Tick tock Ruth....tick tock

Tick tock Ruth....tick tock...

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The emperor is not ready for her to go. She must continue to do the evil acts in order for the balance to be maintained. SOMETHING SOMETHING DARKSIDE!

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After the red wave and before christmas.

Lol trump can’t even get kavanaugh in. Repubs just keep letting dems get away with more and more bullsht. So much for “winning”

JUST fuck my shit up senpai

Ruth Deadberg lol

foolish goyim I have enough foreskins to last me another 100 years!

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WELL SAID I was just thinking that

She will not live to see another summer day.

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God always gives the worst of the worst the longest lives. It's almost like he wants them to keep on sinning so he has more to punish them for after they die...

SCOTUS appointees have life appointment. You wanting her dead doesn't mean much. Are you planning to impeach her?

>blocks your death bed

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Trips decides when and how she dies.

She'll die before the year is out in an epileptic fit while shitting her pants.

You’d hope


I don't wish for her death but she's a piece of shit and I hope that Trump gets to replace her.


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47 minutes since this post was created

She will Die in October.

gerbil in the asshole

.22 to the brain.

Suicide-by-cop during the next State of the Union speech.

She will die in her sleep surrounded by family after retiring in January of next year.

Falls in the shower

That would be the biggest sign of life she'd exhibited in years.

Overdose on Anti Diarrhea medication.

To much wiping.

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By touching a CRT television.


Anal Fissures.

poision gas from britain but this time we catch the perp and find out russia is being smeared

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please no pics of her. have ptsd from when she raped me when I was 9.

>Lol trump can’t even get kavanaugh in.
he gets rejected and the next nomination will be even further to the right.

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Please let this miserable old crone die already


>an 85 year old has a 75% chance of living another three years


violent raping from a gang of antifa trannies and furry folk

user I pray you're joking but something is telling me you aren't.

Could Trump say or tweet something about her that upsets her so much she would die?

lefts are determined to turn a centrist judge into based Hitler, all for a 30 yr old nothing burger about a butt hurt prom date no one remembers

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She's going to outlive Trump.
Write it down and bet on it (if you want to lose)

She will literally outlive Trump.

These Republicans, including Trump, were brought in to REEEEE about Black President.
Obama is like water skiing and making millions and we're stuck with these carnival barkers.
This is like the Obamacare "Repeal & Replace."

There was no fucking replace plan. It's just dumb assholes who can convince other dumb assholes that being poor is better than a nigger POTUS.
Total fail.



After Trump.
Quietly in her bed.

trump will nominate alex jones next month when she dies.

Is her heart actually still beating? Do we have proof of this?

Kavanaugh catches her in the mop room, tackles her and when she attempts to scream he covers her mouth and whispers
they tried to warn us but did we listen

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God will strike her down with lightning

in 10 yeas, peacefully, with friends and family around her.

She dies whilst heiling hitler

Tomorrow, dies on camera


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to be honest what can actually qualify as living, and does she meet those requirements?
pic related

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meme it

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dont let this distract u from the fact that ill never have a qt hapa gf or a gf in general cuz i look like a manlet troll

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reported you for threatening a supreme court justice

Thursday, calling it

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How ironic would it be if the change up of her daily routine to accommodate all the press demands for interviews due to the mess the left has created over Kavanough ends up putting to much stress on her and croaks her.

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this, she will play the to sick to decide on a case, only a few times, but she will die attempting to keep up with the new blood

Literally the day after midterms. Heart attack. Cat 5 chimpout from left. Mass redpills worldwide. Kek wills it

in december by falling in the shower

december will be extra cold for RBG

dead on christmas from fisting herself to death to cp - found in the morning as a gift to us all

oh yeah, checkem

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Abused them death by Haitian nurse in February

fallen and she can't get up

While taking a fat dump, only to be found a week later still on the toilet.

lightning strike on a clear day

eh, probably during Trump's second term.

Quietly at home (except for a thud) from slip and fall.

anvil falls from the sky


Hyper AIDS

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Jesus she hasn't stopped growing since her appointment has she?

corncob to the anus



don't care
hope there is a rekt video of it though

Quietly in her sleep October 19th

Heart attack/ frozen in the DC blizzard this winter

Robbery gone wrong. Three dindus will break in to her house, kill her dog, rape and torture her for hours and then bind her and leave her upside down in a broom closet where she'll choke to death on her own vomit after having had raw oysters for lunch.

start a gofund to send her on a vacation at this Texas ranch i know

Easter day 2019

how DARE you, how absolute DARE you make fun of Judge Ginsburg...Saying she is going to die soon? She is perfectly healthy and FINE.

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She wont die till trump got impeached

She wont die until trump gets impeached!

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In a prison cell for her crimes against humanity. Coming very soon

"Accidental" homicide after a pack of niggers break into her house to rob her.
"Sheeeeiiiit, I only stabbed her a lil bit do' i's not try to kill dat bitch cuh"

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