

"i refuse to play games"
I want a woman and I want Children. Its OK to submit to each other.
MGTOW is Men Going their own way.

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The problem isn’t the way all women, most women or even some women behave in a relationship per se. I optimistically perhaps assume as much as 2/3 of women are probably OK at least. The problem is that you don’t know which woman is the psycho underneath until you find out later. And contrary to tradcuck assumptions there is both no way to tell and when you’re wrong it’s too late especially in the current climate especially given that authorities random members of the public WILL be inclined to white knight and not give you a fair shake, it’s just human instinct, limited eggs unlimited sperm. Historically we had a male dominated government which balanced it out somewhat but we today we have a society running on female instinct to control men and acquire resources and male instinct to throw other men under the bus both to get pussy and to save the valuable Golden life birthing vagina.

It doesn’t leave the average ordinary guy in a good position

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>our son
They were both obviously degenerates
Why should I care?

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This is kind of a misunderstanding of genetics. You are not the end of a long singular line. You are a point on the surface of an interwoven sphere. All the surrounding points contain much of your genetic information, as do many elsewhere on the sphere. It's not lost because you don't have kids yourself. Your particular combination is, though.

>The problem is that you don’t know which woman is the psycho underneath until you find out later.
It is not hard to tell if you are not blinded by lust
Stop fornicating it clouds your judgment

Same. met her right around the time i've given up on women and just looked for fuck buddies.
2 children now and 1 on the way.
Don't give up...just DON'T waste your time on women that aren't good wife material. DON'T stay with someone just to fuck someone or try to 'fix them'

Ot isn't about finding the perfect unicorn woman you retard. Part of growing up is realizing that you can't.get everything you want. You aren't perfect, why would you deserve a perfect woman? Part of being in a real relationship is learning how to love somebody despite their faults just like they love you despite your faults. You work through conflict and learn to compromise.

Or just be a manchild forever and then suddenly realize you hate your life. MGTOW is the equivalent of the "cool wine aunt". AKA the crazy cat lady nobody likes. You think being a single gamer at 50 is going to be cool?


you just going to attack the western romantic legacy like that mohammad? really?

>real men get raped in court and even thrown into prison goy,
>be a real man and pay mr goldberg his lawyer fees
literally neck yourself you fucking mangina white knight

wow, a realist, materialist jew. some people still believe in romantic love!

>you just gotta uh, place your bets, just settle for what you can get, make a deal, strike a bargain, that ones got a missin leg but you can get a cheaper deal that way and she cant walk out on u so easy

t. roastie

>Lives in toothpaste land
>Thinks he knows anything about western gynocentric laws

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things happen to us that we think are gonna happen. if you tell yourself your wife cant be trusted and will fuck you over, its a self-fulfilling prophecy. if you cant train your wife to be a proper spouse then you don't deserve to have a wife in the first place. having a wife, breaking her down, and making her submissive is only for real alpha men, so that only real alpha men reproduce. its not a beta male childs affair.

You should go to doctor and run blood tests. Most likely you will visit endocrinologist and you will test your hormones level (testosterone, prolactin, estradiol, etc). Trust me, I had the same

marry a virgin
there are tons of them out there

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>anybody who disagrees with MGTOW is just an angry roastie
>no man wants to pass on his DNA
>be a good goyim and don't reproduce
>play video games forever
>spend all your money on important things like a (((car payment))) for a cool expensive car

>No sane father would miss the chance to enlist a tyrannical government as his daughter's bodyguard.
I follow you, but men need to have principles for the sake of the species; principles not based on sucking the government's dick. If my word before God isn't enough for her father to trust me, then he is not a spiritual man and his daughter is probably a degenerate. Anyways I've never been with a woman who demanded marriage, and I don't understand why MGTOW don't think they can just refuse on principle. A woman who doesn't respect a man with principles isn't even worth keeping. Also men without principles need to be beaten near death with sticks. This is how that father used to do his protective bidding, and it was more fair to the husband than the modern system (father wouldn't demand child support if his daughter cheated. actually she would be the one beaten near death with sticks)

WHere can I get a virgin that cant rape me in court,
take my children, my income,my house and my soul?

What fantasy world are you living in? The vast majority lose their virginity before even losing high school. The ones that make it through highschool without getting fucked, end up giving it up in college.

Any woman telling you that they are a virgin is almost certainly lying. Unless they literally lived in a cabin for the entirety of their life before meeting you.

Men don't spend much money. Women do. If they have a man at their side they can spend double the money they could alone. Bigger profit - simple as that. Since everything in this sorry excuse of a sociery revolves around money hating MGTOW on a commercial level is really not surprising...

>Its all your fault dude
>Just do better dude
>Why are you hitting yourself dude

>>anybody who disagrees with MGTOW is just an angry roastie
you have to remember they come from r*ddit where they are probably actually arguing with women

>If my word before God isn't enough for her father to trust me
People lie to God
Also why would he give his daughter to a man that is worried about divorce?


>The vast majority lose their virginity before even losing high school
you are not marrying the vast majority
You just need one

>your vote on the future of human DNA is just a drop in the ocean and thus isn't important.
gee I wonder what would happen if everyone applied this logical fallacy


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Jesus fucking christ that was the story i was hearing on /pol like a month ago where the bride wanted all guests to give 1500 but i didnt know she was so fucking insane. The whole thing starts off normal then devolves into pure insanity.

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I'm 98% sure the 17 yr old 9/10 qt3.14 I'm currently tutoring in Calculus is a virgin. She's actually pretty smart (she went to the national Odyssey of the Mind competition), basically an A- student who wants to guarantee straight A's. I feel like we work together more often than we really need to, but maybe she's just a TryHard and/or her parents are forcing her. Our conversations are pretty nature and she's always super friendly we me, but I also assume that's how she always is and I have a near 0 chance with her. I keep wondering if I should take a chance and try playing the long game with her, any advice? I'm 30 btw.

>changing what you said
My brother doesn't have children. My parents' DNA doesn't end with him, because I have children. My grandparents' DNA doesn't end, as my cousins have children. The spread grows as you step back.

>Husband lies to God
>Father kills husband
simple right?

>being anti-tyranny
>worried about divorce
So husband is marrying the daughter of a neocon? Scenario doesn't make sense. Read again what I said about principles.

yup got a problem?

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>why some guys arent buying the " im a chaste virgin bullshit"

Can't tell if this is just shit posting, or if you actually drank the koolaid.

>starts of normal
She tells you they have a kid together right in the beginning
That was enough for me to stop reading
>simple right?
That would give you more legal problems than a divorce
>Read again what I said about principles.
>Anyways I've never been with a woman who demanded marriage
So you admit you are not in it for life and want a way out

>e you don't want to have children at all? In that case, your MGTOW genes/memes will die with you.

> thinking thats how ideas work

>ancient wisdom on how men must treat women.

ancient wisdom says avoid them thats why old monks and monasteries are all abstaining males dipshit

The spread is most likely to continue indefinitely if 100% of your children have children. This percentage is relevant. The fact that you're arguing otherwise is retarded.
>This is kind of a misunderstanding of genetics
just fucking lol

>I know a handful of families with kids the same age as mine. They are rocks. Separation would never even be a consideration, let alone an option.

Sorry but I knew families just like that. One day the women proclaimed they had other guys and that they wanted divorce.
They had the perfect family life but thought one day that they aren't validated enough and left.
They never met their children, which lived with their fathers, within the next year or so, until their lawyrs told them that they need the kids for alimony. So no suddenly they want to have the children 100%.

tl;dr women are trash. even if you think they aren't

>No self-respecting person would want their (their father's, mother's, grandfather's, etc.) DNA to die with them.

doesnt work that wayy retard and what your doing is a emotional/social appeal which really has no bearing on the conversation.

I like many people was born from college students just fooling around, a stray shot of sperm. theres no legitimate legacy or anything inherently important about my dna as far as im aware.

thats a piss poor reason to have children.

>That would give you more legal problems than a divorce
So the problem is the government and not "roasties"? /thread
>So you admit you are not in it for life and want a way out
God never demanded that I give my nuts to the state. He's a bit anarchist, if you hadn't noticed.

You aren't going to achieve great wisdom. You are going to play video games and jack off 6 times a day to internet porn.

>MGTOW completely flew over Your Head.

how so?

I'm no expert myself, but I did have a similar start. My wife was my lab partner in an engineering class. Not to discourage you, but you may have to deal with some wary parents down the road, given your age difference.