Dear Texans, please vote this HYPOCRITE out in November!

Dear Texans, please vote this HYPOCRITE out in November!


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>subsidizing career women is family values

nice try cuck, but no

reminder to beta orbiters and boomers this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread

always type "sage" into the options field whenever replying to shill/slide/containment threads so it does not bump them

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Beto is a spook. #nocoupforyou

Abortion Barbie lmao

Sorry familycuck, no more tax credit gibs for you

Instead of giving tax credits, why don't we lower taxes overall?

You seem to have entered the wrong neighborhood nigger



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Ted Cruz is an establishment Republican, not a Libertarian. To suggest otherwise is political retardation.


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Beto will lose. I am so pissed that Rick Perry encouraged these out of work, out of state faggots into BASED Texas. Beto shit is everywhere, but Beto will lose.

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Family values means the woman stays at home with the kids. Not that she goes to work and then bitches about not getting time off

>700 word meme

The left may win a few short term battles by throwing #metoo allegations at everything that threatens them, but seriously how can we lose to these people?


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Hey user, I've been telling all of the pollsters I'm going to vote for beta, but I won't. Enjoy your "numbers"

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>unironically lurking occupy democrats

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>occupy dems

What kind of low-tier trolling/sliding is this?

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Fuck you faggot leftist shills

Texans love douchebags like Cruz as their senators. Please secede assholes.

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Everyone just calm down and vote Republican on Nov 6 and all will be fine.

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It's too late. The GOP primaries are over, and Democrats are unacceptable under any circumstances.

Supposed to work for Americans but puts Israel first
>If you do not stand with Israel and Jews then I do not stand with you
~Ted Cruz

Suck a fart I’d rather vote for a turd then a democrap

Robert O'rourke is a murderer
>he killed someone in a dui crash

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He might actually be black come to think of it. He was arrested for dui and for burglary.

How stupid do democrats have to be to think that they can beat the #cruzmissiles?

Exacrly. Better a disaster than a catastrophe.

Beta is a faggot.

>reminder to beta orbiters and boomers this button at the top of the thread on the left hides said thread
i do the same thing for any dems